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計畫名稱: 研發果園省工、低成本輔助機械
計畫主持人: 謝鴻業
共同計畫主持人: 黃政龍;黃柏昇;陳思如;邱相文;李健
計畫編號: 106農科-8.3.3-子-C1
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所鳳山熱帶園藝試驗分所
全程計畫年: 2017
關鍵字: 粉介殼蟲;剪草機;番荔枝;總可溶性固形物含量;鳳梨釋迦;農機;搬運;批次;品質管理;削皮;自走式;果實;性能測定;機械化;機械;清除機械;近紅外光線光譜;去籽;mealybugs;Mower;sugar apple;total soluble solid content;atemoya;Agricultural Machinery;transport;batch processing;quality management;peeling;Self-propelled;Fruit;Performance Test;mechanize;Machine;clean machine;NIR spectroscopy;Pitting
摘要: 新型農機研究與性能測定 本計畫包含2項目的,一為執行新型國產農機性能測定、研訂農機測定方法及暫行基 準與出版測定報告以供查閱,提供農民購置新型農機之參考,進而提昇國產農機之 作業性能、安全性、產品品質與競爭力,並可提供農委會在推行國產農機政策上之 參考依據。二為研製一台具有刀具角度調整功能之自走式剪草機,以提高剪草效率 ,改善有機或草生栽培農友缺工問題並節省人力成本。 開發批次式果類削皮機 首先針對熟芒果為目標進行開發,研發出一個未來能針對橢球狀或圓球狀的果類,的批次式削皮機械架構。 批次式削皮機能夠在一次人工同時置放多顆於夾座後,自動移動至削皮區插立後多顆同時削皮處理。 每一單顆的削皮由其專屬的削皮模組來處理,每個削皮模組的驅動皆來自同一個並聯動力源,並且設計上可針對使用業者需求進行模組數量的擴充。削皮模組能針對單顆各別形狀差異自動適形調整。以自動化機械解決臺灣果類削皮產業缺工問題,並預計可節省人力5倍。 應用於高屏地區果園及園產品之省工機械研發 本計畫擬研發果乾生產用轉盤式去籽機1臺,協助果乾產業發展,並協助平衡果實產銷供銷狀況。 蓮霧果實品質早期預測指標及非破壞性品質檢測技術之建立     蓮霧花蕾期間之營養管理、整枝修剪及氣候條件,常對果實成熟期之品質有決定性之影響,本研究擬開發「果實品質早期預測」技術,在果實發育初期掌握該批果實成熟時之品質,及早安排適當之行銷通路,以提高產品經濟效益。另外,使用可攜式裝置建立「果實品質非破壞性檢測」模式,除了可做為精品蓮霧糖度品質篩選的工具,更可應用於大規模生產或集貨場之果實品管,做為最適採收成熟度判定、單批果品價格決定、品牌規格化果實品質汰選之基準。 鳳梨釋迦粉介殼蟲清除機械及果園電動搬運車試驗研究 本計畫主要針對臺東地區特色作物番荔枝,依需求試驗研究各項機械,開發適用於番荔枝栽培環境之電動履帶搬運機械或特殊具有低重心高越野能力之電動搬運車,減少人力搬運成本及機械搬運損傷。開發線上型鳳梨釋迦粉介殼蟲清除機械,以一貫化、自動化作業方式,清除果實殘留之粉介殼蟲,提高作業效率,降低人力需求,減少外銷鳳梨釋迦粉介殼蟲之檢出,提升鳳梨釋迦品質,提昇鳯梨釋迦品質及國際競爭力,以擴大鳳梨釋迦產業及增加收益。A Study on New Agricultural Machinery and Performance Test This study has two goals. One is to inspect and test both the locally manufactured and the imported agricultural machinery and farm equipment to verify if they meet the national standards or other provisional standards. Loans or subsidies will be available if the performance of the machinery or equipments met the standards. This will also promote the quality and the technical level of the local agricultural machinery manufacturers. The electronic files of the reports were also available on TARI website for public reference. The 2nd goal is to develop a self-propeller mower with the function of adjustable knife's angle to improve the opperation efficiency, solve laber shortage problem, and save the cost in agriculture. Study on the Fruit Peeler Machine of Batch Processing The project focus on developing the batch-mode peeling machine for matured mango of ellipsoidal or spherical shapes. Each individual peeling is handled by its own peeling module, each driven by the same parallel power source, and designed to be expandable on the number of modules for the needs of the customers. The peeling module can be adjusted automatically for each individual shape difference of fruit. This machinery is expected to solve the problem of lack of labor in Taiwan fruit peeling industry, and to save the manpower of more than five times. Research and Development of Agricultural Machines Applied in Orchards and Horticultural Products in Kaohsiung and Pingtung This project intends to develop a fruit pitting which uses a rotating plate as a carrier. This project develops this machine in order to grow up the industrial value of preserved fruit and maintain a balance between supply and demand of fruit in Taiwan. Establishment of a Fruit Quality Early Prediction Index and a Nondestructive Quality Measurement Technique for Wax Apple     The quality of wax apple fruit as harvest was highly affected by the nutrition management usually, tree pruning and climate conditions before flower blooming. We propose to develop an index for fruit quality early prediction, to predict the final quality of wax apple fruit as small fruit stage just after flower blooming. By this technique, the marketing channel could be arranged earlier to enhance the economic benefits. Besides, to non-destructively test the fruit soluble solids content of fruit, we propose to develop a non-destructive measuring model using a commercial portable instrument by the principle of infra red light spectrum. The non-destructive measuring technique can be used in quality control of large-scale production or co-operative marketing works, to determined the best harvest time, judge the product price, and to select fruit for a specified quality of a brand. The study of mealybugs clean machine for atemoya and electric transport machine for orchard This study will improve the machine function for sugar apple in Taitung. To develop the electric fruit moving machie for sugar apple cultivation environment to reduce the transport costs and mechanical damage. To design the line type mealybugs cleaning machine for atemoya, it will be more consistently, automated operation mode, clear the mealybugs powerfully, more efficiency but less labor. We hope it can work conveniently and solve the mealybugs quarantine issue.
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