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計畫名稱: 設施農業技術升級
計畫主持人: 楊智凱
共同計畫主持人: 李文立;陳俊仁;黃郁智;黃禮棟;劉依昌;郭鴻裕;謝明憲;王昭月;王毓華;張芝蓉;郭宏遠;李文南;陳淑佩;張汶肇;戴振洋;顏勝雄;高靜華;戴廷恩;林子凱;黃祥益;羅筱鳳;楊順傑;尤瓊琦;黃國祥;劉嘉哲;邱國棟;黃晉興;何佳勳;張庚鵬;余志儒;張富翔;朱雅玲;李裕娟;石信德;張勝智;宋孟真;張錦興;林鳳琪;黃振康;梁瑩如;許涵鈞;蘇俊峰;林立;李雪如;石佩玉;林淑怡;朱佳仁;洪惠娟;陳學文;呂昀陞;姚銘輝;黃金川;楊雯如;吳有恒;陳富永;徐武煥;許雅婷;蘇博信;葉育哲;薛佑光;陳林祈;張光華;方煒;李進興;陳令錫;藍玄錦;謝廣文;田雲生;康樂;楊純明
計畫編號: 106農科-12.4.1-子-C1
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所農業工程組
全程計畫年: 2017
關鍵字: 猴頭菇;簡易溫室;設施;省工;芒果;設施;設施;風光互補系統;陷阱;溫室;電力系統;苗菜生產;影像處理、辨識;離子選擇電極;芒果;設施栽培;生產環境;設施栽培;環控農業;簡易溫室;養液;噴霧;蟲害;設施;病蟲害;設施栽培;葫蘆科作物;延長產季;綠能應用;計算流體力學;植物照光;感測器;微生物資材;驗證;茄果作物;設施;春石斛;芒果;蒸發散量;檢疫病害蟲;輕量化;設施;番茄;小花蕙蘭;風洞實驗;催花;繡球花;葉燒;高經濟價值蔬菜;聯結件;有限元素法;穴盤苗;簡易塑膠布溫室;環境控制;肥灌系統;再生能源;植物;Monkey head mushroom;Simple structure greenhouse;Facility;Labor-saving;mango;Greenhouse;facility;Wind Power and Solar Energy System;trap;Greenhouse;Electric power;Seedling vegetables production;Digtal Image Process, Imaging Classification;Ion-selective el
摘要: 01、 植物工場產業技術研發一、植物工場試量產與示範平台之營運與產業化推動,臺大在試量產與營運的經驗上發揮了提供業界參考與國際交流的價值。二、植物工場環控設備之整合與元件開發,分量產與研究型設備開發,提高產品品質與價值。三、植物工場作物栽培模式之研究,建構於完全人工光植物工場之作物栽培模式。 02、 輕量化植物栽培設施之結構材料研究開發建立農業設施輕量化材料結構組合開發技術、防颱強化材料結構組合開發技術,使農業設施的結構組合設計輕量化30%以上,輕量化農業設施材料結構組裝開發,以材料優化、形狀優化及組合優化完成農業設施之開發,提升農業設施的防颱強化及抵抗環境能力,提高設施可靠度,減少災害損失。 03、 溫室內外流場模擬與風洞驗證技術之建立臺灣夏季太陽輻射強、氣溫高,造成農業設施、溫室內部溫濕度高,不適合作物的生長環境,降低溫室內部溫度為設計溫室必要之考慮因素,採用計算流體動力學模式(CFD)加以模擬風速場與溫度場,採用風洞試驗與CFD模式來研究溫室內外的風場及溫度場,有效地控制溫室內微氣候,以利作物生長。 04、 適用於熱帶改良型溫室之環境控制系統及應用綠能科技於補光模組之開發利用無線感測模組進行現場環境量測並配合資料庫網頁系統提供使用者遠端即時資訊查詢,提升熱帶改良型溫室之精準環境控制之效率與精準度。並研發綠能導入及能源儲能控制系統、應用於溫室作物自動補光系統之開發,確保農產品之品質與安全並穩定生產。 05、 農業設施內重要病蟲害監測系統與防治技術之開發蝴蝶蘭為外銷產值超過一億美金的農作物,欲維繫產業榮景,須提昇種苗銷售品質。業者對於肥培、病蟲害防治及設施內微氣候環境等對應管理措施有改善空間,不當管理,造成生理病害影響品質。針對蝴蝶蘭進行病蟲害及生理病徵之研究,提供病蟲害與栽培管理技術提升之參考。 06、 設施網室內番石榴栽培體系之建置與示範推廣一、完成番石榴夏季及冬季土壤水分及養分調控技術及病蟲害防治技術之建置。二、改善設施網室內番石榴夏季氣溫過高及通風不良問題,降低番石榴提早過熟而致脆度不足之缺點。三、研習整枝蔬果技術,依市場需求調整產期,適時舉辦夏季安全高品質番石榴栽培生產體系示範觀摩會。 07、 文心蘭設施栽培模式之驗證一、提供文心蘭簡易設施設置模式建議,應用栽培模式降低文心蘭切花栽培成本。二、建置適用文心蘭之簡易低成本及耐候感測控制及數據紀錄原件,提升文心蘭管理效率。三、提供近年來文心蘭園內主要病害種類與防治策略,提供蘭友栽培文心蘭時之參考。提供簡易設施栽培之文心蘭主要有害生物形態及為害癥狀及防治措施以供設防治之參考。 08、 設施栽培風光互補綠能電力支援與管理系統之加值化研究綜合2年試驗結果建立簡易設施環境再生能源加值化模組並評估適用不同作物之設施生產體系最佳化模組,包括(1)無菌臭氧消毒水滴灌系統之節水及殺菌、(2)栽培介質/根系溫度調控裝置、(3)通用型葉菜類栽培立體層架LED、(4) 設施微環境監測系統、(5)再生能源裝置之最佳化應用。 09、 設施栽培風光互補綠能電力支援與管理系統之加值化研究開發簡易設施之參數監測及遠傳系統、微氣象監測數據長期儲存裝置,可透過網路存取作物區之影像及監測數據。後續將進一步開發應用以達到即時監控等目的。開發可調式光照系統之應用軟體裝置,延續105年委辦項目之多波段可調式光照系統功能擴充,可依需求進行遠端設定。 10、 應用CFD技術分析建立農業設施流場最佳化設計之研究 一、以103~105年經驗為基礎,參考各地設施在不同通風系統下用CFD模擬分析其熱流場分布。二、將CFD案例分析資料加以驗證比對,檢視優缺點並提出改善建議。三、實踐溫室栽培現場分析評估並即時提出改善方案。四、提供簡易型溫室設施設計整體性評估,提高工程品質並減少設計錯誤。 11、 設施病蟲害綜合管理模式於作物安全生產之加值應用與推動強化設施農業全方位服務,提升設施蔬果產值達到不用農藥或農藥使用最少化的蔬菜生產目標。針對設施栽培作物配合作物生產模式之蔬菜關鍵病蟲害綜合管理模式;整合生物防治對環境友善之植物保護資材農藥應用技術,建立安全生產流程;應用效益評估及安全生產之推動。 12、 菇類植物工場栽培體系之建立香菇自接種至菌絲刺激出菇時間達150天,缺乏環控設備控制環境條件。利用水濂式溫室進行環境控制,讓菇類可以進行立體化之栽培,探討不同環境對猴頭菇菌絲生長與出菇產量之影響。菇類立體化栽培之環控技術,建立水濂式溫室之節能環控設備與調控模組生產菇類之技術,開發菇類栽培問題解決方案。 13、 芒果設施栽培生產體系建置設立簡易溫室栽培模式,調查環境、物候條件與作物生育情形,進而建立並整合一套可以因應臺灣特有之氣候條件之設施栽培模式等相關技術並評估設施生產模式之成本效益,利用防雨設施栽培芒果’高雄3號-夏雪’,配合修剪、肥培管理調節芒果產期,達到穩定果實品質與供貨,以利外銷市場的開拓。 14、 自動排汙過濾系統之研發及應用於設施廢水處理之研究本計畫擬研究開發碟片式自動排汙過濾系統及管理控制模組雛形,應用於農業設施灌溉放流水之過濾回收及設備之自動逆洗以防止過濾系統堵塞而降低處理能力,以節約農業設施用水量,減少缺水之壓力,初期目標為達到每小時處理100噸放流水之目標,使設施農業能達永續經營之目標。 15、 設施高經濟價值蔬果延長生產季節技術開發與驗證透過整合溫室隔離設施育苗管理體系建立與驗證簡易設施溫室栽培高經濟價值果菜生產體系關鍵技術,並持續進行設施周年生產技術研究,透過推廣設施生產技術,提升設施利用經濟效率與產值。並建立優化簡易塑膠布溫室葉菜生產效能之關鍵技術,以促進簡易設施葉菜產業穩定發展。 16、 草莓設施產程管理模式建構本計畫選用草莓5個品種為試驗材料,以自動控制開頂、高效隔離正壓送風系統和降濕系統的溫室,立體化層架栽培草莓植栽,定期進行草莓生長時期生理指標監測、營養成分分析和病蟲害監測管理,取得環境、生理、栽培及病蟲害發生之各項參數,建構草莓設施栽培產程管理模式,提供農民和產業界利用。 17、 耐風簡易溫室結構分析及資材標準化研究台灣現有簡易溫室結構型式多樣,承作業者搭建溫室皆以經驗法則來選用材料以及慣用工法來施作,未對結構抗風性或變形量探討與設計,簡易溫室普遍遭遇內部熱累積問題,透過開口對流的設計改善,本計畫運用結構力學分析與有限元素數值模擬分析,協助提升溫室的設計能力與製造技術。 18、 農業設施研究驗證平台營運模式之建立本計畫於完成溫室設施驗證基地之設計建置後,可供20件以上新的溫室設施技術完成驗證,並完成驗證之技術推廣於農業。每年可吸引200人次至驗證基地參觀,由人員進行新技術解說,輔導農民新的設施及栽培技術。並將編製一驗證基地手冊,內容包括驗證基地的配置、目前導入驗證之新技術等。 19、 適用設施茄果作物之微生物資材開發與應用針對設施茄果作物,於105年度已篩選出數支潛力微生物供試,106年擬針對前述潛力微生物進行配方設計與溫室試驗,配合茄果作物的育苗期與生育期應用不同資材配方,並提出適合設施茄果栽培的微生物應用策略。 20、 繡球花盆花簡易設施改善之栽培管理模式建立本研究預計以設施內加裝噴霧等設備,藉由增加植物蒸發散作用,以促進繡球花降溫,進而讓繡球花順利越夏。此外,針對噴霧後對小型蟲類的生長影響,降低蟲害的發生情況,也是本研究會探討的重點。 21、 設施低生菌苗菜生產技術之開發本計畫旨在開發苗菜紙(不織布)耕栽培系統,並將收穫後的苗菜進行臭氧殺菌處理,以降低鮮食苗菜的生菌數,提高苗菜生食的安全性。