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作者: 黃榮瑞(Yun-Jui Hwang)
刊名: 中國園藝
出版年: 1971
摘要: 二月春果及四月夏果鳳梨花,花謝後45日在果實上噴施鳳梨聖3,稀釋200倍液各20cc,以不噴施爲對照,春果以2~4目變黃色,夏果以1~2目變黃色時採收,在15℃冷藏庫貯藏4日,再置於室溫下。貯藏後荷爾蒙處理區之失重比對照區爲大,果皮之轉黃色比對照區爲慢,貯藏力較弱,易於腐爛,糖度顯比對照區爲低,酸度高,肉色較黃,品質風味較劣。1. Pineapples were planted in 1968. Calcium carbide was treated in October 1969 while the plant hormones such as Feng-li-pau and Feng-li-shen 3, were sprayed in the middle of February (spring fruit) and the middle of April 1960 (Summer fruit), 95 days after flowering, respectively with the concentration of 200 times and the dosage of 20 cc for each fruit. The untreated plots were taken as check. Harvesting was based 00 the degree of ripening of the fruit that is 2 to 4 small fruits from the base, of fruit becoming yellowish for spring fruit while 1 to 2 small fruit 6 or summer fruit. Every six fruits were taken from each plot with four replications Fruits were packed into carton box immediately after harvesting and put in frozen storage under 15 ℃ for four days, and then taken out under room temperature. 2. More weight was lost on the fruits from the hormone treatment than that from the check during storing. 3 The skin Color of the fruit turning yellwish took more time in the hormone treatment than that in the check. 4. Storing potentiality of the fruit was weaker in the hormone treatment than that of the check because of easier to be rotten. 5. Sugar content of the fruit was much more in check than in hormone treatment, but acidity was a little higher 60 the hormone treatment. 6. Flesh color of the fruit was yellower fl hormone treatment than that of the check, however it fails in flavor.
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