作者: 黃季春 |
刊名: 中國園藝 |
期刊所屬國別: |
出版年: 1975 |
關鍵字: SNA處理;品質;產量;貯藏力;鳳梨 |
摘要: 在鳳梨菓實發育期中進行植物生長素SNA處理時,如處理時期太早,易使果皮粗糙或發生畸型果,處理時期太晚,又對於增大果實提高産量之效果不顯著,SNA處理之時期以謝花後卅天至成熟前四十天之間爲適,亦卽在果實之發育中期處理最爲理想。在鳳梨果實發育中期處理SNA時,果形增大,果重增加,肉色也較佳,但果心橫徑稍粗,果肉纖維變粗及糖度減低,尤以濃度愈大時愈甚,故製罐用鳳梨爲兼顧産量與品質,濃度以100ppm爲適。SNA在鳳梨果實發育中期處理時,採果後果實之貯藏力減低且易腐爛,尤以處理之濃度愈高者愈甚,故爲提高鮮鳳梨之品質及貯藏力,應禁止用植物生長素處理爲原則,但50ppm低濃度處理有增加果皮色之效果,且對品質及貯藏力之影響亦小,爲提高鳳梨春果之外觀,勉強可使用。在鳳梨菓實接近成熟前使用SNA,可增加鳳梨之貯藏力,其濃度以100ppm爲宜。 The optimum stage of fruit development of pineapple for SNA treatment in during the period from 30 days after flowering to 40 days before fruit ripening, i. e. during the middle stage of fruit development. If applied SNA too early will cause rough skin and abnormal fruit, and if too late will result no increase in fruit size and yield. The size, weight and flesh color of pineapple fruit can be increased or improved by SNA spray applied at right stage of fruit development. However, supra-optimal concentration of SNA will cause larger core in tile fruit, more fiber in the flesh and lower sugar content. The proper concentration of SNA for canning pine-apple in 100ppm. High concentration of SNA also decrease the storage life of fruit and cause rot. Therefore, it is not recommended for fresh pine-apple for export, except in case of spring fruit, 50 ppm of SNA will improve the peel color and with no adverse effect on storage of fruit. SNA spray applied in approaching mature stage can increase the storage life of pine-apple and 100ppm SNA is suggested. |
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