
字體大小:A- A A+

計畫名稱: 產業應用技術之導入
計畫主持人: 王仁晃
共同計畫主持人: 官青杉;朱堉君;朱雅玲;陳思如;張哲瑋;張哲嘉;林妤姍;江一蘆;黃莉欣;柯昱成;徐敏記;王泰權;黃祥益;張為斌;李雪如;黃慶文;張栢滄;林淑絲;吳庭嘉;邱國棟;李柔誼;戴肇鋒;林筑蘋;陳正恩;陳盟松;陳俊良;周國隆;黃蘊慈;朱彧瑩
計畫編號: 109農科-19.1.3-子-K1
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 農委會高雄區農業改良場作物改良課
全程計畫年: 2020
關鍵字: 綠色農業;Green Agriculture;綠色農糧供應鏈;Green Agricultural Food Supply Chain;營運模式;Business Model;營運規劃書;Business Plan;商品化;Commercialization;產業化;Industrialization;國際化;Internationalization;綠色農企業;Green Agricultural Technology Companies;育成;Incubation;商務推廣;Business promotion;外銷;export;農藥殘留容許量;maximum residue limits;全球優良農業操作;GLOBALG.A.P;芒果;mango;外銷市場;export market;採前處理;preharvest treatment;全球農業良好規範;Global G. A. P.;有害生物監測技術;pest monitoring;有害生物整合管理;integrated pest management;紅龍果;pitaya;全球良好農業規範;GLOBALG.A.P.;綠色農業;Green agriculture;除草劑;Herbicide;良好農業規範;Good Agricultural Practice, GAP;示範農場;Demo farm;茶;tea;臺灣茶分類分級系統;TAGs( Taiwan tea Assortment and Grading system);全球良好農業規範;Global GAP;外銷;Exportation;結球萵苣;Iceberg Lettuce;全球良好農業規範;GlobalGAP;全球良好農業規範;Global Good Agriculture Practice;採後處理;postharvest;紅龍果;dragon fruit;矮性菜豆;Bush bean;全球良好農業規範;GLOBAL G.A.P.;機械化生產;mechanized production;肥灌;Fertigation;永續經營;Sustainable development;荔枝;Litchi;風險評估;Risk assessment;葡萄;grape;非農藥資材;non-chemical materials;植物萃取物;plant extract;品質;quality;產量;yield;病蟲害;pest and disease;風險評估;risk assessment;危害;hazard
摘要: 友善農業科研成果創新運用與產業應用 綠色農業科研成果創新運用與產業應用: 本計畫執行目標為1)加速綠色農業研發成果商品化,提升產業可應用性;2)協助綠色農糧供應鏈場社拓展國際市場,提升國際競爭力。本年度預期完成「綠色農糧供應體系關鍵技術之研發與產業應用」計畫預期成果分析及商機挖掘5案以上,並完成「科研成果商品化補強與產業化評估」2案以上,以協助研究團隊加強對於產業鏈上下游技術發展現況的了解,評估商品化發展的可行性,並加強推動產業導向之整合型農業科技發展,加速研發成果達成商品化、事業化及產業化的目標。本年度另輔導2家場社朝國際化布局發展,並完成「綠色產業鏈營運計畫評估」報告2件以上,藉由提供創新營運模式之策略布局與建議,導入商品化事業化的商業運作思維,加速推動產業結構的調整,實現國際化拓展之目標。 強化農企業綠色科研成果創新發展: 透過加強經理人職能訓練,提升輔導能量與品質,增加各育成中心廠商跨領域合作;為協助農企業於技術研發、產品生產與品牌行銷過程,導入綠色資材、廢棄物再生利用等技術,於企業外部塑造為綠色生產企業形象,對內從採購、管理、低成本層面提高友善環境意識認知,活絡綠色農業氛圍,強化綠色農業能量,協助農企業逐步接受轉型綠色農業。輔導有意轉型或創業的綠色農民團體或組織,使能加速升級轉型,主動搜尋可以承接各試驗所技術的廠商,藉由科研發表與訪問了解廠商需求,加速廠商開發綠色產品時程;透過定期訪廠諮詢,協助育成廠商或綠色農民團體組織充裕資本,健全營運體質。 建構符合「台灣農特精品」之生產及外銷關鍵技術 建置及優化外銷農產品優良農業操作用藥模組及生產規範 本計畫規劃建置跨國農藥殘留容許量查詢網站平台彙整主要外銷國農產品農藥殘留標準,本計畫擬優先建置外銷水果農產品之優良農業操作用藥模組,除調和進出口之用藥規範並嘗試建立相關用藥模組,使外銷農產品之用藥可同時符合國內外標準並符合相關規範。另因不同農業操作之規範落差造成查核嚴謹度及認知不一的情形,故優先針對具有內外銷潛力之作物優化及實地導入農產品優良農業操作生產規範。 建構符合全球良好農業規範之外銷芒果供果園之管理模式 本計畫目的是藉由芒果採前處理技術的研究開發,進行試劑或非農藥資材處理,降低貯運期間貯藏病害及延長銷售櫥架壽命,以維持果實到貨品質。並建立外銷關鍵技術及建構客製化管理模式,以穩定供貨並進而拓展其他市場,進而建構符合台灣綠色農產品生產及外銷關鍵技術。 建構符合全球良好農業規範之外銷冷凍蔬菜生產關鍵技術 本計畫擬複製毛豆機械化生產栽培模式, 建立矮性菜豆機械化生產模式,減少灌溉水量、肥料及人力成本,增加田間作業效率,達到省水減碳及友善環境目的,並輔導外銷矮性菜豆管理示範農場,建構外銷農場永續管理之模組化技術,最終生產符合驗證之農產品,擴展內外銷市場。 建構符合全球良好農業規範之外銷紅龍果農場生產關鍵管理技術 紅龍果產量高且批次多,由6月下旬即進入盛產期,直到10月底總產量才逐漸降低,而7、8月為產量高峰期加上高溫、高濕及栽培者無法有效控制產量 ,常導致果實品質差、果粒小而使得市場價格紊亂。故建立優質紅龍果生產批次調 節關鍵管理技術,提高紅龍果果實特級品比率。同時,將Global GAP導入農場管理營運規劃及設計,建立符合全球良好農業作業規範認驗證之示範農場。 建構符合全球良好農業規範之外銷鳳梨關鍵管理模式 本研究擬提升鳳梨外銷供果園GAP制度嚴謹度,建立符合國際採用GAP查核點之關鍵技術,協助我國鳳梨果園良好農業規範的推展,達到對環境、勞動者以及消費者友善,落實永續農業精神。以強化台灣鳳梨供應鏈之驗證制度,提昇台灣鳳梨產銷供應鏈競爭力,穩定現有外銷市場,進而促進鳳梨多元外銷通路。 建構符合全球良好農業規範之病蟲害監測與管理技術 由於目前農產品生產者及相關管理人員對IPM的架構與運用的觀念與執行能力較為不足,為了配合推動GLOBALG. A. P.之驗證,本計畫將以「觀察與監測」為核心依害物別及作物別建立關鍵有害生物監測系統及其記錄之文件製備,輔導病蟲害管理人員參考監測資料規劃「預防」與「干預」之病蟲害管理策略,以建構符合GLOBALG.A.P.規範下之IPM系統。 建構符合國際驗證標準木瓜綠色生產關鍵技術套裝應用 產出木瓜農場符合GLOBALG.A.P.表單及作業程序。 優化木瓜品質採購分級標準,提升果品價值。 分散木瓜週年生產量,穩定供果品質並減少不良果比例。 優化智慧化肥灌系統,簡化符合性作業表單紀錄。 建構符合全球良好農業規範之外銷萵苣農場關鍵管理技術 改善外銷萵苣農場環境確保永續經營建立灌溉需求預估模型、提升農場中的用水效率、建立土壤管理保持措施及減少不可再生能源耗費;在改善外銷萵苣管理作業確保食品安全則包含強化農產廢棄物再利用、落實病蟲害之綜合管理。預計109年度優先完成建立灌溉需求預估模式提升用水效率及強化廢棄菜葉再利用關鍵技術,計畫全程期限內輔導示範農場持續取得外銷萵苣之全球良好農業規範認證。 建構符合國際驗證標準葡萄綠色生產作業流程 以‘巨峰’或‘蜜紅’進行減農藥栽培模式之評估,利用非農藥資材進行病蟲害之預防、監控及干預,達到減農藥與永續經營的目標。另外,以GLOBALG.A.P.為基礎,建立各項風險評估並制定標準作業指導書,以建構符合綠色生產之萄綠色生產作業流程。最終藉由上課或研習向下扎根,建立種子學生及青年農民。 