10 月
論文名稱: Gibberellin及修剪對巴西櫻桃(Eugenia brasiliensis L.)果實品質之影響 |
研究生姓名: 徐瑋宏 |
指導教授姓名: 顏昌瑞 |
出版年: 2019 |
學校名稱: 國立屏東科技大學 |
系所名稱: 農園生產系所 |
關鍵字: 巴西櫻桃;激勃素;植體營養元素;果肉率;Brazilian cherry;Gibberellin;Plant nutrient elements;Flesh rate |
摘要: 巴西櫻桃(Eugenia brasiliensis L.) 又名西班牙櫻桃,英文名為Brazilian cherry,屬桃金孃科 (Myrtaceae) 之亞熱帶常綠果樹,目前為台灣極具潛力之新興栽培果樹,但因其果肉率及可溶性固形物偏低,市場普遍接受率不高。本研究目的是以觀察植體營養變化,及施用激勃素(Gibberellin)與修剪對果實品質的影響以利往後栽培及研究發展之參考。試驗結果顯示,在礦物元素週年調查中,氮含量會隨著植株營養生長的增加而降低,在生殖生長期時則沒有太大的變化。磷含量的變化於1月花芽分化及3月盛花後開始結果時有上升情形,3至4月果實發育期間磷含量有下降的趨勢,之後於5月之後進入營養生長開始慢慢上升。鉀含量,於生殖生長期間隨著果實的發育有下降情形,隨後進入營養生長時慢慢上升。鈣含量於抽梢及花芽分化初期有下降情形,之後慢慢的上升,鈣含量會隨著葉齡的增加而增加。在第二個試驗中,經過激勃素處理的果實,除了速勃(GA3) 75 ppm處理及豪大果(GA4+7) 25 ppm處理的果重較低,分別為4.33 g及3.45 g,所有處理之果重皆高於對照組的4.52 g,其中以GA4+7-75處理最高為7.64 g。所有經激勃素處理果肉率及可溶性固形物含量都有上升,其中以GA4+7-50處理最好,有68%的果肉率及11.9 °Brix的可溶性固形物。在第三個試驗中,巴西櫻桃經過不同強度修剪後,其枝梢的生長、果實重、可溶性固形物及果肉率都與對照組沒有差異。綜合上述結果,巴西櫻桃葉片礦物元素週年調查可提供農民進行肥培管理之參考。激勃素處理試驗中,綜合果重、種子數、可溶性固形物及果肉率來看,以GA4+7-50處理品質最好。Brazilian cherry (Eugenia brasiliensis L.), also known as Spanish cherry, or Brazilian cherry, is a subtropical evergreen fruit tree of Myrtaceae (Myrtaceae). It is currently a potential new cultivated fruit tree in Taiwan, however, due to its low pulp rate and low soluble solids, the market acceptance rate is not high. Th goal of this research is to observe the changes in nutrient nutrition for future cultivation and research and development, and the effect of gibberellin and pruning on fruit quality. In the annual survey of mineral elements, the nitrogen content decreased with the increase of vegetative growth of the plant, but did not change much during the reproductive growth period. The change in phosphorus content increased in the flower bud differentiation (January) and after the flowering (March). Phosphorus content decreased during fruit development from March to April, and then began to increase gradually after vegetative growth in May. Potassium content, as the fruit developed during reproductive growth, and then gradually increased as it enters vegetative growth. The calcium content decreased at the beginning of the shoot and flower bud differentiation, and then slowly rose. Calcium content increased with increasing leaf age. In the second experiment, most treatment were higher than the control 4.52 g and the highest treatment with GA4+7-75 was 7.64 g, except GA3 75 ppm (4.33 g) and GA4+7 25 ppm (3.45 g). The flesh rate and TSS(Total soluble solids) content of all treatments increased. Among them, GA4+7-50 showed the best treatment, with a flesh rate of 68% and TSS of 11.9 ° Brix. In the third experiment, Brazilian cherries were pruned with different level. The growth of shoots, fruit weight, TSS and flesh rate were not different from the control.The results showed the annual survey of mineral elements in Brazilian cherry leaves provides a reference for farmers to manage their fertilizers. In the gibberellin treatment, fruit weight, seed number, TSS and flesh rate were the best in GA4+7-50 treatment. |
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