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計畫名稱: 開發農糧產業省工農機計畫
計畫主持人: 林子傑
共同計畫主持人: 朱健松;陳世銘;黃威仁;蔡燿全;陳勇全;黃文祿;江昭皚;曾見占;洪滉祐;張允瓊;楊清富;林正亮;洪昇利;雷鵬魁;陳澤民;尤瓊琦;苗志銘;盛中德;林連雄;王人正;陳加忠
計畫編號: 109農科-14.2.1-子-Z1
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會農糧署農業資材組農機肥料科
全程計畫年: 109
關鍵字: 農業機械;省工機械;智慧農業機械;Agricultural Machinery;Labor Saving Machinery;Intelligent Agricultural Machinery
摘要: 蔬菜種植、移植、除草、採收及收穫後處理機械之研發智慧型除草系統之開發本計畫為解決農村勞力不足並推廣有機農業生產方式,擬研發具有判斷作物位置及避讓功能之除草系統。該系統可附載於曳引機上進行農場上株間除草,預估可節省50%之人力。本年度之工作主要有進行雙行式除草系統之實地測試及效率評估、申請專利及技轉,並舉辦示範觀摩。穴盤有機葉菜省工化栽培收穫系統之建構蔬菜產業已被列為農委會重點缺工項目之一,其中又以種植與採收作業為最需人力 的工作,因此開發適用智動化與機械系統以改善缺工勞力至為殷切,本計畫針對設 施內穴盤有機蔬菜栽培,研製一套收穫與栽植系統,可自動收起穴盤、整列及蔬菜 採收,利用同一主機並可自動完成穴盤之舖植排放作業,可有效節省勞力,達到省 工之目的。108年度已完成穴盤收穫系統鏟盤角度改良設計試驗及鋪植系統穴盤放置順暢度改良試驗,本年度工作重點是穴盤有機蔬菜收穫系統蔬菜夾持整合測試與分析與改良、穴盤有機蔬菜鋪植系統修正與改良及穴盤有機蔬菜採收後分析。省工化嫁接整合系統之建構本年度目標為整合型省工嫁接生產系統之性能優化改進及系統商品化工作。所研製省工嫁接生產系統除於台灣進行說明推廣外,並預計積極開拓海外市場,因此年度將評估省工嫁接生產系統外銷至東南亞外銷至、南亞諸國之潛力與可行性。重要工作項目包括下列:1. 完成省工型嫁接苗癒合裝置之節能模式及效能評估,並提供最佳苗承載量建議。2. 完成果樹(百香果)應用於省工嫁接生產模式之適用可行性評估。3. 完成省工嫁接生產系統之推廣應用葉菜收穫處理機械之開發國內對短期葉菜的具有穩定的大需求,而近來少子化與人口老化同時衝擊著農業,農業的缺工已是一普遍的現象,短期葉菜產業的收穫作業對人力的依賴更是重,也由於在田中進行收穫作業時相當的辛勞,農民也顧不到工來幫忙。因此短期葉菜產業對收穫機的需求極高,目前也朝此努力中,但短期葉菜收穫作業對葉菜保持完整性的要求很高,此也造成收穫機開發不易。本計畫所研製的收穫機,主要是將長成的短期葉菜類,利用收穫機割刀進入土中作業含根一次挖掘,再將土振動留在田中,收穫的短期葉菜利用容器收集,再運搬到至理貨場或集貨場,進行後續的收穫處理包裝成為可送到拍賣巿場或通路的商品。另外本年度 本年度將所開發之葉菜收穫商品機技術移轉給廠商進行商品化運轉。無人化噴藥系統之開發蔬菜為臺灣最常見副食品,本國氣候四季皆適合蔬菜栽種,但隨著氣候環境改變,蔬菜感染病、蟲害問題日益嚴重,農民為了確保收穫,使用農藥噴霧等防治方法為最主要植物保護作為。常見小面積的農田多以人力背負噴藥桶進行噴藥工作,大面積的農地則採用小貨車搭載高壓噴霧機,用拉管方式進行噴灑作業,但近年氣候的改變、個人健康意識抬頭,目前很難覓得工人願意從事勞力工作且勞動條件太差常常造成農業缺工問題。本遙控式無人噴霧系統之研發,不僅能夠減少工作人員勞力支出及受到農藥的健康危害,還能更精準的控制噴藥量,讓施藥作業兼顧作物、人與環境的保護。本遙控式無人噴霧系統之特色主要可以遠端遙控噴藥車進行田間作業,透過即時影像等感測器訊號的回饋即可遙控噴藥系統進行變量控制,增加農藥得有效性並藉此減少噴灑藥劑對人體的傷害與環境的污染。經過第二年計畫的執行後,本年度規劃以電動履帶載具及變量噴藥技術性能提昇為主要目標,特別是無人車路徑規劃及施藥精準度之改進。 塊苗式蔬菜移植機之研製近年來蔬菜採移植式栽培日益普遍,因移植式栽培使植株行株距均勻一致,蔬菜生長空間充足,養份及水份更容易均勻分配。不但縮短本田栽培時間,對於提高蔬菜之產量及品質有極大的助益。目前的移植作業均仰賴人工為之,但農業缺工日益嚴重,不但僱工成本逐年增加,甚至面臨無工可僱的窘境。為改善缺工的衝擊,本計畫開發塊苗式蔬菜移植機,以機械化取代人工移植作業,提高作業效率,降低生產成本並舒緩勞力不足的問題。雜糧特作作物採收後處理機械之研發雜糧貯藏監控系統之開發 嚴究將導入物聯網及智能管理技術於雜糧貯藏區域建置監控系統,並以雜糧作物花生為主要施行對象。本計畫將於落花生貯藏地點,建置環境監測系統及貯藏環境控制系統。本年度將建置貯藏監控系統之雲端管理平台,並針對雜糧(落花生)貯藏環境建立標準化管理調控模式,所有軟硬體項目彙整測試後,將於建置區域試行自動化環控系統。整體計畫開發完成後,未來透過全自動化的環境監測及管理控制系統,可改善傳統使用人工監控貯藏環境之情況,預期能有效節省貯藏管理之人力成本,並進而能提升花生貯藏品質及延長花生保存期限,並能降低黃麴毒素等有害物質之產生機率。高含水率雜糧快速檢測技術及水分計之開發應用高品質的雜糧在採收、儲運與加工各階段均須維持一定的乾燥程度,以防止黴菌的孳生造成黃麴毒素等病毒蔓延,嚴重影響市場價值與加工品質。因此的雜糧含水率是計價、倉儲與加工各作業階段須嚴格檢測與監控的重要參數,而高效率的含水率檢測裝置或機制才能滿足前項之作業需求。由於現行之雜糧採收、計價與倉儲多非田間鮮果,生產者需自行前處理,費時耗工又須承擔環境風險,因此若能採行與稻穀收系統一般,產地鮮果直接繳送,不但能省時省工降低生產成,更有儲運品質保障之利基;然而目前國內尚無通用型雜糧含水率快速檢測之商品或研發,故本研究本年度擬將所研發,採行TDR(Time Domain Reflectometry)與FDR(Frequency Domain Reflectometry)含水率檢測理論之雜糧含水率快速檢測系統,與乾燥與儲運管系統進行整合,協助完成遠端即時檢測資料之傳輸功能,而小型化的檢測系統設計亦為本年度的計畫目標。雜糧特作作物省工機械之開發茶葉為重要的雜糧特作作物之一,茶葉採收缺工問題嚴重,不但工人不足與老化,而且需工時間重疊,延誤茶葉採收造成品質與價格大幅下跌,人工採茶尤其耗工,手指與茶莖長時間拉扯摩擦造成食指受傷,目前無論是加裝刀片協助採收,或者使用單人機採皆無法兼顧手採茶菁品質與效率,有效解決缺工問題。 本計畫根據現有之雙人採茶機,改良其缺點,擷取其優點,專注在單茶道而非跨茶道之採收模式,並強調人機協同之功能,強化與人搭配採收部分,讓此機器在台灣茶園能有較廣之使用泛用性,且能讓台灣農民方便操作上手,除此之外,在價格上也希望不要太過昂貴,最終目的希望此茶葉採收機器能夠展現智能農業機械之潛力,達成解決採收缺工之目標,並提升整體茶葉的經濟產值,同時進一步進行商品化設計,配合政府南向政策與臺灣農機廠商合作,推廣至東南亞主要的茶葉生產國。二段式雜糧特作作物乾燥系統之建立台灣是米食國家,目前自給率超過100%;而紅豆與落花生自給率約介於80-90%之間,但未來經貿自由化後,相關貿易之障礙可能取消,紅豆與落花生等產品之產量與自給率可能會下降。為提升糧食準備率及提升轉作之效能,雜糧之生產,日漸受到重視,然而要將糧食乾燥至安全的含水率,以保新鮮與品質。雜糧收穫季節,時常會遇到下雨,是以傳統之日曬法,會無法快速達到所要求的保存條件(含水率過高),且農民老化且雇工不易,更增加作業難度。本研究擬以二段式的乾燥方法,先將雜糧快速的降至合理的含水率(落花生含水率50%→30%→12%),希望所短乾燥時間至一日(24h)之內,同時考量最適化之乾燥模式,再進一步,進行省工化之設計,最終目標為規劃二段式之乾燥中心,以達到有效率的處理雜糧,提供國人安全的食物。108年度已完成落花生二段式乾燥之建立與試驗,並完成落花生乾燥中心之規劃。本年度進行落花生最適化乾燥模式之建立與試驗,並將此套模式加入於落花生乾燥中心進行整體性評估。鳳梨種植、管理及收穫機械之研製鳳梨收穫機械之開發 本研究以鳳梨產業生產機械化之一條龍規劃為目標,研製與改良策略著眼於鳳梨生產作業中之省工省力、經濟效益及提升國際市場競銷能力。本項子計畫進行鳳梨選果型人機協同採收作業之省力省工機械開發,結合採收作業模式輔助從業農民,能有效提升收穫作業中之採收及搬運效率、降低勞力需求、減低繁雜工作量。