台灣農特精品之紅龍果全球良好農業規範(Global G.A.P.)關鍵技術實作場域導入與重要管制點技術規範之建立 1. 配合產銷履歷與GLOBAL G.A.P.規範,進行控管點之主要必須與次要必須技術規範確認及整合,並申請Global G.A.P. 的Local G.A.P.或同等以上國際認證規範 2. 針對配合集理貨包裝場紅龍果量化採後處理與清洗消毒模組技術實證與改進,導入美國現代化食品安全準則(FSMA)區域清潔安全規範規定。 建構符合全球良好農業規範之荔枝供果園之管理模式 建構符合荔枝生產之綠色供應鏈規範與標準化,藉由導入GLOBALG.A.P.等符合綠色供應鏈之準則並逐步修正TGAP的規範,此外,建立優良的輔導系統,輔導生產者撰寫申請文件與執行符合國際規範之生產銷售流程。 建構符合全球良好農業規範之風險管理系統 為推行全球良好農業規範,針對全球良好農業規範果蔬及茶葉模組風險評估制定查檢表、常見案例與解決策略手冊一式。推動大專院校學生與青農對良好農業規範的認識,導入8小時基礎教育課程與產產地觀摩。 建構臺灣茶綠色供應體系與全球布局分級模式 本計畫擬建立茶葉的綠色供應體系,並建構一個臺灣茶分類分級系統(TAGs)。 結合國內目前的比賽茶品質分級方法及產地證明標章,以符合國際驗證標準Global GAP的茶葉作為此系統中最頂級的茶,以此系統可打入國際市場,作為台灣茶未來行 銷國際的基礎。 綠色農業科研成果導入與產業應用 建構符合國際驗證標準葡萄綠色生產作業流程 為依循IPM與GLOBALG.A.P.精神,本研究於中興大學園藝試驗場葡萄中心進行,以‘巨峰’或‘蜜紅’進行減農藥栽培模式之評估,以慣行農法為對照組,利用非農藥資材進行病蟲害之預防、監控及干預,尋找經濟生產與友善自然環境之平衡,達到減農藥與永續經營的目標。另外,以GLOBALG.A.P.為基礎,建立各項風險評估並制定標準作業指導書,以建構符合綠色生產之萄綠色生產作業流程。最終藉由上課或研習,培養學生符合國際規範之綠色生產、型塑台灣精品水果產銷之觀念,俾向下扎根,建立種子學生及青年農民。 建構符合全球良好農業規範之風險管理系統 為推行全球良好農業規範,本計畫針對全球良好農業規範果蔬及茶葉模組風險評估制定查檢表、常見案例與解決策略手冊一式。另外,為推動大專院校學生與青農對良好農業規範的認識,導入8小時基礎教育課程與產產地觀摩。 Innovative Application and Industrial Promotionfor Green Agricultural Technology Achievements Innovative Application and Industrial Promotion for Green Agricultural Technology Achievements The main purposes of this project include: 1) Accelerate commercialization and industrialization of green agricultural R&D research achievements. 2) Develop novel business models for green agricultural farmer groups or agri-business to achieve industrialization and internationalization. In order to improve commercialization of achievements from sub-projects of “Development and industrial application of key technologies in green agricultural food supply chain”, relevant know-how and patented techniques will be screened and integrated. The potential gaps can be accordingly sought out and served as references to Council of Agriculture (COA) affiliated institutes for further research planning. In addition, business sense is going to be incorporated in the following evaluation. This project will provide two commercialized evaluation reports, and hold on 10 exchange meetings. To realize the objectives of green agriculture industry globalization and sustainability, novel business model is going to be suggested. Business plan with industrialized and internationalized concepts including market and industry analysis, financial assessment, intellectual property planning, regulation analysis, competitive analysis, etc. will also be developed. This project is going to provide two business plans with internationally developed business models, and also offer guidance for two potential farmer groups or agri-business. Improve of innovational ability of Green Agricultural Technology Companies By strengthening the training of managers' functions, improving the energy and quality of coaching, and increasing cross-sectoral cooperation among incubation center manufacturers; in order to assist agricultural enterprises in technology research and development, product production and brand marketing processes, the introduction of green materials, waste recycling and other technologies Externally shaped as the image of a green production enterprise, to improve the awareness of friendly environmental awareness from the aspects of procurement, management, and low cost, to activate the atmosphere of green agriculture, strengthen the energy of green agriculture, and assist agricultural enterprises to gradually accept the transition to green agriculture. Counseling green farmer groups or organizations interested in transformation or entrepreneurship, enabling accelerated transformation, actively