11 月
論文名稱: 結果枝懸掛及套袋對''愛文''芒果(MangiferaindicaL.)品質之影響 |
研究生姓名: 陳誌健 |
指導教授姓名: 楊耀祥 |
出版年: 2009 |
學校名稱: 國立中興大學 |
系所名稱: 園藝學系所 |
關鍵字: 懸掛;套袋;花青素;葉綠素;澱粉;全可溶性糖;hoisting;bagging;anthocyanin;chlorophyll;starch;total soluble sugar |
摘要: 本研究試驗探討結果枝懸掛及套袋對''愛文''芒果果實生長及品質之影響。懸掛試驗將樹冠分成上、下層及東、西側,用竹竿及棉繩懸掛結果枝,並使結果枝朝上,枝條不重疊。在果實生長方面,雖然上層無懸掛處理之果實重量高於懸掛處理者,但是在果實品質方面,不論是上、下層及東、西側,懸掛處理之果皮花青素及葉綠素含量,以及其果肉澱粉及可溶性糖含量均顯著地高於無懸掛者,上層部分,花青素含量平均高6.45µg/g,葉綠素含量平均高0.05mg/g,澱粉含量平均高1.6%,全可溶性糖平均高8%,下層部分,花青素含量平均高7.05µg/g,葉綠素含量平均高0.04mg/g,澱粉含量平均高2.7%,全可溶性糖平均高7.4%。 套袋試驗採用1:全程套用白色紙袋、2:先套雙層牛皮紙袋並於果實成熟採收前30日更換成白色紙袋,3:先套白色紙袋並於果實成熟採收前30日更換成雙層牛皮紙袋等三種,結果發現果實品質方面,不論是上、下層及東、西側,其吊掛處理之果皮花青素及葉綠素含量,以及其果肉澱粉及可溶性糖含量,均以套白色紙袋高於其他兩種;上層部位之花青素含量平均高13.6µg/g,葉綠素含量平均高0.09mg/g,澱粉含量平均高1.9%,全可溶性糖平均高9.2%,下層部位之花青素含量平均高8.2µg/g,葉綠素含量平均高0.09mg/g,澱粉含量平均高0.6%,全可溶性糖平均高6.3%;在玉井之試驗園亦發現,花青素含量平均高15µg/g,葉綠素含量平均高0.1mg/g,澱粉含量平均高1.8%,全可溶性糖平均高8.6%。懸掛處理及套白色紙袋均可有效地增加''愛文''芒果果皮之花青素及葉綠素含量,並提高其果肉澱粉及可溶性糖含量。The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of hoisting and bagging on fruit growth and quality in ''Irwin'' mangos. Mango bearing shoots were hoisted and separated into upper and lower part of canopy, and then departed into eastern and western sites. Results were shown that the fruit weight on upper canopy of non-hoisting treatment were higher 16.5g than those in hoisting treatment. On the other hand, anthocyanin and chlorophyll content of peel, starch and total soluble sugar content of pulp in hoisting treatment were higher than those on non-hoisting treatment. In upper part of canopy, the average excess value of anthocyanin content in peel was 6.45µg/g, chlorophyll content was 0.05mg/g, the average excess value of starch content in pulp was 1.6%, and total soluble sugar content was 8%. In lower part of canopy, the average excess value of anthocyanin content in peel was 7.05µg/g, chlorophyll content was 0.04mg/g, the average excess value of starch content in pulp was 2.7%, and total soluble sugar content was 7.4%. Fruit bagging was divided into three groups including white paper bag, white paper bag change to double layer brown paper bag on 30th day before harvest, and double layer brown paper bag change to white paper bag on 30th day before harvest. Anthocaynin and chlorophyll contents in peel of white paper bag one were higher than the other bagging in any site of the canopy. Moreover, starch and total soluble sugar contents in pulp showed the same results. In upper part of canopy, the average excess value of anthocyanin content in peel was 13.6µg/g, chlorophyll content was 0.09mg/g, the average excess value of starch content in pulp was 1.9%, and total soluble sugar content was 9.2%. In lower part of canopy, the average excess value of anthocyanin content in peel was 8.2µg/g, chlorophyll content was 0.09mg/g, the average excess value of starch content in pulp was 0.6%, and total soluble sugar content was 6.3%. In Yujing experiment orchard, the average excess value of anthocyanin content in peel was 15µg/g, chlorophyll content in peel was 0.1mg/g, the average excess value of starch content in pulp was 1.8%, and total soluble sugar content was 8.6%. It was found that treatments of bearing shoot hoisting and fruit bagging with white bag increased the contents of anthocaynin and chlorophyll in peel, and also raised contents of starch and total soluble sugar in pulp of ''Irwin'' mangos. |
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