摘要: 鳳梨「台農21號(黃金)」是由行政院農業委員會農業試驗所嘉義農業試驗分所,自母本C64-4-117('Smooth Cayenne' x「台農4號」)與父本C64-2-56('Smooth Cayenne' x 'Rough')之雜交後裔,歷經20餘年選育而成。經2005年6月通過農委會果樹品種審議委員會審議,命名為「台農21號」,商品名為「黃金鳳梨」。本品種平均果重1.34 kg,果實圓筒形,果肉黃或金黃色,肉質緻密,平均可溶性固形物18.9°Brix,無裂梗、果心斷裂及裂目(裂果)及肉聲果比例偏高等生理問題。果實採收適期為4-11月,貯藏性佳。Experiment Branch, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute in June 2005. The 'Tainung No.21 Gold' pineapple fruits were in medium size (1.34 kg on average), cylindrical shape, with a yellow peel at edible ripe stage. The pulp was soft, close texture, juicy, yellow to intense yellow, with high sugar content (18.9 °Brix on average) and intermediate to high acidity. This cultivar was not occurred stem-end splitting, pineapple core rupture and cracking peel. Fruits were harvested from April to November yearly. |