透過低生菌生產技術的開發,生產者可建立穩定安全的苗菜生產模式;從而建立品牌特性,提升產品價值,增加收益。 22、 小花蕙蘭簡易設施栽培技術建立簡易防雨設施內栽培小花蕙蘭因溫度過高、蒸散量大,栽培品質不佳,配合小花蕙蘭帶介質外銷之趨勢建立小花蕙蘭簡易溫室栽培模式。以自然通風較佳的座向搭設可有效排出設施內高溫,施用1.5g/盆緩效性肥,對於灌溉管路較無鹽積阻塞之困擾,綜合不同肥料量及澆水量研發自動灌溉及施肥之栽培模式。 23、 不同栽培槽對設施瓜果類蔬菜生育之影響本計畫擬解決設施胡瓜栽培介質量對其生育之影響,期能在降低設施栽培之介質與胡瓜生育中取得平衡,以建立設施蔬菜介質耕栽培合理用量,以減少對設施胡瓜生育之影響,依不同栽培槽型((a)槽耕、(b)袋耕、(c)籃耕、(d)微量袋耕)探明各類栽培型式之最佳設施胡瓜介質耕栽培模式。 24、 提升設施小果番茄生產效率設施微氣候影響設施小果番茄之產量與品質,利用循環風扇及人工光源增加簡易設施小果番茄生產效能,透過精準灌溉能達到節能同時提升小果番茄品質。本計畫擬建立通風方式與人工光源對簡易設施內微氣候及小果番茄品質之影響,同時藉由感測器計算輻射量與溫室內蒸發散作用,建立最佳省水灌溉模式。 25、 設施蘆筍省工管理及節水栽培模式建立蘆筍為高單價經濟作物品項之一,設施生產不僅具有穩定生產,且具提升產量效益,頗具高收益潛力,但欠缺有經驗技術之勞工,因此迫切需要導入輔助作業機具、節水灌溉及防治病蟲害措施等技術,導入輔助機具取代人力,建立設施蘆筍省工節水管理標準化作業模式,提升設施蘆筍產業競爭力。 26、 薑荷花簡易設施栽培管理模式之建立完成薑荷花設施栽培連續第二年之切花生產探討,並建立一套有別於傳統露天地植栽培模式之改良式薑荷花切花生產技術,包括切花採收作業流程改進、建立薑荷花最適之切花保鮮液及切花預措液,以建立全套之薑荷花設施生產之標準作業流程,將最佳品質之薑荷花切花送至消費市場。 27、 設施果菜栽培介質及肥灌技術之建立本計畫旨在建立適合高屏地區果菜類蔬菜東方甜瓜及小果番茄離地栽培技術。藉由介質配方、肥料配方及灌溉模式逐步建立完整生產技術。本試驗將利用3種不同前處理稻殼之介質配方,及3種不同肥料配比之處理,期望改善高屏地區設施東方甜瓜及小果番茄之品質與產量。 28、 設施內害蟲誘引排除裝置之開發與研究本研究利用溫室原有的風扇設備,研發通用的附掛式燈源裝置,期能有效誘引蠅類害蟲,並藉吸力更強的負壓排風將害蟲排出溫室,以確保作物不因有害生物而受損,減少農藥使用,進而提升其品質與競爭力。本年度目標為完成溫室內燈源誘蟲效果評估研究及設計附掛風扇之通用型燈源裝置雛型。 29、 運用智慧型環控設施建立春石斛催花技術臺灣春石斛栽培雖歷史悠久,但品種幾乎皆由國外引進,除種苗費高昂外,亦有品種風土適應性不佳,不易掌握品種生長及開花特性,導致花朵品質不佳等問題,台灣選育之春石斛已有優良品種,為增加國際花卉市場之競爭力,擬建立春石斛溫度催花基礎模式,篩選具國際商業生產潛力品種。 30、 設施葫蘆科蔬菜種子生產體系之建立為改善高經濟價值之葫蘆科蔬菜雜交種子生產問題,並促進台灣種子苗業者在地採種品質與產量,以建構設施葫蘆科蔬菜高效採種技術為目標。利用蜜蜂授粉技術以提高採種效率,建構設施噴濕技術提高著果效率,並與設施葫蘆科蔬菜全(高)雌性之甜瓜與苦瓜材料與設施栽植管理技術,有效減輕品質影響與勞力不足問題提升我國種子苗產業國際競爭力。Advancement of technology for the development of plant factory industry This project includes three tasks aiming to facilitate research and development of technologies and extension for plant factory industry. The more specific objectives of each task are listed as follows: 1. Management of platform and promotion of plant factory industrialization Plant factory (PF) in National Taiwan University was established in 2011. It served as a research and demo platform for mass production of leafy greens and a teaching facility for continue education for adults. It support related exhibition and brought a lot of public attention subject to TV interview and report from the media. The value of the facility and business opportunities of PF related technologies are without saying. The management of this facility provide enormous value for not only industry but also for international cooperation and technology transfer to the industry. 2. Integration of environment control equipment and development of sensing components: The aims are two folds: Firstly, focusing on integration and continue development of environmental control equipment and technology for mass production facilities. Handheld ISE sensors will be integrated for the monitoring of macro elements in the nutrient solution. Secondary, development of a hanging height adjustable light mounting frame for a multi-shelf bench served as the tool for plant factory research. The frame mounted with sensing device detecting plant height then adjust mounting height accordingly. Fans will also installed on the frame to drive air passing through light and plants, allow the distribution of micro-climate near crop canopy more uniform and release thermal and humidity stress release plant from tip burn, thus increasing quality and value of the produce. 3. Research on cultural practices for selected crops in plant factory: The aim is to develop optimal operating procedures for producing head lettuce, strawberry, low-potassium amaranth and head lettuce in the closed-type plant factory. The optimal day/night relative humidity and light quality for head lettuce will be selected. The production procedures for strawberry fruit and runners will be developed and finalized. The procedures for producing low potassium, sodium and nitrate amaranth and head lettuce will be established. The project is expected to facilitate the development and demo of plant factory related technologies and provide a site for practical training. With the training in the project, the staff are expected to be future capital for plant factory industry. The anticipated outcomes