
字體大小:A- A A+

作者: 游雯蓉;林慧玲
刊名: 農林學報
出版年: 2011
關鍵字: 葉面施肥;鈣;無機養分;七星絲瓜;Foliar application;Calcium;Mineral nutrition;Seven Star vegetable sponge gourd plant
摘要: ‘七星’絲瓜葉面噴施不同型態鈣肥之後,主蔓上的葉片以噴施乳酸鈣者有較高的鈣濃度,且側蔓上在較高節位之葉片中,也以噴施乳酸鈣者有較高的鈣濃度。此外,噴施乳酸鈣者其主脈葉片氮、鎂濃度較高,但施用氯化鈣和硝酸鈣減少主蔓葉片鉀含量,分析主蔓之莖,其中以噴施乳酸鈣有較高之鈣、鎂濃度,側蔓莖亦有較高之趨勢。分析側蔓不同節位葉片大量元素含量,施用乳酸鈣及Cell-Bine複合性鈣肥在第4~5葉鈣含量較多,上位葉鈣比下位葉低;氯化鈣處理側蔓葉片鈣濃對最低,顯示,葉面噴施乳酸鈣有較高之轉運能力,而以氯化鈣噴施其吸收及轉運能力均較差。Different forms of calcium compounds applied affected the leaf Ca concentration: higher Ca concentration was found in the main shoots of vegetable sponge guard plants after spraying with calcium lactate, as were the upper leaves of the branch shoot when plants were treated similarly. However, lower leaf potassium concentration was found in the main shoots after spraying with calcium chloride and calcium nitrate. Furthermore, higher stem calcium and magnesium concentration in the main and branch shoot after spraying with calcium lactate also. Analysis leaf macronutrient in the branch shoot, higher calcium concentration was found in the 4-5(superscript th) node, after spraying with calcium lactate and Cellbine; and lowest in the calcium chloride treatment respectively. The result indicates, among the difference calcium form, calcium lactate were higher uptake and translocation efficiency than the calcium chloride in the foliar application of the sponge guard plant.