摘要: 百香果屬於西番蓮屬植物,為臺灣夏秋季重要果樹之一,近年來栽培面積及產量皆逐年增加,然而臺灣長期栽培品種為台農一號(P. edulis x P. edulis f. flavicarpa),直到近年來開始有滿天星百香果及黃金百香果等其他品種在市面流通,顯示百香果新品種育成有其需求及發展的空間。西番蓮屬植物除了具有孢子體自交不親和性,且因其種源豐富且複雜,在雜交育種上亦有一定程度之生殖障礙,目前尚無簡便且有效之方法克服此些生殖障礙。本研究室已蒐集10種西番蓮屬種源,其中包括已知具自交不親和性的黃色種百香果及P. caerulea、具自交親和性之紫色種百香果(P. edulis)與台農一號百香果,以及其他6種原種或商業品種。本研究目的為探討西番蓮屬植物自交與雜交授粉不親和性之機制,擬定簡便且有效之策略克服其生殖障礙,以獲得自交純系或種間雜交之後代,拓展百香果市場之品種豐富多樣性。Passion fruit plant, which belongs to the genus Passiflora, is one of the important fruits in Taiwan during summer and autumn. The cultivation areas and fruit production of passion fruit were increased year by year. The main cultivar in Taiwan is ‘Tainung No. 1’ passion fruit (Passiflora edulis x P. edulis f. flavicarpa) has been cultured for a long period, and the two new commercial cultivar also become popular for the past few years. Therfore, the growing market needs provide a good opportunity to breed new varieties in passion fruit. Passiflora spp. have self-incompatibility and crossing obstacles because of its’ abundant and complex sources, and there are currently no simple and effective methods to overcome these reproductive barriers. We have collected 10 species or varieties in our laboratory, including P. edulis f. flavicarpa and P. caerulea with self-incompatibility, P. edulis and ‘Tainung No. 1’ passion fruit which shows self-incompatibility and other six species or commercial varieties. In this study, we will investigate the incompatible mechanism of self- and cross-pollination in Passiflora spp. and draw up a simple and effective strategy to overcome their reproductive obstacles. Ultimately, we will obtain pure lines or progeny by hybridization to expand the varieties in passion fruit commercial market. |