Comparison of Classification for Grading Red Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus Costaricensis)

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作者: Zilvanhisna Emka Fitri and Ari Baskara and Abdul Madjid and Arizal Mujibtamala Nanda Imron
刊名: Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro
出版年: 2022
摘要: Pitaya is another name for dragon fruit which is currently a popular fruit, especially in Indonesia. One of the problems related to determining the quality of dragon fruit is the postharvest sorting and grading process. In general, farmers determine the grading system by measuring the weight or just looking at the size of the fruit, of course, this raises differences in grading perceptions so that it is not by SNI. This research is a development of previous research, but we changed the type of dragon fruit from white dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) to red dragon fruit (Hylocereus costaricensis). We also adapted the image processing and classification methods in previous studies and then compared them with other classification methods. The number of images in the training data is 216, and the number of images in the testing data is 75. The comparison of the accuracy of the three classification methods is 84% for the KNN method, 85.33% for the Naive Bayes method, and 86.67% for the Backpropagation method. So that the backpropagation method is the best classification method in classifying the quality grading of red dragon fruit. The network architecture used is 4, 8, 3 with a learning rate of 0.3 so that the training accuracy is 98.61% and the testing accuracy is 86.67%.
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