will become valuable intellectual properties such that turn-key systems and innovative business models for plant factory industry can be established, and thus a more stable, safe and high-quality agricultural produce supply system can be prevailed. The study of lightweight construction materials for agricultural facilities     The 2017 annual goal of this project is building the assembly and manufacturing technology for lightweight structure design and against typhoon design of agricultural facilities. The technical indicator of this project is developing at least 30% lightweight of assembly structure design used in agricultural facilities. The major contribution of this project is developing lightweight structure to manufacture and assemble agricultural facilities, and optimize the material, shape optimization, assembly optimization to establish the agricultural facilities. At the meantime, improve facilities capability of against typhoon and enhance resistance to increase facilities environment reliability, reduce disaster losses and create economic value, optimize design for harsh environment and the requirements of the agricultural process. This project expects to reduce the threshold of agricultural facilities, raise the reliability of facilities and decrease cost, and promote the agricultural facilities. Numerical Simulation and Wind Tunnel Validation of Flow Field around Greenhouse     Taiwan is located in the west Pacific tropical area, and the high temperature and humidity inside the greenhouses are disadvantageous to the crops. Natural ventilion, including wind-driven and buoyancy-driven ventilation could cool down the greenhouses and reduce the energy consumption of using mechanical ventilation. This research project plans to use wind tunnel experiment and a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model to study the natural ventilation and micro-meteorological environment in the greenhouses. The simulation of the CFD model is dependent on the boundary conditions, computational domain, grid size and convergence criterion of the CFD model. This project plan to use wind tunnel experiment and CFD model to investigate the wind speed and temperature distribution inside and around the greenhouse.  The measured wind speed and temperature will be used to validate of the simulation results of the CFD model. The results of this study not only could provide the needed information for the structural design of the greenhouse, but also to facilitate a better understanding of the micrometeorology of greenhouses. Tropical-Adaptive Improved Greenhouse and Light Compensation Module Using Green Energy Technology     The purpose of this research is to establish an environmental control system of Tropical-Adaptive Improved greenhouse, using wireless sensor module to measure environment status, and provide users to inquire real-time information remotely with the database webpage, in order to enhance efficiency and also precision of the environmental control system. Development of green energy and energy storage control system to apply in supplementary lighting system for green house production to ensure the quality and safety of agriculture products and provide stable yield. The work in this year is to completion of the environment control strategy and develop environment sensor and control module of the Tropical-Adaptive Improved greenhouse and automatic supplementary lighting system using green energy. Development of monitoring and control methods of important disease and pest in agricultural facilities Phalaenopsis is currently the main export flower in Taiwan and the onlyone crop with the export value of over one hundred million dollars,highly international competitiveness. Phalaenopsis mainly export andmarketing plantlets, mature plants or spiking plants through the air orsea cargo, the United States, Japan and the Netherlands are major market.Currently, the industry is facing international competition from theNetherlands, China and Southeast Asian countries, the orchids industryhas to contiunly improve