開發鳳梨採收機械預期產生可取代4人力,作業效率提高約5倍,機械化作業並直接提升青農投入產業意願。可減輕傳統鳳梨產業之採收與集運所需之行走、揹負等作業勞力負擔,降低收穫作業成本約20%。每部商品化機可節省人工成本約年省120萬元(4人x2.5萬/月x12月=120萬元)。鳳梨種植機械之開發本計畫目的在設計試造與改良一台自走半自動鳳梨種植機,期能促進臺灣地區鳳梨栽培與種植機械化,以降低鳳梨生產成本,並解決農村勞力缺乏的問題。本鳳梨種植機係以80馬力曳引機為原動機,該機由兩人操作,一人負責種植,另一人管理鳳梨幼苗兼任駕駛。本半自動種植機可達到節省人力與生產成本之優點。鳳梨田間管理機械之開發應用已開發具機動性之田間噴灑(水)、噴藥(含電石水及益劑)與畦溝中耕除草及施肥結合的鳳梨田間管理商品示範機,再結合其他功能附屬機構,以利鳳梨田間管理完全機械化,舉辦示範觀摩會,技術轉移,推廣給鳳梨農民應用,降低 人力及生產成本,促使鳳梨產業具有契作經營理念,擴大契作面積(生產 合作社或公司),解決國內農村老化人力缺乏現象,保障農民收益,確使國內鳳梨產業永續發展,且進軍國外(新南向國家)市場進行展覽、示範觀摩及推廣銷售。完成開發一台高架式具機動性之中耕除草、施肥機構、噴灑(供水)及噴藥(含電石水及益劑)等機具的鳳梨田間管理商品示範機,以利鳳梨田間管理完全機械化,專利申請及技術轉移,並舉辦示範觀摩會,推廣給鳳梨農民應用,降低人力及生產成本,促使鳳梨產業具有契作經營理念,擴大契作面積(生產合作社或公司),解決國內農村老化及人力缺乏現象,保障農民收益,確使國內鳳梨產業,進軍國外市場及永續發展。農機研發成果調查及產業發展策略分析本研究將逐年分批檢視並盤點台灣過去在農業機械已有之研究發展成果,分析探討其發展背景及潛力,並擬定農業機械產業發展之策略,期能舒緩台灣農業人口之嚴重缺工及生產力不足之問題,提升農產品品質、安全之市場需求。本年度之工作重點將調查雜糧生產用農業機械研究成果。Machinery Development for Planting, Transplanting,Weeding, Harvesting, and Postharvest of VegetablesDevelopment of an Intelligent Weeding SystemFor solving short labor issue involved in agriculture and promoting the production of organic farming, the intelligent weeding system with the crop position detection and keeping away from crop mechanism will develop in this project. The system can be loaded on tractor to achieve an intra-row weeding in the field. Fifty percent of labor will be saved if used the developed system to weed. This year's work mainly consisted of field test and efficiency evaluation for double line weeding system, patent application, technology transfer, and holding demonstration.Design and Develop a Labor-Saving Cultivation and Harvest System for Organic Perishable Vegetable in PlugsHarvesting operations have been listed as one of the priorities of the COA. To improve the lack of labor and other issues,it is highly demand to develop suitable machine. The project for the plug organic vegetable cultivation methods. The development of a harvest system and clean-up system and analysis of organic vegetable cultivation management and profit and loss investigation. Harvest system can automatically put away the plug, the whole column, stack and crop harvest, In addition to planting, the plug of the shop, the discharge of automated operations. Can effectively save labor to achieve the purpose of the provincial workers to enhance production and improve product quality and enhance market competitiveness. The work we should focus on this year is analyzing, testing and improving clamping vegetable of the organic vegetable harvesting system. Improving the organic vegetable planting system and analyzing the organic vegtable of plug tray after harvesting.Integrated Labor-Saving System in Grafted Seedling ProductionThe objective of 2020 is to optimize and improve the performance of the integrated labor-saving grafting production system and to commercialize the system. In addition to the explanation and promotion of the labor-saving grafting production system developed in Taiwan, and it is expected to actively explore overseas markets, the potential and feasibility of the export of labor-saving grafting production systems to Southeast Asia and South Asia countries. The major work items include the following: 1. Complete the energy-saving mode and efficiency evaluation of the labor-saving type grafted seedling healing device, and provide recommendations for the optimal seedling carrying capacity. 