摘要: 計畫目標: 探討生物可分解性資材( 俗稱綠色塑膠 )在果樹生產套袋上對果實發育、果實品質及產量之影響, 並調查生物可分解資材之使用成本, 評估該資材之分解變化及對環境改善污染程度及其可行性.重要工作項目: 1.生物可分解性材料套袋對文旦生育、品質色澤及產量之影響: ( 1 )試驗材料: 10-12年生之文旦果園.( 2 )試驗方法: 於文旦果實發育中果期, 利用白、黑、綠三種不同顏色套袋及一般紙袋與不套袋之比較, RCBD設計, 四重複, 每重複1棵, 每棵果實全部套袋, 供試面積0.1公頃.( 3 )調查項目: 不同套袋顏色質材對果實重量、大小、外觀色澤、成熟果實品質糖度變化、大小、產量、病蟲害發生情形、生產成本與收益、資材分解情形及其分解後物質之成分分析( 由合作機關辦理 ).( 4 )試驗地點: 花蓮縣瑞穗鄉及宜蘭縣冬山鄉各一處.2.生物可分解性資材套袋對番石榴生育、品質及產量之影響: ( 1 )試驗材料: 7-8年之番石榴品種.( 2 )試驗方法: 於真珠拔結果後套袋適期, 利用生物可分解套袋與一般傳統紙袋套袋、不套袋對照等, RCBD設計, 四重複, 每重複2棵.( 3 )調查項目: 不同質材對果實重量、大小、外觀色澤、成熟果實品質糖度變化、大小、產量、病蟲害發生情形、生產成本與收益、資材分解情形及其分解後物質之成分分析( 由合作機關辦理 ).( 4 )試驗地點: 花蓮縣壽豐鄉一處.預期效益: 以生物可分解性材料替代紙袋利用在果實套袋生產, 可提高果實品質及商品價值並減少污染。The object of this study is to investigate the effects of biodegradable plastics bags ( the so called `green plastics' )on the development, quality and yield of some fruits.The cost of these applications as well as their effect on environmental contamination will also be assessed.Fruits used for this year's study are `Wentan'pumelo and `Jenju'guava.For the `Wentan'pumelo experiment, 10to 12years old pumelo trees grown in two orchards in Hwalien and Yilan counties are selected.At the middle of fruit development, all the fruit within each of the selected tree are bagged with one of the following bags: white, black, green plastic bag, paper bag or no bag.The experiment is set up in a randomized complete block design with one tree per treatment and a total of four replicas.For the `Jenju'guava experiment, 7to 8years old guava trees grown in an orchards in Hwalien county are selected.After anthesis, all the small fruit within each of the selected tree are bagged with one of the following bags: biodegradable bag, paper bag or no bag.The experiment is set up in a randomized complete block design with two trees per treatment and a total of four replicas.Items to be investigated include: fruit weight, size, external color, soluble solids content, yield, pests, production costs and revenue.A cooperation institution will assess the degradation of plastic bags and analyze the breakdown products. |