searching for manufacturers who can undertake the technologies of various laboratories, understanding the needs of manufacturers through scientific research publications and interviews, and accelerating the development of green products by manufacturers; through regular interviews Factory consultation, assist in cultivating manufacturers or green farmers' groups to organize sufficient capital, and improve operating conditions. Establishing the Cole technologies for Producing Taiwan's Feature of Boutique Agricultural Products Establish and optimize pesticide safety use operation modules and production scheme for export agricultural products Different countries have different pesticide residue standards, which often become barriers of trade. Therefore, establish a transnational pesticide residue tolerance inquiry website platform to collect pesticide residue standards for agricultural products in major exporting countries, so that farmers, exporters and counselors can be instant and convenient. Inquire about the differences in pesticide residue standards in importing and exporting countries, adjust pesticide use strategies early, and reduce the risk of unqualified residues in exported agricultural products. The current production and sales resume has a large gap with the global good agricultural operation (GLOBALG.AP). Therefore, the plan is to give priority to the establishment of excellent agricultural operation modules for exporting fruit and agricultural products, in addition to reconciling the specifications of pesticide for import and export and trying to establish The related pesticide-using module enables the drug for exporting agricultural products to meet the domestic and international standards and comply with relevant regulations. In addition, due to the difference in the standardization of different agricultural operations, it is necessary to check the rigor and the cognition of the agricultural products. Therefore, priority is given to the optimization of crops with internal and external sales potential and the introduction of agricultural production fine agricultural production practices, so that relevant regulations can be localized and implemented. It is simple, but it can meet international regulations and national regulations, and it has its own challenges and complexity. Establishment of Management Techniques for Export Mango Farms in Accordance with Global Good Agricultural Practices Mango is one of the important export fruit of Taiwan. The storage, quality and disease occurrence of fruit are the most important factors affecting the supply of export. The purpose of this project is to carry out the research and development of the pretreatment technology, Pesticide materials processing, reduce storage and storage during storage and extended sales shelf life, in order to maintain fruit quality. It also established key technologies for export and built a customized management model to stabilize supply and further expand other markets, and then build key technologies that are consistent with the production and export of green agricultural products in Taiwan. Establishment of key technologies for the production of exported frozen vegetables under GLOBAL G.A.P. Bush bean is a vegetable with potential for export in Taiwan. It is very suitable for large-scale cultivation and mechanical harvesting. However, basic information such as the optimal mechanical harvesting period and water management between various varieties has not been established. The plan is to copy the mechanized production and cultivation