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計畫名稱: 重點國產水果生產技術及提升外銷競爭力之研究
計畫主持人: 官青杉
共同計畫主持人: 陸龍虎;王怡玎;林榮貴;鄧永興
計畫編號: 95農科-1.3.2-農-C2(5)
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 農試所嘉義分所園藝系
全程計畫年: 2006
關鍵字: 鳳梨;荔枝;採收後處理;貯運;預冷;Pineapple;Lychee;Postharvest Treatments;Transportation;Precooling 
摘要: 1. 規劃出各地區各品種的最適合生產季節,建立各品種的栽培管理模式,生產高品質果品,達到『適地適種』的目的,避免產區間相互競爭,有利於內外銷市場之拓展,增加農民收益。改善鮮食鳳梨貯運品質,防止鮮食鳳梨貯運失重或腐損,延長貯運櫥架壽命,提高產品價值以提昇外銷競爭力。建立適合鳳梨外銷處理流程之採收後處理機械。 2. 本計畫完成後預期可把玉荷包荔枝之產期分散於5-7月,南部地區調節於5月上旬至6月中旬,中部地區產期調節於6月中旬至7月中、下旬。本計畫之執行具有穩定荔枝產業發展,及調節出貨量及價格之效益。 3. 空、海運外銷荔枝採後處理作業流程之研究:改變現行荔枝採收後零亂的處理作業,成為前後緊密配合的一貫流程,協助產業拓展,確保外銷荔枝的到貨品質。1. Studies on the design on planting suitable cultivars in production area and the post harvest handling technology improvement in pineapple fruit industry in Taiwan: The goals of pineapple program are to design the suitable cultivars, which adapt for different production area base on the direction of marketing benefit, and provide the possible management practices for these areas. The program will increase the income of pineapple growers in Taiwan. Improvement on postharvest handling technology of pineapple fruits: Different postharvest treatments will be tested on pineapple fruits, including grading, chemical treating, waxing, packaging, and transportation temperature control. The effects on fruit decay control and on fruit quality changes will be studied. 2. The goal of lychee program is to extend harvest period from one month of the present: time to three months in future, the experiment will be conducted in four region, that are Pintung county, Chianghua county, Taichun county and Nantou county. In order to adjust floral initiation time, it will be response to pruning time and timing control of last flushing, four different pruning time are designed as follow: June, 15; June,30; July, 15 and July, 30. Soil and leaf sampling will be carried out prior to blooming for nutrient management. 3. Improvement on postharvest handling technology of Litchi fruits: Different postharvest: treatments will be tested on Litchi fruits, including grading, packaging, precooling, and transportation temperature control. The effects on fruit decay control and on fruit quality changes will be studied.
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