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計畫名稱: 研發改良栽培與處理技術以生產優質柑橘
計畫主持人: 劉富文
共同計畫主持人: 李堂察;郭純德;陳右人;程筱倫
計畫編號: 98農科-4.2.2-糧-Z1(3)
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 台灣大學園藝學系(所)
全程計畫年: 2009
關鍵字: 四季橘;防曬;果實品質;花芽形成;金柑;品質;柑桔;茂谷;修剪;根砧;採收成熟度;採後處理;寒害;貯藏;開花;催色;Calamondin;Sun Scald Prevention;Fruit Quality;Flower Bud Formation;Kumquat;Quality;Citrus;Murcott;Pruning;Stock;Harvestable Maturity;Postharvest Handling;Chilling;Storage;Flowering;Degreening
摘要: 本計畫之宗旨在善用過去研發成果為基礎,繼續研究改良栽培生產及採後處理貯藏技術,以促生產優質柑桔,延長供應期,並增進台灣柑桔產業之發展。本年度有4項研究如次: 1.主要品種柑桔之採後處理與貯藏改良。包括選擇優質椪柑之採果技術、適宜2,4-D使用濃度、實用催色方法及不同貯藏方法,尤重節能減碳觀念之研究。 2.四季桔與金柑花芽形成與修剪對開花期影響之研究。包括不同時期與不同強度修剪對花芽分化之影響、溫度對花芽分化之影響,顯微觀察花芽分化狀況,及各處理果實品質之研究。 3.提昇柑桔品質之研究。包括不同材料、方法、時間之防曬措施對防止椪柑與茂谷柑曬傷之效果以及不同防寒措施對防止明尼桔柚果實冬季寒害之效果研究。 4.不同根砧茂谷柑品質、採收適期與耐貯藏力研究。包括酸桔與廣東檸檬根砧對茂谷柑之品質、採收時期、與果實耐貯藏力差異之研究以及不同日期與材料套袋對增進茂谷柑品質之效果研究。Although previous research accomplishment has laid a sound foundation for citrus production methods in Taiwan, continuous effort for further improvement in cultural and handling and storage technologies is projected. The research project is aimed at finding effective techniques to produce and preserve high quality citrus fruits which can be marketed in an extended period; and therefore Taiwan citrus industry can be benefited. Four (4) major studies are scheduled for this year. 1. Improvement on postharvest handling and storage methods for major citrus cultivars of Taiwan. Methods for accurate selection of high quality ‘Ponkan' mandarin from the orchard will be studied. Optimum concentration of 2,4-D application and practical de-greening methods will be identified. Citrus fruits will be stored in 4 different types of storage, including low energy input types, and the effectiveness and practicality will be evaluated. 2. Studies on the effects of pruning and temperatures on flowing of calamondin and kumquat. Effects of time and severity of pruning as well as of temperature on flower initiation will be studied. Microscopic studies on flower bud formation and development will be carried out. Effects of various treatments on flowering, fruiting, and fruit development and quality will also be studied. 3. Quality improvement through reduced sunburn damage and cold injury for ‘Ponkan' and “Murcott' mandarins and ‘Minneola' tangelo. Various shading, coating, and bagging methods to minimize sunburn on ‘Ponkan' and ‘Murcott' will be studied. Methods to prevent low temperature injury on ‘Minneola' in the field will be tested. 4. Studies on the effects of rootstocks on fruit maturity, quality, and storability of ‘Murcott' tangor. ‘Murcott' on two popular kinds of rootstocks, ‘Sunki' and ‘Lumpur lime' mandarins will be studied. Items to be studied include time of fruit maturation, quality factors, quality changes during storage, etc. The effect of bagging using different materials and timings on the fruit quality will also be studied.
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