of edamame model, establish a mechanized production mode of bush beans, reduce the amount of irrigation water, fertilizer and labor costs, increase the efficiency of field operations, achieve water and carbon reduction and friendly environment, and counsel the export of dwarf bean management demonstration farms, and build a model for sustainable management of export farms. The group technology will eventually produce agricultural products that meet the "Taiwan Good Agricultural Practices (TGAP)" and "Global Good Agricultural Practices (Global G.A.P.)", expanding the domestic and foreign markets and increasing the benefits for farmers. Construct management techniques for exporting dragon fruit farms in line with GlobalG.A.P. The cultivation area of dragon fruit in Taiwan has increased rapidly in recent years. In order to prevent the subsequent cultivation and production of the cultivated area, it is necessary to actively increase the product utilization and develop the export market, so that Taiwan's dragon fruit can be stably sold to the world. The yield of dragon fruit is high and there are many batches. It will enter the prolific period from the end of June until the end of October, and the total output will gradually decrease. In July and August, high temperature and high humidity and the farmers can’t effectively control the yield. It often leads to poor fruit quality and small fruit size, which makes the market price disorder. Therefore, establish management techniques for the production of high-quality dragon fruit production batches. At the same time, the Global GAP will be introduced into the farm management operation planning and design, and a demonstration farm that meets the requirements of the Global GAP will be established. Construction of key management model for exporting pineapples in line with global good agricultural practices The quality of pineapples and the safety of environment, farmers, and consumers were highly affected by the use of chemical substances in the processes of the agricultural management, pre-harvest treatment, post-harvest grading and packaging, storage and transportation. For the purpose of maintain recent exporting marker and open up newly export channel, we committed to strengthen the GAP certification system in Taiwan pineapple supply chain. In this research, we intend to improve the stringency of the GAP system of exporting orchard, and establish key technologies that comply with the international GAP CCP (Critical Control Points).For the benefit of producer and consumer, by this technique, the producer can apply appropriate operation through good agricultural practices in the pineapple field. The technique can be used to good quality control of exporting production, the co-operation of farmers and marketing works, and sustainable agriculture spirit building-up. Constructing techniques of pest monitoring and management for Global Good Agricultural Practice Pest control is a necessary measure in the production processes of agricultural crops. GLOBALG. A. P. guideline indicated that pest control must be implemented under IPM system, including prevention, observation and monitoring, intervention. So far, concept and implementing ability in IPM framework and application were insufficiency for the growers and the technically responsible persons. In order to promote of GLOBALG. A. P. certification to advance the industrial upgrades and expand market for export, this project will take CB 6.3 “observation and monitoring” as the core of work. The monitoring system of key pest and document