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計畫名稱: 高屏地區農民組織產品研發需求之研究-以鳳梨為例
計畫主持人: 陳明昌
計畫編號: 101農科-5.2.1-高-K4
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 農委會高雄區農業改良場農業推廣課
全程計畫年: 2012
關鍵字: 加工技術;鳳梨;農民組織;Food Process Technology;Pineapple;Farmer Organization
摘要: 本研究計畫擬針對高屏地區鳳梨產業產品研發之需求進行調查,並加以輔導。透過(1)調查高屏地區鳳梨產業之產品需求項目、技術特性及其發展模式。(2)配合農民團體開發加工產品需求,提供相關技術輔導及(3)鳳梨產品之行銷策略等各項調查研究及輔導工作,協助轄區鳳梨產業發展。This research project plans demand in view of theKaohsiung-PingtungDistric pineapple industry product research and development to carry onthe investigation, and counsels. By (1) investigates product of demanditem, the technical characteristic and the development model theKaohsiung-Pingtung Distric pineapple industry. (2) coordinates the farmerassociation to develop the processed products demand, providescorrelation technique counselling and marketing of strategy (3) pineappleproduct and so on each investigation and study and counsels the work,assists the area of jurisdiction pineapple industrial development.
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