12 月
作者: 官曉青;劉黃碧圓;李堂察;蔡智賢;Kuan, Hsiao-ching;Liu Huang, Pi-yuan;Lee, Tan-cha;Tsay, Jyh-shyan |
刊名: 臺灣園藝 |
期刊所屬國別: |
出版年: 2009 |
關鍵字: 葡萄糖;蔗糖;澱粉;Glucose;Sucrose;Starch |
摘要: 本研究探討芭菲爾鞋蘭Paphiopedilum callosum (Rchb. F.) Stein、P.delenatii Guillaumin 及P. esquirolei Schlechter 切花採收後在瓶插期間水分潛勢、離子滲漏率、碳水化合物、乙烯釋放量與呼吸率之變化。三種供試材料中除了P. callosum在瓶插在第9天水分潛勢顯著降低外,其餘在瓶插期間之水分潛勢差異不顯著。P. callosum於從瓶插第5天起離子滲漏率開始增加,且以唇瓣之離子滲漏率高於萼片及翼瓣。P. delenatii 及P. esquirolei 則於整個瓶插期間離子滲漏率無顯著變化。吸水量、葡萄糖與蔗糖濃度以P. callosum 較P. delenatii 及P. esquirolei?高。切花瓶插壽命較長的P. esquirolei,其離子滲漏率及乙烯釋放量偏低而呼吸率最低。The postharvest physiology of three Paphiopedilum cut flowers, i.e. P. callosum, P. delenatii and P. esquirolei were studied. Except a sudden drop in water potential on day nine in P. callosum, the water potential did not differ significantly for three Paphiopedilum species during the vase period. In P. callosum, electrolyte leakage percentage started to increase on day five in the vase, with higher leakage in the lip than sepal or lateral petal. Electrolyte leakage in P. delenatii and P. esquirolei did not change significantly during the vase period and did not differ significantly between the two species. Cut flowers of P. callosum had higher water uptake, glucose and sucrose concentrations than P. delenatii and P. esquirolei. Cut flowers, which had longer vase life than two other species, had lower electrolyte leakage, lower ethylene production, and the lowest respiration rate. |
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