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計畫名稱: 鳳梨耐逆境育種和降低果實酸度技術之開發
計畫主持人: 李堂察
共同計畫主持人: 陳京城
計畫編號: 102農科-9.2.2-糧-Z1(9)
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 嘉義大學園藝學系
全程計畫年: 2013
關鍵字: 鳳梨;品質;採後處理;採前處理;誘變;耐逆境;Pineapple;Quality;Postharvest treatment;preharvest treatment;Induced mutation;Stress tolerance
摘要: 本計畫主要在於鳳梨耐逆境育種和降低果實酸度技術之開發。本年度有 6個工作項目:1. 研究PE處理對提昇冬果鳳梨品質效果之研究。2. 研發採後熱處理以提昇冬果鳳梨品質之方法。 3. 探討熱處理前以甲殼素和水楊酸處理對鳳梨果實保鮮之效果。 4. 鳳梨黑心劣變與果肉內含物之相關性分析。 5. 測試培養基中羥脯氨酸之適當使用濃度。 6. 建立鳳梨癒傷組織誘導與增殖系統。This research project is aimed to Development of techniques for breeding of stress toperant and for fruit accidity Reducing of Pineapple.There are 6 experiment scheduled for this year.There are1. Effect of PE treatment before harvest on the fruit quality of winter pineapple.2. Effect of heat treatment on the reducing acidity of winter pineapple. 3. The storage life of pineapple fruit were by spraying different treatments including chitoson and salitydic acid evaluated before heat treatment. 4. Analysis of the correlations between blackheart disorder and fruit flesh compositions. 5. Test of the optimum concentration of hydroxyprolin in the culture medium for pineapple plantlets. 6. Establishment of a callus induction and regeneration system for pineapples.
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