the plants quality and the after-sales service.Most of the growers have the experiences on the facilities and thecultivation and management. But they still need to improve thefertigation, , pest and disease control under specific micro-climateenvironment within facilities. Improper management interacts with theparticular environment condition, often causing physiological disorder,seriously affecting the quality. This physiological disorder and thesymptoms caused by pests and diseases, can not clarify the reasons and make improvements. The project intends to study the pest, disease andphysiological disorder symptoms, providing real time facility pestmonitoring and improving cultivation techniques for references. Guava cultivation system building and demonstration in facilities network 1. Completion of guava and winter-summer soil moisture andnutrient control technology and integrated pest control techniques of building,production of safe and high quality guava. 2. Improved facilities network indoor guava higher summertemperatures and ventilation problems, reduce the guava because of hightemperatures disadvantages of overripe early due to lack of crispness. 3. Sustained and farmer training pruning technology offruits and vegetables, made according to the actual demand in the market toadjust guava maternity.4. The timely summer cultivation of safety quality guavaproduction system model and emulate, and extended to farmers or farmers 'associations marketing group. The validation on the floricultural culture system in simple facilities (Oncidium) In order to reduce the production cost of Oncidium, this project is using simple net house or rain proof plastic film and water retention cultivaiton medium to set up the cultivation system. The results can provide recommendations to the simple facilities installation and cultivation of Oncidium   Study on the Value-adding of Power Supporting and Managing System by Renewable Energy (Wind Power and Solar Energy) Suitable for Protected Cultivation The objective of the last year of research is to pool two year data of the projects to establish the various value-added modules of the renewable energy and to assess the application of different crop production systems optimization in simple structure greenhouse. The modules are including: (1) an automatic dripping system of sterile ozone disinfectant will be set up to provide irrigated water needed for crops production, (2)  a temperature control system for crops grown in three-dimensional shelves under structure has been developed which can be used to maintain the optimal temperature ranges for summer season, (3) a direct current-operated LED lighting apparatus for crops production in three-dimensional shelves under structure has been set up which can be used to provide additional lighting, (4) a system monitoring system will be established to record and monitor micro-climatic factors, the collected data will be used for growth modeling, (5) a fixed and movable of renewable energy applications. Study on the Value-adding of Power Supporting and Managing System by Renewable Energy (Wind Power and Solar Energy) Suitable for Protected Cultivation The objective of the last year of research is to pool two year data of the projects to establish the various value-added modules of the renewable energy and to assess the application of different crop production systems optimization in simple structure greenhouse. The modules are including: a system monitoring system will be established to record and monitor micro-climatic factors, the collected data will be used for growth modeling。 Application of CFD technology simulation of flow field and design optimization in agricultural facilities 一、Reference to farmers around the greenhouse facilities in different ventilation systems from 103 to 105 years, simulation analysis the heat flow distribution by using CFD. 二、Above the CFD case analysis data to verify the comparison, Review strengths and weaknesses and suggest improvements. 三、Practice greenhouse cultivation, Analysis evaluation and improvement immediate. 