摘要: 將臺灣冬季產番石榴果實採收後,放置於室內(平均溫度爲16±0.5°C,平均相對濕度爲63±3.5%)貯藏一週,分析其水分、總糖、還原糖、總酸、總氮及維生素丙等含量之變化,所得實驗結果綜合如下:於室溫貯藏一週,其水分變化不顯著,還原糖含量於三天內增加至最大值後緩慢減少,總糖含量於二天內徐緩減少,第三天後却大爲增加,總酸含量一直增加,總氮含量則減少。維生素丙(ASA)含量在二天內急速增加至最大值後略保持定值,DKA含量於二天內增加至最大值後亦略保持定值,DHA含量於外觀上始終保持定值。The guava fruit produced in Taiwan, Psidium guajava Linn., was picked while it was still hard and green, and then stored at room temperature under atmosphere. Moisture, reducing sugars, total sugars, acids, total nitrogen, L-ascorbic acid, dehydro-L-ascorbic acid, and 2,3-diketo-L-gulonic acid content in guava fruit were determined everyday to observe its composition changes during storage for one week. The results obtained were summarized as follows. No significant loss of moisture content was observed in guava fruit. Reducing sugars content increased to a maximum concentration and then decreased, while total sugars content showed adverse phenomenon. There was obvious increase in acids content, and on the other hand total nitrogen content showed a tendency of decreasing. L-Ascorbic acid increased from 300 mg% to a maximum concentration of 990 mg% within first two days, and no great loss occurred for the following five days. 2, 3-Diketo-L- gulonic acid content increased gradually and reached a maximum concentration of 93 mg%, and dehydro-L-ascorbic acid content remained nearly constant at 100 mg%. |