2. Complete the appraisal of the application feasibility of the fruit tree (passion fruit) applied to the labor-saving graft production mode. 3. Complete the promotion and application of the labor-saving grafting production system.Development of Harvesting and Processing Machinery for Leaf VegetablesThe demand for short-term vegetables is very huge and stable in Taiwan. Recently, the low birth rate and farmer ageing have very significantly impact in agriculture. The lack of labor is a common problem in local agriculture. The industry of short-term vegetables needs lots of labor to proceed the harvesting works. Due to the work to be tedious and hard in field, farmer is difficulty to find or hire extra labor to do the harvesting work. Therefore, the demand of a useful harvester for short-term vegetables is very strong. Now several projects have worked on related subjects. The harvesting work of a harvester for short-term vegetables has been demanded to harvest an intact plant, which cannot have any flaw. This requisite makes the development of a harvest for short-term vegetables to be very difficult. In this project, a harvester of short-term vegetables will be developed. It will dig the whole plant from soil and loose the attached soil back to field. The plant will be transported into a container, which will be transported to a processing yard later. The harvested products will be further treated to become commercial products, which will become a commercial product in auction market or retail channels. This year, the technology is transferred to the manufacturer for commercial operation.  The development of unmanned spraying systemVegetables & Fruits are the most common non-staple food in Taiwan due to the local climate is suitable for both plants to growth. However, the high air temperature and moisture in planted environment resulted in the diseases occurred in field. Pests control is becoming more and more serious problem for farmers. In order to increase the income of agriculture products, the usage of pesticides and prevention materials are the main means for growers to control the disease disperse. In common, local farmer employed a human bear spray barrel for spraying a small area of the farmland. For a large area of farmland, the truck equipped with high-pressure spray machine is used to replace the manpower, with the help of spray tubes two or more farmers can work together to spray the pesticide more efficiency. In recent years, the global change of climate to more hot and rainfalls, it is hard to find workers willing to engage in labor to stall in fields because of health consciousness, The research and development of remote control sprayer machine is more important, this automatic machine not only can reduce the harm of staff and labor cost by pesticides, but also to achieve more precise control of spraying. Considering the necessary of crop spraying, to protect people and the environment, research on remote control electrical power sprayer with remote controller is required for crop fields. The functions of this machine is the control of flow rate of pesticide through instant plant image or other important information from the sensors and decision-making algorithms from the captured data. Based on the previous developed technology and experience (2ed year project), the main goal of this proposal is to improve and test the performance of prototype remote controlled electric power sprayer car. The main power of the sprayer is electrical power motion with batteries and the driving mechanism is the creeper. Especially the improvement of the accuracy of variable spraying technology. The development of vegetable transplanter with soil block seedlingIn recent year more and more vegetable growers transplant seedling to cultivate vegetables, transplant vegetables make uniform spacing in field, the vegetables have sufficient growth space, the