摘要: 至目前為止,番石榴採後之分級等處理作業尚完全依賴人工作業,尤其分級不夠準確常遭詬病,影響信譽至鉅,且分級後之集貨儲運管理等作業自動化尚付之闕如,本研究即針對番石榴採後分級儲運管理作業自動化系統進行研發,以解決果農及業者之需求。Up to the present,the grading of the post-harvest guava(Psidium guajava L.) ususally depend on the handing.In this particular method,the grading process is not accurate and affects the quality of the fruit.In this research,an automatic sequential processing system for the postharvest guava(Psidium guajava L.)will be studied and developed to provide an alternative solution for the farmers and wholesalers. |