108年度創新蘭花產業整合型計畫-仙履蘭Paphiopedilum spicerianum開花生理之研究

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計畫名稱: 108年度創新蘭花產業整合型計畫-仙履蘭Paphiopedilum spicerianum開花生理之研究
計畫主持人: 林慧玲
計畫編號: 108農科-1.2.1-糧-Z6(2)
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會農糧署
計畫執行機構: 國立中興大學
全程計畫年: 2019
關鍵字: 碳水化合物;仙履蘭;溫度;光周期;carbohydrate;slipper orchid;temperature;photoperiod
摘要: 仙履蘭又稱拖鞋蘭,為蘭科拖鞋蘭亞科(Cypripedioideae)植物可分為六個屬,其中,最廣為栽培利用的為芭菲爾鞋蘭屬。仙履蘭種類繁多,且以實生苗為主,目前較為市場化的仙履蘭主要有兩類:Maudiae type及Complex type。而在台灣最普及的原種則為Paph. spicerianum。仙履蘭之開花目前以自然開花為主,然其銷售量值受自然花期影響而波動,有必要進行開花生理及花期控制之研究。仙履蘭主要市場以外銷較具潛力,然穩定的開花率及穩定供貨為外銷必要條件,故須加強催花技術及花期調節之研究。本研究將調查仙履蘭Paph. spicerianum生育及開花情形,同時分析碳水化合物與開花之關係,並利用生長箱針對溫度、光週期等因子,調查期對開花及開花時間之影響,評估催花及花期調節之可能性。Slipper orchid is a group of orchids belongs to the Cypripedioideae. In the Cypripedioideae, there are 6 genus, and the most cultivated one is the genus Paphiopedilum . There are various species and cultivars of slipper orchids, most of them are seedlings, and the most produced and sold objects in the current slipper orchid market is: the Maudiae type and the complex type. In Taiwan, the most common slipper orchid species is Paph. spicerianum. The flowering control technique of slipper orchid is now unestablished. However, the production yield and trading price is fluctuated with the flowering time. Therefore, it is important to research on flowering phisiology and regulation techniques. The slipper orchid has more potential in export than in domestic market, but the stability of flowering rate and production is an important issue. It is necessary to do more research on flower forcing and regulation techniques. This research is going to investigate the vegetative growth, floral development, and flowering of Paph. spicerianum. At the meantime, analyze the carbohydrate content of the plants to evaluate the relation between flowering and carbohydrate content. Furthermore, this project is going to use growth chambers in different photoperiod and temperature control, to investigate the effect of temperature and photoperiod on flowering and flowering time of Paph. spicerianum, and evaluate the possibility of flower forcing and flowering period regulation.