11 月
計畫名稱: 蔬菜育種、生產及採後處理之技術研發─取代太空包鋸木屑介質之杏鮑菇栽培模式 |
計畫主持人: 林慧玲 |
共同計畫主持人: |
計畫編號: 101農科-9.2.2-糧-Z2(10) |
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會 |
計畫執行機構: 中興大學園藝學系(所) |
全程計畫年: 2012 |
關鍵字: 蔗渣;鋸木屑;杏鮑菇;稻草;園藝作物殘質;蔗葉;Sugarcane bagasse;sawdust;king oyster mushroom;rice straw;Lignocellulose-rich waste materials;Sugarcane leaves |
摘要: 杏鮑菇為近年受歡迎的新興菇類,目前在台灣大多以太空包栽培,且栽培技術已經進行一貫化之分工作業,太空包之製作及菌種之接種由專業生產業者供應菇農種植,往往增加栽培成本。目前已完成杏鮑菇最適生長條件之研究,但太空包栽培的生理生化特性的研究仍然很少。木屑是太空包栽培時重要的木質素來源,而木屑多仰賴進口,因此,未來木屑之供應可能限制太空包栽培,因此須研發替代木屑之栽培介質。台灣有許多富含木質素的農業廢棄物,包含許多果樹強剪後的枝條、蔗渣、稻草等,本計畫擬探討這些農業廢棄物是否可做為太空包內木質素之來源,以替代鋸木屑之可行性,以做為未來進口短缺鋸木屑之因應策略。The king oyster mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii) is a popular and important mushroom among the species industrially cultivated and high values on the international market. In the last three year, we have established the optimal growth environmental condition for Pleurotus eryngii, but the media chemical and physical characteristic in PE bag culture is rarely research. Wood dust is major lignin source in PE bag medium, but it’s source would be reduce in the future. There are lignocelluloses-rich wastes are unused in Taiwan. Most of studies about mushroom have been directed towards finding alternative substrates, and they include: sawdust from different tree, species, sugarcane bagasse, straw, grass. The aim of the present study is that evaluate some abundant lignocellosic by products in Taiwan for king oyster cultivation and increased the quality and yield. |
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