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計畫名稱: 農作物生產管理及收穫後處理機械與自動化設備之研發
計畫主持人: 鍾瑞永
共同計畫主持人: 謝禮丞;黃柏昇;張光華;陳世銘;陳澤民;黃政龍;黃文祿;葉仲基;鄭榮瑞;張金元;林福源;黃國祥;王豐政;謝廣文;陳加忠
計畫編號: 105農科-8.3.1-子-N1
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會臺南區農業改良場作物環境課
全程計畫年: 2016
關鍵字: 自走式;驅猴預警系統;乾燥;高接梨;削皮;落花生鮮果莢;快速檢測;自動化;育苗栽培;溫室;甘藷;農機;蔬菜收穫機;作物;遙測;初級選別機;劃切機;粉介殼蟲;芒果;插植;收穫;有機大豆;電動式;自走式;收穫機;可分解穴盤;收穫機;含水率;芥菜;影像;番荔枝;清除機械;設施;脫殼機;蕎麥;病蟲害;中耕管理機;剪草機;修剪;性能測定;大蒜;收穫機;除草機;棗;葉菜;補光系統;槽耕栽培;智慧型LED光源;節能;蕈菇;影像檢測;移植機;溫室;果乾;葉菜移植機;生長模式;輸送;小米;大蒜;田間;機械化與自動化;Self-propelled;A prevention system for driving away the monkeys;dryer;pear;peeling;In-shell peanut;Prompt detection;Automation;Seedling cultivation;Greenhouse;sweet potato;Agricultural Machinery;Vegetble harvester;Plant;remote sensing;Primary Sorting Mach
摘要: 生產精緻、安全、健康之優質農產品,且兼顧生產過程之節能及環保是目前的趨勢,而農業自動化、節能及檢測技術等均扮演著不可或缺的角色,本計畫擬藉各項新型農機之開發研究,提供優質農產品且兼顧生產過程所需之核心技術,研製農民從事農業生產作業所需之機械,藉以解決農村勞力不足與高齡化問題,有助於調整產業經營結構,並使資材應用與生產管理更趨合理化,提高農業之競爭力及調適能力。This study has two goals. One is to inspect and test both the locally manufactured and the imported agricultural machinery and farm equipment to verify if they meet the national standards or other provisional standards. Loans or subsidies will be available if the performance of the machinery or equipments met the standards. This will also promote the quality and the technical level of the local agricultural machinery manufacturers.&nbsp;The electronic files of the reports were also available on TARI website for public reference. The 2nd goal is to develop a self-propeller mower with the function of adjustable knife's angle to improve the opperation efficiency, solve laber shortage problem, and save the cost in agriculture.</P><br/><br/><br/><P>The study is aimed at developing a&nbsp;sweet potato&nbsp;farm machinery. The mechanized and automated for transplanting and harvesting processes can reduce the labor requirement in the&nbsp;sweet potato&nbsp;farm and increase efficiency of the&nbsp;sweet potato field work. The&nbsp;machinery will promote&nbsp;sweet potato&nbsp;industry competitiveness, reduce labor burden and increase farmer’s income that attract young generations to engage in agriculture. This year the focus was in the form of sweet potato grown mode field investigations, sweet potato harvest mode field investigations, sweet potato sitting transplanting and harvester machine R & D&nbsp;, we will go to the field to understand the actual status of sweet potato industry, and understand the needs of farmers, improvement or development of potato industry machinery to enhance operational efficiency, to solve the labor shortage problem.It is expected that the prototype&nbsp;sweet potato&nbsp;can increase&nbsp;field work&nbsp;efficiency and also the interest of the young farmers. The labor shortage and rural aging problem can also be alleviated. By complying the large scale cultivation trend in the future, the research is also exceptd to promote&nbsp;sweet potato&nbsp;farmer&apos;s competition.
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