摘要: 施用有機肥除了可改良土壤理化性質外,對養分的提供亦有莫大功效,本試驗可提供玉荷包荔枝園一般土壤性質下之最適量有機肥施用量,乃依果實品質及產量,評估玉荷包荔枝最適有機質肥料施用量。依作物各生長階段所調配出之最佳液體肥料可使鳳梨各項養分吸收均衡。試驗探討三年生蓮霧與番石榴合理的化學肥料施用量。並以不同草種進行草生栽培,以減少土壤水分及溫度劇烈變化而降低裂果率。另外為了瞭解介質長期使用後對文心蘭之影響,進行介質試驗,探討其對文心蘭切花品質及產量之影響。木瓜接種不同種源之叢枝菌根菌對水分逆境之影響,提供農民木瓜接種微生物肥料之參考。This study will be conducted to the influence of compost on improvement of soil properties,lychee quality and yield. The second study will be conducted to the application of manufactued liquid fertilizer whether can improve the quality and yield of pineapple or not. Experiments will be conducted to research the optimum fertilizer management on 3-year-old wax-apple and guava. We will plant different grasses on wax-apple orchard to reduce the crack percentage of wax-apple. Besides, we will proceed to media experiment to research the optimum media for Oncidium. The study will to evaluate the effects of different vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas on the moisture strain for papaya, and to provide the farmer reference of the papaya inoculated microorganism fertilizer. |