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計畫名稱: 蔬菜育種、生產及採後處理之技術研發─大蒜蒜球採收後調理及貯藏技術之改進
計畫主持人: 宋妤
計畫編號: 103農科-9.2.4-糧-Z1(Z)
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 中興大學
全程計畫年: 2014
關鍵字: 有機質肥料;葉菜類;營養元素;硝酸鹽;葉菜類蔬菜;光環境;光強度;有機質肥料;有機氮化合物;胺基酸;非農藥;甲殼素;研討會;產量;品質;穴盤苗;設施葉菜類;茉莉酸;水楊酸;亞磷酸;過氧化氫;草莓;中日照;雜交;走莖;育種;設施栽培;低溫貯藏;大蒜;調理;迷你種薯;無病毒種薯;霧耕;生物炭;泥碳土;穴盤;栽培介質;堆肥;菇類栽培廢棄木屑;鋸木屑;咖啡渣;茶葉渣;番茄;設施栽培;補光;草莓設施生產;穴盤;植株生育;低溫貯藏;結球白菜;高溫;淹水;調配椰纖屑;炭化稻殼;養液栽培;氮;鉀;胡瓜;organic fertilizer;leafy vegetable;nutrient element;nitrate content;leafy-vegetables;light environments;Luminous intensity;organic fertilizer;nitrogenous compound;amino acid;Non-pesticide;Chitosan;Symposium;Yield;Quality;Plug seedling;Leafy vegetable;Jasm
摘要: (三)、大蒜蒜球採收後條理及貯藏技術之改進 臺灣蒜球主要栽培‘大片黑’品種,採收後之蒜球,一般的室溫通風貯藏,只具6個月貯藏壽命,於秋冬之際溫度降低時,很容易發芽、發根進而引起皺縮、腐爛,其中如何避免發芽,若能將蒜球貯藏至隔年的2-3月銜接新的產期,是目前蒜球貯藏技術上主要研究的方向。目前蒜球採收後以人工熱風進行調理,使其失重20-30%再進行貯藏,但經過人工乾燥的蒜瓣,在貯藏過程中常有褐點或黃辦(俗稱熟辦)的情形發生,推測可能和溫度或處理時間有關,因此,本試驗擬藉由熱風乾燥處理以建立適當的調理條件,並配合低溫真空貯藏技術之開發,以降低蒜球貯藏之劣變,延長蒜球之貯藏壽命達到周年供應之需求。 (3)、Improvement of Postharvest Technology and Storage quality of Garlic Bulb Ta-Pen-Hey” is a major garlic cultivar in Taiwan. After harvesting, garlic is usually stored at room temperature with air circulation. However, the storage life can only last for 6 months. During autumn and winter, low temperature can induce sprouting and rooting results in wrinkled and rotten cloves. The man research goal for autumn and winter storage is therefore to prevent sprouting and rooting and to lengthen the storage life till the following February and March. Currently, garlic bulb after harvest exposed to hot air for a curing process until 20-30% of weight loss is achieved before storage. The hot air treated cloves often show brown or yellow spot (known as ripen cloves) which may be related to temperature and the length of treatment. Thus, the purpose of this study is to set up the curing condition using hot air treatment, to coordinate with vacuum low temperature storage technique to reduce cloves deterioration and prolong its storage life, and to achieve a year round supply of garlic cloves.
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