fertilizer and water distribute more uniform. Therefore, not only shortens the cultivatetime in the field, but also promote the quality and yield of vegetables. Currently, transplant operation relies on manpower, but the shortage of agricultural work is growing, not only does the cost of employing workers increase year by year, it even faces the dilemma of no employment. To improve the impact of absenteeism. This project will develop soil block seedling vegetable transplanter , to promote the transplant operation efficiency, decrease the cost of production and relief the shortage of labor.Development of post harvesting machinery for grain and speciality cropsThe development of environmental monitoring and control system for grains The environmental monitoring and control system for grain storage area will use internet of things(IOTs) and intelligent management technology. The storage for peanut is the research target. The environmental monitoring system and control system will be established at the storage area of peanut. In this year, the researchers will focus on the development of cloud management platform for the monitoring and control system, and the management and control model will be setup for the grain (peanut). After the testing of hardware and software for the system, the monitoring and control will be evaluated at the testing area. After the development of this project, the automatic monitoring and control system for peanut storage management will be implement. The system will decrease the labor cost of storage management and improve the efficiency of management. Moreover, the intelligent management system will improve the storage quality and extend the expiration date of peanut, and the probability of occurrence of aflatoxin will decrease.Development and application of the prompt detection technique and moisture meter for high moisture content upland cropsUpland crops of top-quality requires drying them enough to prevent growth of fungi and aflatoxin that can seriously decrease their market value. Therefore, Moisture content (MC) in upland crops is an important parameter to be measured and monitored at various stages while upland crops is in valuation, storage and industrial processing. High efficiency MC detection devices or processes are needed to satisfy these works. In current harvest, evaluation and storage processes, upland crops were deal with by manual judgement and pretreatment, and the cost of production and environmental risk increase simultaneously. As the porotype system for the moisture content prompt detection system has been built up by TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) and FDR (Frequency Domain Reflectometry)mehod for upland crops, this project tries to integrate this high moisture content prompt detection system with drying process ,storage and transportation  management system of  upland crops. Minizaion of this moisture content prompt detection system is another mission of this project in  this year.Development of a Labor-Saving Speciality Crop MachineryTea is one of the important special crops of miscellaneous grains. The problem of lack of labor during tea harvesting is serious. Not only the shortage of workers and aging, but also the overlap of working hours. Delayed tea harvesting causes quality and price decline. Manual tea harvesting is particularly labor-intensive. The forefinger is injured due to the shortened pulling friction of the tea stem. At present, no matter whether it is installing a blade to assist in harvesting or using single-person harvesting, the quality, and efficiency of hand-picked tea cannot be taken into