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作者: 林芳存;李堂察
刊名: 中國園藝
出版年: 1985
關鍵字: 果實;柿子;碳酸鈉;呼吸率;乙烯;後熟;persimmon fruit sodium carbonate;respiration;ethylene;ripening
摘要: 柿子為具有呼吸更年期的果實,以20%碳酸鈉處理,果實的呼吸率和乙烯產生量隨著後熟作用之發生先上升而後下降,且果實亦隨之轉色軟化和脫澀。先以0.1mM硝酸銀處理後再用20%碳酸鈉處理之果實,雖然呼吸率和乙烯產生量也會上升,但較單獨用碳酸鈉處理為低,其後熟也不正常。以100ppm乙烯處理果實,經24小時後取出,置通風環境下,則果實的後熟和脫澀較碳酸鈉處理為佳。結果顯示,乙烯為柿子果實後熟作用中重要因子之一,碳酸鈉處理能刺激乙烯產生而後加速果實之後熟。利用乙烯氣體來催熱柿子可能具有實用價值。Persimmon is a kind of climacteric fruit. When 20% Na2CO3 was applied, the productions of CO2 and C2H4 showed proportion to the onset of ripening and subsequently decreased thereafter. An increase of red surface coloring, fruit softening and deastringency was accompanied by treated with 20% Na2CO3. In case of fruit ripening, although CO2 and C2H4 productions were found also in AgNO3+Na2CO3 treatment, much less was detected then that of 20% Na2CO3 treatment only. Also, the abnormal fruit ripening was found in the treatment of AgNO3+Na2CO3. Application of 100ppm C2H4 for 24 hours and then removing the fruit to ambient air was found to haste fruit ripening and to remove fruit astringency as compared with Na5CO3 treatment, The results indicate that C2H4 is an important factor for ripening of persimmon fruits. When the fruit treated with Na2CO3 markedly increase C2H4 production and than hastening fruit ripening. Application of C2H4 is beneficial for ripening of persimmon fruits.
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