摘要: 本研究設計鳳梨田履帶電動載具,以期協助催花及噴藥等作業之自動化,解決勞動力不足與缺工問題。鳳梨田履帶電動載具設計履帶作為車體之行走部,行走於鳳梨田的畦溝間,在畦溝寬度50 cm下以單行進行作業,電池選用48 VDC/280 Ah鋰鐵電池。車體行走速度初始設計為8.28 m/min,該機械操作藉由車體前端控制開關或搖控器控制鋰鐵電池行走方向。雛型機在不同場地試驗以不同載重行走所耗時間,經40次重複試驗及ANOVA統計顯示,同距離同場地測試行走速度下,以不同負載進行行走測試都具有影響力,呈顯著差異。由行走速度試驗於不同場地,同距離同負載測試行走速度經ANOVA分析,在不同場地上,行走速度具有影響力,呈顯著差異。由式中將得到履帶接地之長與寬以及空車重量代入,得到接地壓力為2219.8 kg/m^2。設定速度以不同距離(5 m、10 m、15 m、20 m)無負載下,柏油路試驗、草地試驗與田間試驗平均速度為8.46 m/min、8.04 m/min、8.43 m/min。This research paper is about a development of a tracked vehicle with mounted electromechanical system used in pineapple field to solve the lack of labor. It can be used to help urging and spraying. The crawler is designed to enhanced the use in ditches which no more than 50 center meters in a pineapple field. The track vehicle is designed with 48 VDC/280 Ah Battery that made by lithium and iron. The speed of the vehicle is designed in 0.138 m/s, and the speed and the direction can be control in the front of the vehicle. The spend time of the first vehicle in different places with different weights. Through 40 times of tested and ANOVA analysis, it shows in same distance and place but with different carry weight will have a impact. And in same distance with same weight in different places, the speed will have a huge difference. Substitute the length, width of the track and the weight of an empty vehicle into the formula, we can get the stress is 2219.8 kg/m^2. When the vehicle is without any weight on the top, and set the distance into 5m, 10m, 15m, 20m on the different road. The average speed that we get from this test is 8.46 m/min on the asphalt road; the average speed on the ground is 8.04 m/min; and the average speed of the field is 8.43 m/min. |