四、Provide the assessment of design integrity for simple greenhouse facility. 五、Improve the quality of simple greenhouse facilities and reduce the design of the wrong situation. Value-added Application and Promoting of Integrated Pest Management Model for Safety Production of Vegetable under Facilities Cultivation 一、The aim of this project is to strengthen overall services for facility agricultural, to promote the value and efficiency of vegetable production with non-pesticides or minimizing the usage of pesticides. Establishing integrated pest management models for key pests of cantaloupe, asparagus, tomato and sweet pepper under facilities cultivation. To set up the standard operation processes for safety production, including pest densities monitor, timing of control and to integrate all of the environmentally friendly measures for protecting production. Establishing The Plant Factory Production System for Mushrooms In Taiwan, the current form of shiitake mushroom cultivation mainly takes advantage of bag cultivation fruiting production in traditional, open-air cultivation shed, and the duration from vaccination to fruiting could be up to 150 days. Since this method of cultivation lacks environmental controlled facility, the climate is the chief restricting factor in mushroom production. This project aims at utilizing greenhouse pad cooling system to conduct environmental control in order to allow vertical cultivation for the monkey head mushrooms. The final goals of the project lie in the acquisition of knowledge on the environmental control system of mushroom vertical cultivation, the construction of energy-saving environmental control of greenhouse pad cooling system, the expertise on light source adjustment control for mushroom cultivation, and finally the development of total solution for mushroom cultivation issues. Establishment of the mango production under protected structure Study on the production system for 'Irwin' mango cultivated in Plastic greenhouse in Tainan district. This project is to build up a mango cultivation system in protected facility for southern Taiwan.We will investigate the difference between the production in open field and in the protected facility in the aspect of the growth and development of shooting, flowering and fruiting. Beside, the microclimate data of both condition will be recorded. The cost-effectiveness analysis will also be undertaken. we are looking forward to build an integral system to produce good mango quality in protected facility in southerm Taiwan, to modulate the cultivation prodgram base on the big data to match the need of different market in the world, and to help increasing the income of the farmers in Taiwan.This project will grow the mango ‘Kaohsiung No.3 –Shia Sheue’ with plastic greenhouse. The amounts of water supply are controlled by auto-irrigation system. The effects of girdling, KNO3, KH2PO3 and ethephon on plant nutrition status and flowering will be assessed under the condition of water controlled.Further, according to evaluate the feasibility of mango forcing culture with facilities.Using mango characteristic (off-season flower) compared with trimming, fertilizing and container culture to adjust mango product period to reach year-round production.Using KH2PO4 and pruning treatment to make mango’s florescence concentrate on in September - November, and to assess the possibility of net-house culture. Therefore, in order to develop export market, we work on finding off-season mango cultivars and extending production period to achieve stable fruit quality and supply. The research on automatic sewage filter system and application on facility discharge water treatment The goal of this project is to research and develop a prototype disc type automatic sewage filter system and its management control module. The system will be applied on filtering agricultural facility discharge water for reuse with the function of self-cleaning the system to prevent blocking and reduce its processing capacity. The reuse of the discharged sewage