
字體大小:A- A A+

計畫名稱: 高屏地區果樹品種改良
計畫主持人: 賴榮茂
共同計畫主持人: 邱祝櫻;李雪如
計畫編號: 93農科-1.1.2-高-K1(1)
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會高雄區農業改良場
全程計畫年: 2004
關鍵字: 印度棗;晚熟;選種;開花期;果實生育期;果實品質;番石榴;品質;Indian Jujube;Late Maturing;Selection;Flowering;Fruit Development Period;Fruit Quality;Guava;Quality
摘要: 高屏地區的熱帶果樹,為了不斷提品質提升產業的競爭力,以及分散產期,對早晚熟品種的需求非常殷切,因此進行相關的品種改良工作。本年度進行 1. 印度棗預期能利用實生苗選種法選育具晚熟性,能於2至4月採收,且兼具有櫥架壽命長、質優、豐產等優良特性之品種,提供農民種植,期能達成分散產期、延長供果期、提高農友收益之目標。期選育出早熟、品質優良、果實中等、無果實劣變及耐炭疽病之優良品系。 2. 蒐集產地及各機關優良芒果新品系,調查開花習性、果實特性及耐病蟲害情形;針對具有優良特性的品系進行區域試作,並觀察實生苗高接後生育情形。 3. 進行番石榴風味濃郁的品系與目前的少籽拔的雜交、後代選拔,及進行品種(系)的蒐集。完成有潛力品系(種)之雜交,預期選出較現有品種更具風味的優良品系,供產業種植。For raising competition ability of fruit industry by lifting quality constantly and dispersing harvest period, tropical fruit industry were eager for the early and late maturity varieties in Kaohsiung-Pintug area. The task of variety improvement were proceeded in this area. 1. Breeding and selection of superior varieties, the artificial and natural crosses will be applied among Indian jujube varieties in this experiment. Hybrid seeds obtained from different cross combinations will be propagated as seedlings for observations. 2. The new lines of mango will be collected from different locations and organizations. Characters of new mango lines such as flowering, fruit setting, pest resistance are investigated and the superior lines will be selected for regional trial. 3. To improve the flavor of guava varieties planting in nowadays, hybridization between the varieties with good flavor and customer popular in present were proceeded. It is expected to select a excellent variety with superior quality and provide to farmer cultivation.
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