摘要: 本試驗目的探討金煌芒果果實生理劣變之原因, 並尋求有效之改善方法, 同時建立葉片及果實礦物元素週年變化之基本資料.由本試驗已完成之結果顯示外施鈣肥雖可減輕果實劣變率, 而果實內鈣含量卻無法有效提升.利用不同砧木嫁接金煌接穗, 結果發現其中以紅龍為砧木金煌接穗葉片鈣含量較高.今年度擬針對嫁接後金煌果實鈣含量之提升及採收後果實劣變改善效果進行評估.此外, 果實後熟速度之一致性亦可改善劣變率, 其中以比重1.03之成熟度果實配合28℃溫度催熟3天, 可得品質佳, 劣變率低之果實品質, 掛樹人工催熟亦可提高果實品質減少劣變比例.利用不同套袋顏色以造成不同袋內微氣候, 可提高果實品質, 本年度擬詳細調查不同套袋顏色對果實成份之影響並訂定適當之催熟條件調查對生理劣變之改善效果。The objectives of this experiment were to investigate the softnose, a physiological disorder, of`Ching Hwang'mango fruit, and to determine the trend of seasonal changes of the leaf and fruits mineral nutrition.Results showed that calcium fertilization reduced the rate of softnose, but had no effect on increasing the Ca content in fruits.We also investigated the abilities of mango cultivars in the uptake and transport of mineral nutrients with special emphasis on the selection of high calcium-absorbing rootstocks.The findings will be used as a guideline for the choosing of a suitable rootstock for`Ching Hwang'which is a deficiency-prone cultivar and to clarify the relationship between Ca deficiency and preharvest deterioration.In addition, the uniform of ripening rate could reduce fruit deterioration.Matured fruits with a gravity of 1.03, forced ripening with ethrel for 3day at 28℃, had the lowest rate of deterioration those the best post-harvest quality.Forced ripening on the tree had same effects.Different color bags will be used this fiscal year to create different microclimate for individual fruit in order to study the improvement the quality and composition change of`Ching Hwang'mango fruit. |