account, which effectively solves the problem of a labor shortage. The double tea picking machine improves its shortcomings and captures its advantages. It focuses on the single tea ceremony without cross-tea ceremony harvesting mode and introduces the function of man-machine collaboration to strengthen the harvesting part with people so that this machine can be used in Taiwan's tea gardens. It has a wide range of versatility and can make Taiwan farmers convenient to operate. In addition, it is also hoped that the price will not be too expensive. The ultimate goal is to hope that the tea harvesting machines can show the potential of intelligent agricultural machinery. Achieve the goal of solving the shortage of harvesters and increase the overall economic output value of tea. At the same time, further, commercialize the design, cooperate with the government ’s southbound policy and cooperate with Taiwanese agricultural machinery manufacturers to promote it to major tea producing countries in Southeast Asia.Development of two-stage grain drying systemRice is the main food crop of Taiwan and the self-sufficiency rate is over 100%. The self-sufficiency rate of red beans and peanut is about 80-90%. The trade barriers may be canceled due to the future economic and trade liberalization. The self-sufficiency rate of red beans and peanuts and other products may be decreased. In order to improve the grain preparation rate and enhance the efficiency of the conversion for field, the production of grains has been paid attention gradually. Then, it is important to make grains be dried to a safe moisture content to ensure freshness and quality. In the grains harvest season, it often encounter rainy days. It would not be able to quickly achieve the preservation conditions (moisture content is too high by traditional method with sun). In this study, two-stage drying method was adopted to reduce the fresh water content to the reasonable water content (50% → 18% → 12%). The drying time will be adjusted under 24 hours. The most appropriate drying mode will be developed. Furthermore, the equipment and procedures will be studied for labor saving. The ultimate goal is to prepare a two-stage drying center for efficient processing of grains. It will provide safe food for peoples.Development of pineapple cultivation, management, and harvesting machineryDevelopment of pineapple harvesting machinery This research aims at the planning of the production of mechanization ofthe pineapple industry. The development and improvement strategy focuseson the labor saving, economic benefits and the promotion of internationalmarketing ability in the production of pineapple. Mechanizationimprovement in the production process, in addition to effectivelyreducing labor dependency and production costs, improved operationalefficiency, reduced collision damage and the replacement of heavy work,will help young players to invest and enhance the international marketcompetitiveness. This sub-project carries out the development of laborsavingand labor-saving machinery in the harvesting operation ofpineapple, and combines the harvesting operation mode to assist theemployed farmers, which can effectively improve the harvesting andhandling efficiency in harvesting operations, reduce labor demand andreduce the complicated workload. The development of the pineappleharvesting machinery is expected to replace 4 manpower, and the workefficiency will be improved by about 5 times. The mechanized operationwill directly increase the willingness of the farmers to invest in theindustry. It can reduce the labor burden and harvesting operation cost