will save water usage on agriculture and to reduce the water shortage stress. The capacity of the system will be aimed at processing 100 tons of water per hour at early stage. Hope the water recovery system will make the facility agriculture more sustainable. Development and verification of elongation high-value vegetables production season technique . In this project, we try to integrate of  nursery quarantine facility management system, establish and validate high-value fruit vegetables such as tomatoes and melons year round production system, and continue to build new applicable tomatoes branches support system,  conduct year round production research.  Target to output high value fruit vegetables production systems in protect facility, and through the promotion of year-round production technology, improve facility efficiency and economic yield, in order to increase farmers' income.  In the other side, this project is optimizing production of leafy vegetables to stabilize the production and increase producing types of leafy vegetable in summer under high tunnel in northern region. Through integrating the established cultivation techniques of leafy vegetables and improvements of the micro-climate under plastic house into the cultivation system of leafy vegetables production in summer under plastic house in northern region, we will verify the production of cultivation system at farmers’ high tunnels in summer. Furthermore, we will optimize the management of plug seedling to offer efficient seedling for transplanting cultivation of leafy vegetable and develop the labor-saving cultivation system of transplant in this year.   Application of Facility Environment Control and Management Model Construct in Strawberry Production Strawberry in the main object of this project is to cultivate 5 species strawberry in green house by automatic opening, high efficient isolation and postive pressure system, and stereo cultivation of strawberry. The execution of this project intends to use semi-hermetic type greenhouse sun and stereoscopic platform to integrate applications with the technology research and development cum foundation to build various environmental, physiological, cultivation and pests of various parameters, risk control and management of the production process basis, providing farmers and industry use.   The Study of Wind Resistant Structure and Material Standardization of Greenhouse The planned use of the finite element analysis, to discussion greenhouse structure displacement and stress, and investigation of the structure of the greenhouse establishment of analytical models with different structures,and simulation of wind stress and strain by greenhouse, explore the design parameters to build of the best mode of the greenhouse structures. The study use of the wind tunnel test in scale model, to verify the simulation results of finite element analysis, at the same time by finite element analysis to improvement of greenhouse structural elements and materials. Develop greenhouse design specifications and standardized materials, to help improve the greenhouse design and manufacturing technology. Establishment of Operation Mode of Agricultural Facility Research and Verification Platform 一、After completing the design and construction of the agricultural facilities testing platform, it is estimated about 20 greenhouse facility technologies can be verified in the testing platform. The verified technologies will be further propagated to the greenhouse growers. It is expected to attract 200 people to visit the verification base each year. The related researchers will conduct new technology explanation and help the greenhouse growers the new facility and cultivation technology. A handbook about the allocation of the base and the new technology for verification will be included. Biofertilizers for solanaceous vegetables in greenhouse and its application thereof In 2016, we had found some potential microorganism strain which may be suitable for  promoting the growth of solanaceous vegetables. Therefore, the project this year, we hope to develop formulations which are suitable for seedlings and growth period. Further, we also tend to apply the formulation in field to understand and assess the efficacy of the microorganisms. Construction of potted Hydrangea cultivation under equipment improvement 一、This study will use equipments to improve mist spray in order to help evapotransporation, then helping Hydrangea pass through summer. Furthermore, by this method, small insects are another issue will are interested in.  