preparation of monitoring records will be established depending on pests and crops. We will guide the technically responsible persons to plan how to do the prevention and intervention in the pest management strategy, and to construct IPM system complying with GLOBALG. A. P. criteria. Establishing the Package Core-Technologies of Green Production for Papaya in Accordance with Global Good Agricultural Practices This study is focused on establishing the package core-technologies of green production for papaya in accordance with global good agricultural practices. Include three main topics: Counseling a papaya farm conducts risk assessment and improvement planning based on the Control Points and Compliance Criteria (CPCC) of Integrated Farm Assurance in GLOBALG.A.P. To optimize grading grading standards according to the demands of the purchaser and increase fruit value. Disperse the annual production of papaya, stabilize the quality of fruit supply and reduce the proportion of defected fruit. To optimize the intelligent fertilizer irrigation system, effectively control the yield and quality of papaya, improve the efficiency of orchard operations, and simplify compliance the control point of GGAP record . Cooperate with distributors to strengthen the value of fruits certified with good agricultural practice. Establishment of Key Management Techniques for Export Lettuce Farms in Accordance with Global Good Agricultural Practices The purpose of this project is to assist export lettuce production farms to strengthen their export competitiveness, apply for certification of Global Good Agricultural Practices (Global G.A.P.), and establish key farm management technologies as a basis for improvement to ensure compliance with audit verification requirements. The main research strategy is to test solutions for several Global G.A.P. requirements that lettuce farms are currently not able to meet. The focus of these trials is to improve the environmental impact and sustainability, and to ensure food safety of export lettuce farms. The environmental impact will be improved with four methods: increasing the efficiency of water use, establishing an irrigation demand forecasting model, introducing conservation measures for soil management, and reducing the consumption of non-renewable energy resources. To improve food safety, agricultural wastes will be reused more effectively and integrated pest management will be introduced to minimize the use of pesticides. By the end of 2020, it is expected that an irrigation demand forecasting model will be established to improve water efficiency and strengthen key technologies for recycling of discarded leaf. Within the time frame of project, at least one farm should attain the Global G.A.P. certificate. Constructing the Standard Operation Procedure in face of GLOBALG.A.P. and Green Production to grapevine This study aimed to establish the pesticide-reducing cultivation model and GLOBALG.A.P. standard operation procedure in 'Kyhoo' grape at the Grapevine Center Branch, Horticulture Research Station, National Chung Hsing University. Moreover, college students and farmers will be educated to orient the concept of Green Production for exploring the market worldwide. Taiwan dragon fruit novel critical technologies introducing and critical control point manual establishing of Global G.A.P. 1. Focusing on harzard control point of export and local sale packing house. Not only present by packing flow chart but decreasing resource loss strategy. 