摘要: 本計畫育種部分自四個果肉脆、不易軟熟品系(A1-02、C3-25、D4-76、G3-48),選出G3-48品系進行區域試驗。本品系之特性介於珍珠拔與二十世紀拔之間,品質風味較二十世紀拔為優,且修剪後易抽生結果枝,管理較為省工。其貯藏性佳,果肉質脆,但果肉質地略粗不及珍珠拔細緻,夏季高溫不易軟化的特性優於珍珠拔。此品系栽培管理不當時,酸度偏高為其缺點,對番石榴潰瘍病亦不具抗性,本品系與珍珠拔皆具良好之抗氧化性。本品系果實品質受栽培管理、季節、氣候等因素影響,差異甚大。三處試區果實品質以採分散著果方式果實品質較為穩定,但田間管理較費工。本品系與珍珠拔市場平均價格差異因行銷管道與品質有所差異,批發價差在0-10元/斤,零售價最高達60元/斤。Almost the local commercial cultivars are belong to climatic fruit and all the commercial varieties has its own problems. The goal of this project is to solve the problem of economic varieties and breed more varieties for farmers in Taiwan. We have selected 4 superior lines from 4533 seedlings. The four superior lines are A1-02、C3-25、D4-76 and G3-48. According to the results of comparison between new lines, G3-48 is better than others. This line has coarse surface, crisp flesh, long shelf life and with good flavor. Generally speaking this line has the characteristics of G3-48 is between “Jen-Ju bar” and “Shyh-jii bar” varieties. There major defect is the flesh texture coarser than “Jen-Ju bar” cultivar. The fruit quality is affected by cultivation, season and climatic variations. In order to estimate the acceptability of farmers and consumers, we selected three different region for regional trial. |