摘要: 本試驗調查‘金煌’芒果果實劣變情形,探討不同材質套袋對金煌芒果果實生長發育及成份變化的影響。結果顯示,果實套袋後之袋內溫度以白袋較黑袋及網袋為低,而三者均比袋外環境低,溼度亦是以白袋及黑袋較低,袋內氣體組成濃度均較袋外環境為高。在果實生長速率方面,以套網袋之果實有較高的生長速率。網袋與白袋果在果實外觀之色澤均為綠色,黑袋果則為黃色。網袋果在未催熟時即有較高的澱粉含量,而在催熟後則是有較高的可溶性固形物含量,這與其a-澱粉酶活性有關,a-澱粉酶的活性似乎與澱粉的累積呈正相關。在果實養分含量方面,氮及鉀含量在果皮與果肉間相差不大,然在鈣及鎂明顯以果皮含量較高,而其中均以黑袋的氮含量較其他兩者為高;然在鈣含量方面,三者均無明顯差異;黑袋之果實氮/鈣、鉀/鈣及鎂/鈣比均較網袋及白袋高,且果實劣變率亦高。 在劣變果與正常果之各部位成分分析方面,果實在未催熟前之可溶性糖含量以劣變果較高,以中段果肉及果頂端最高,澱粉則以正常果較高,以果梗端最高;果實經益收催熟後,可溶性糖含量則以正常果較高,以果梗端最高,至於澱粉含量兩者無明顯差異,各部位亦無顯著差異。The objectives of this study were to investigate the fruit disorders, development and mineral composition of ‘Chiin Hwang’ by different bagging material. Results indicated that changing in the microenvironment of the bagged fruits had the effects of lowing the temperature and humidity around the fruits and altering gas composition as compared with the ambient air. Temperature was lower inside the white paper bag than that of the black paper or net bags and gas composition more condensed. Fruit growth was enhanced in the net-bagged fruits. Skin colors of the fruits were green in the net and white bags but yellow in black bags. The starch content of black-paper wrapped fruits was higher before ripening and an increase in total soluble sugar was observed when mature. This seemed to indicate a positive relationship between soluble sugar and α-amylase activity. In the fruit mineral concentrations, there were no significant differences in nitrogen and potassium between peel and pulp, but the peel was found high in calcium and magnesium. The black paper bagged fruits had a higher nitrogen concentration than the other treatments. There were no significant differences in calcium concentrations between treatments. The N/Ca, K/Ca and Mg/Ca of fruits were higher in black-paper treatment, likewise the percentages of the fruit disorders. Fruit analysis data indicated that the soluble sugars were elevated in the affected fruits before forced ripening especially in the middle portion and distal end in breakdown fruits. Starch content was higher in healthy fruits usually at proximal end. So was the soluble sugar in the healthy fruits after Ethrel treatment. No differences were found in starch contents in both healthy and affected fruits in various portions analyzed. |