ofwalking, carrying and other operations required for the harvesting andtransportation of the traditional pineapple industry by about 20%. Laborcost savings of about 1.2 million yuan per year (4 people x 25,000 /month x December = 1.2 million yuan).Development of pineapple cultivation machineryA self-propelled planting machinery was designed and constructed for thepineapple growers in Taiwan in order to mechanize pineapples plantingmachinery and solve labor shortage. It is equipped with a 80 Hp tractorengine as power unit. Two operators are needed to run this plantingmachinery. One is charged to drive the machine as to shift a row ofpineapples, and the other is just responsible to shift a row ofpineapples seedlings. This machine simplify the operating procedues andsave labor.Development of pineapple field management machineryThis research is to develop a multifunctional riding pineapple field management machine, based on the design concept of "one machine serves several purposes". The machine comprises one elevated mobile special purpose machine for pineapple field management, spray and chemical spray mechanism and system (attached to the front side of machine) and a four-row rear-mounted pineapple field inter-till manuring mechanism (attached to the backside of machine). After testing many fields, the optimal working speed of inter-till manuring and weeding mechanism is 1.95km/h, the working area is 2.75 fen/h, i.e. The working area per 8 hours a day is 2.2 jia. According to the operational performance test for the spray (chemical spray) mechanism and system, the working area per hour is 6.18 fen. The working area per 8 hours a day is 4.944 jia.Confirm every variety pineapple and plant the spacing in the rows of conduct, find out about the growth course of the pineapple and necessary homework of the field management, plan to dispose, design and manufacture, inter-till weeds of the pineapple field and apply fertilizer in the organization, spray (supply water) and gush out medicines (including carbide water and benefit pharmaceutical) organization and system, proceed to test the machine, modification and farm work, finish developing one and having mobility and multi-functional specialized machine of field management of pineapple, mechanize totally so as to pineapple field management, apply for the patent and transfer the technology, hold demonstration theatre party, popularize the application to peasant of pineapple, reduce manpower and production costs, impel the pineapple industry to have the idea of contract management, expand the area of the contract (produce the cooperative society or company) ,solve both the aging problem of the domestic countryside and the phenomenon of the lacks of the manpower, ensure peasant's income, promote the domestic pineapple industry and march into the overseas market and develop it continuously forever.Strategy Analysis and Survey Study on Compiled R&D Results and Future Development of Agricultural MachineryIn this project, the agricultural machinery achievements researched in the past year will be surveyed and checked in batches and every year. The developmental background and its potential of agricultural machinery will also be analyzed and surveyed to draft the strategies of industry development, expect to retard those serious problems of short labor and insufficient productivity in agriculture, and promote the requirements of quality and safety for agricultural product in market. The agricultural machinery achievements for grains & special crops production will also be collected and surveyed in this year.
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