2. Designing large amount washing and disinfecting model and decreasing power loss and storage risk. In the nearly future, these strategies will establish in Taiwan for postharvest handling of dragon fruits . Conducive to the integration of domestic industries with foreign countries, and promote the export of Taiwan's agricultural products Construction a management model of litchi orchards to comply with GLOBALG.A.P. standards GLOBALG.A.P. certification has been quite accepted internationally, agricultural products get GLOBALG.A.P. certification will make products more competitive in the export market. Litchi is one of specialties in Taiwan and it has also become a more competitive fruit variety after Taiwan accession to the World Trade Organization. The Council of Agriculture has planned to promote Traceability Agricultural Product based on Taiwan Good Agricultural Practice (TGAP), and has also completed production and marketing standards of agricultural products certification, regulations and management procedures since 2004. However, TGAP is not yet to comply with international standards. In order to successfully promote the fruit production and marketing system to conform to international standards, we expected that the green supply chain regulations and standards of litchi production will be constructed through this project, by importing GLOBALG.A.P. or other standards that comply with the green supply chain and revise the standards of Litchi TGAP step by step. On the other hand, constructing counseling systems to guide growers to write application documents and carry out production to marketing procedures to comply with international standards. Finally, growers can produce litchi that have traceability, safety, high quality and accord with the demands of the market. Construct a risk management system responding to the Global GAP This study developed checklists, manual of common cases and solution strategy for the risk assessment of GLOBALG.A.P. FV and Tea module. In addition, in order to promote the understanding of good agricultural practices among college students and young farmers, 8-hour basic education courses and production sites visit were introduced. Establishing the green supply-chain and global layout classification model of Taiwan tea The research will establish a green supply-chain for tea, and construct a Taiwan tea assortment and grading system(TAGs). Combined with the current tea competitions and production labels, the tea that meets international verification standards(sush as Global GAP) as the top level tea of this system will lead Taiwan tea enter the international tea market. Introducing the Achievement of Green Agricultural Scientific Research for Industrial Application Constructing the Standard Operation Procedure in face of GLOBALG.A.P. and Green Production to grapevine This study aimed to establish the pesticide-reducing cultivation model and GLOBALG.A.P. standard operation procedure in 'Kyhoo' grape at the Grapevine Center Branch, Horticulture Research Station, National Chung Hsing University. Moreover, college students and farmers will be educated to orient the concept of Green Production for exploring the market worldwide. Construct a risk management system responding to the Global GAP This study developed checklists, manual of common cases and solution strategy for the risk assessment of GLOBALG.A.P. FV and Tea module. In addition, in order to promote the understanding of good agricultural practices among college students and young farmers, 8-hour basic education courses and production sites visit were introduced.
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