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作者: 林棟樑;李允中;Doung-Liang Lin;Yeun-Chung Lee
刊名: 園產品採後處理技術之研究與應用研討會專刊
出版年: 2005
關鍵字: 真空預冷;短期葉菜類;預冷;減壓燻蒸;vacuuming cooling;leafy vegetables;precooling;low pressure fumigation
摘要: 國內蔬菜預冷技術在民國70 年代即陸續在研究推廣,最早以水冷為主,至80 年代,氣冷式的壓差預冷技術漸被使用,更重要的是在此同時預冷觀念漸漸被重視。民國90 年第一台國產真空預冷機在雲林縣應用示範,短期葉菜類可在20 分鐘內由27℃左右降至5℃以下。由於該機器的預冷效果受到肯定,因此在政府的輔導下,商業應用型真空預冷機在後來的幾年逐漸增加,每批處理量從1,500 公斤至7,500 公斤,3 年多來建造了10 幾台。目前國內真空預冷機主要應用在,短期葉菜類的保鮮上,如小包裝蔬菜包裝前預冷;國軍副食及學校營養午餐蔬菜提高供貨品質;蔬菜冷藏產銷調節及蔬菜外銷保鮮處理上。 In Taiwan research and extension of precooling technology for horticultural crops were started in the early 80. Hydrocooling and forced-air cooling technology were first introduced and vacuum cooling method was then studied. In 2001 a vacuum cooler for leafy vegetables precooling was experienced in Yu-Lin County, about ten vacuum coolers were extended to the farmer associations in three conjunctive years. The cooling capacity for those vacuum cooler varied from 1,500kg to 7,500kg per batch. The vacuum coolers are successfully applied in cold chain of leafy vegetables to maintain the quality of products, to extend the storage life, and to cool precious produce i.e. head lettuce for export.
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