Development of low bacterial production technologies for facility seedling vegetables. The project is to develop a paper(non-woven) cultivation system for seedling vegetables and to sterilize those harvested vegetables using ozone, which could reduce the numbers of bacteria in the seedling vegetables and improve the safety of fresh seedling vegetables. By developing the low bacterial production technologies, growers can establish a stable and safe production model for seedling vegetables, thereby establishing the brand characteristics, enhancing the production values, and increasing the profits. The Establishment of Cultivation Technique of Oriental Cymbidium in the Plastic Film Houses The cultivation quality of oriental cymbidium is poor, due to the high temperature and evaporation in the rain-proof facilities. In line with the export of oriental cymbidium with medium, the establishment of cultivation model in the plastic film houses will have a great help for competitive. The result of 2016 showed the orientation of the plastic film houses with nature ventilation could discharge the heat in the facilities. However, there was no significant difference in the growth of cymbidium between the facilities. With 1.5 g slow-release fertilizer (N-P <SUB>2</SUB> O<SUB> 5</SUB> -K<SUB> 2</SUB> O=14%-12%-14%) and 100 mL/pot per week, the irrigation pipeline was not obstructed by salf blockage. This year we will intergrate the amount of fertilizer and irrigation, to introduce an auto-irrigation and rational fertilization culture model of oriental cymbidium. Effect of different troughs on growth of cucubit crops in greenhouse The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of substrate quantity on cucnmber production. It espects to get balance between incresing substrate and plant geowth and establish the recommendable amount for substrate culture in greenhouse. Different type of container included (a) tray culture (30 cm height x 40 cm width), (b) bag culture (6 plants/100 L), (c) basket culture (4 plants/40-60L), and (d) microbag culture (1plant/1.5 L) are tested and then evaluated each optimal management method for cucnmber cultivation. Improvment the production efficiency on greenhouse cherry tomato production system Micro-climate in the greenhouse affect the quality and yield of cherry tomato.  The production effectiveness will be improved by application of circulation fan and artificial lighting. Establish a precision irrigation program not only for water saving but also improve the quality of cherry tomato. The project is planning to focus on ventilation and artificial lighting for tunnel greenhouse production . And establish the precise irrigation strategy which controlled by radiation and evapotranspiration.  Establishment of labor and water-saving management in greenhouse asparagus production Asparagus is a high-value, labor-intensive perennial vegetable. Recently, a high-yield and high-quality production system for greenhouse asparagus has been developed.This allows more flexible and stable year-round production. However, lack of skilled labor has been the main threat to greenhouse asparagus production. In order to increase the product's quality and defect-free rate, farmers are in urgent need of adaptations of agricultural machinery, water-saving irrigation, and ecological pest control. This project will focus on reducing labor expenses by introducing auxiliary operational machinery for cutting off aged plants and shredding them in the field, lowering populations of small size insects by establishing