摘要: 本試驗的目的在瞭解蓮霧果實生育期間果實外部形態與內部有機成份的變化,以建立蓮霧果實生育的基本資料,做為栽培管理與進一步研究的基礎。蓮霧果實生育期間其果實長、寬、重量及體積均呈單S型的上升趨勢,其與生育日數間的相關係數均相當高,分別為長r²=0.99、寬r²=0.98、重量r²=0.96與體積r²=0.97。果實生育期間,單位面積內果實細胞數呈倒單S型的下降趨勢(r²=0.89),但平均細胞長與寬則呈單S型的上升的趨勢(長r²=0.93、寬r²=0.95)。硬度在發育後期有下降的情形。果實外表的顏色由黃綠色漸漸轉紅,果實內部的花青素含量隨發育過程急速上升(r²=0.86),葉綠素含量在發育初期較高,之後下降。果實的總可溶性固形物含量隨著果實的發育而增加(r²=0.90),至採收時平均約9%。果實的游離胺基酸含量在發育初期(花後20天左右)達到最高,之後便隨著果實的快速發育而逐漸減少。果實內可溶性蛋白質含量的變化亦與游離胺基酸相似,在花後20天達最高,然後急速地減少,至花後43天降至最低,之後即不再有顯著的變化。Significant morphological, physiological and biochemical changes usually occur during growth and development of fruits, and differences between spices and cultivars were also observed. As scientific research was quite limited in this tropical economic corp, the objective of this study was to investigate the physical- and compositional-related changes of wax apple from fruit set to maturity, and provide some basic information for the fruit growers and researchers. The kinetics of fruit growth indicated single sigmoid curves if the length, width, fresh weight and volume of fruits were plotted as a function of time in days. The firmness of fruits was found decreased during development of the late stage. Fruit color turned red gradually as the anthocyanin content increased. The chlorophyll concentration increased during early fruit development then decreased and maintained a constant level until harvest. Total soluble solid of fruit was enhanced with fruit development. The concentrations of free amino acids and soluble protein of wax enhanced with fruit development. The concentrations of free amino acids and soluble protein of wax apple were at the highest 20 days after full bloom then diminished abruptly. No significant changes, thereafter, were noticeable as fruit approached maturity. |