摘要: 利用抗壞血酸鈉、碳酸氫鈉、碳酸鈉(Na2CO3.10H2O)及硫酸亞鐵 (FeSO4.7H2O)為配方之組成,能建立脫氧且產生二氧化碳之調氣包裝系統。以抗壞血酸鈉0.3~1.3g、碳酸氫鈉0.5~2.1g、碳酸鈉2.2~3.8g及硫酸亞鐵1.2~2.2g、組成之調氣配方,在添加1ml去離子水,於5℃下,在285ml的調氣包裝系統中,試驗的配方反應48小時後,氧氣濃度及二氧化碳濃度分別控制在1.1~7.9%與0.6~41.3%之間,可涵蓋所有蔬果及肉類保鮮所需求的氣體組成範圍。將配方簡化為抗壞血酸鈉、碳酸鈉及硫酸亞鐵之配方組成。以抗壞血酸鈉0.3~1.3g、碳酸鈉2.6~3.6g、硫酸亞鐵1.6~2.6g為配方組成之調氣包裝劑,於5℃下,反應48小時,亦可使285ml容器內之氧氣與二氧化碳濃度分別調節在1.1~8.0%與1.0~44.1%,與由四個成份組成之配方所能達到的範圍相近。 在應用研究方面,以抗壞血酸鈉0.8g、碳酸鈉2.6g、硫酸亞鐵1.6g置備調氣包裝劑,將其應用於草莓的調氣包裝上。發現此一配方之調氣裝劑可使包裝袋內氣體於48小時內,將氧氣濃度降為2.43%,二氧化碳增加為11.48%之穩定狀態。此一貯藏條件下,草莓在水分、硬度、維生素C、可溶性固形物、可滴定酸的維持上均優於未添加調氣包裝劑的控制組。證實此調氣包裝劑可以應用於蔬果的調氣包裝,有效的延長蔬果的貯藏期限。Four food grade additives, sodium ascorbate (SA), sodium bicarbonate (SB), sodium carbonate-10-hydrate (SC), and ferrous sulfate-7-hydrate (FS) were used as the basic ingredients to formulate the modiffied atmosphere (MA) agents which could effectively remove oxygen and release carbon dioxide. When the MA agents, composed of 0.3-1.3g of SA, 0.5-2.1g of SB, 2.2-3.8g of SC, and 1.2-2.2g of FS, were placed in a 285 ml closed container at 5℃, the oxygen and carbon dioxide contents could reach constant levels, in the ranges of 1-8% and 1-41% , respectively, within 48 hours. And this atmosphere composition range could be applied to increase the stability of varieties of food products. To simplify the formula, SA (0.3~1.3), SC (2.6~3.6), and FS (1.6~2.6) were used as the basic ingredients to formulate the MA agents. The new formulas could also modify the oxygen and carbon dioxide contents of a 285 ml container to 1~8% and 1~44% respectively, at 5℃ within 48 hours. The MA agent composed of 0.8g SA, 2.6g SC, and 1.6g FS, was placed in the LDPE bag along with strawberries to study its effectiveness on improving storage stability of fresh produce. Within 48hrs, the oxygen and carbon dioxide contents in the package could reach 2% and 11% , respectively. And the strawberries packed with the MA agent could maintain their flesh firmness, water content, ascorbic acid content, soluble solids content, titratable acidity for a longer time as compared with the strawberries packed in LDPE without MA agent, demonstrating that the MA agent developed in this study could be used in fruits and vegetables package and extend their shelf-life. |