overhead sprinklers, and stabilizing soil moisture management by using a drip-irrigation system to replace furrow irrigation.By the end of 2017, we expect to establish a standard operation procedure of labor and water-saving integrated management in greenhouse asparagus production, that can enhance the competitiveness of the greenhouse asparagus industry. Establishment of cultivation model of <I>Curcuma alismatifolia</I> in facilities. The second season cultivation of Curcuma alismatifolia in rain-shielding facilities was performed in this study. Modified cut flower harvesting procedure of Curcuma in facilities will be evaluated in this year. The best formula of post-harvesting treatment reagent for Curcuma will also be established in this year. The purpose of this study is reducing the influence of dramatic weather outdoors and promoting cultivation efficiency in order to low down the use of pesticide and produce high quality Curcuma cut flowers. Establishment of Cultural Medium and Fertigation Technologies for Fruit Vegetables in Facility The purpose of this project is to establish the soilless cultural technology of sweet melon and cherry tomato in Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas. The complete technology, contain the medium formula, fertilizer formula and irrigation technology, will be established. There 3 media formula with pre-treated rice hulls and 3 fertilizer prescriptions used in this study that are expected to improve qualities and yields of sweet melon and cherry tomato in Kaohsiung and Pingtung area. Development of the pest attractan and bring out system of greenhouse In this study, hoping to use the currently existing fan system todevelop a pest attached and bring out device in greenhouse, inorder to reduce the use of pesticides, and ensure the crop is notharmful or damaged, and thus increasing the quality andcompetitiveness. The object of this year was the completion ofattracting insect effect evaluation study by different lightingdevice and design a prototype of pests attached and bring outdevice in greenhouse. Utilizing environmental control facility to establish the forcing culture technique for nobile-type <I>Dendrobium.</I> Nobile Dendrobium is one of the most commonly cultivated Dendrobiumspecies; the newest varieties have all the good characteristics ofcolor combination, flower shape and size, fragrance. The mainproduct is potted flower. Currently production and breeding of themajor countries are Japan, the Netherlands, and Thailand. Thecultivation of nobile Dendrobium in Taiwan has decades experience,but the source of major varieties are almost imported by othercountry. The obvious disadvantages are difficult to realize thecharacteristics of varieties, and to cause poor quality of flowersfinally. For the above reasons, the majority of companies stillregard extra income instead of professional income by nobileDendrobium in Taiwan. In order to increase the competitiveness ofthe international flower market, to research appropriate productionstrategies for Taiwan's subtropical climate and local varieties areimportant. This study attempt to establish the forcing culture model for Nobile Dendrobium, and screen the potential varieties forinternational business. Establish the production system by Cucurbitaceae of seed collection To improve the high economic Cucurbitaceae vegetable of hybrid seed production problems, and promote Taiwan's seed industry on seed quality and yield of cucumber vegetable. The goal of this project to establish the Cucurbitaceae vegetable of seed harvested production system. Used the bee pollination techniques to improve seed production efficiency, improved humidity of facilities to enhance the efficiency of the fruit and vegetables, planting materials with gynoecious melon and bitter gourd in facility, and we also combined those technologies and methods. This study will expect to enhance our international competitiveness seed industry and safeguard precious important parents of breeding material.
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