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計畫名稱: 熱帶果樹研究團隊-高雄區果樹栽培技術改進-鳳梨栽培及採後處理技術改進
計畫主持人: 陳思如
計畫編號: 101農科-9.2.2-高-K2(4)
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會高雄區農業改良場作物改良課
全程計畫年: 2012
關鍵字: 催花;底腐病;益收;flower induction;butt mold;ethephon
摘要: 本計畫目標為改進鳳梨採後處理及催花技術,以提升外銷鳳梨到貨品質、建立較低人工成本之催花方式,增加農民收益。在採後處理方面,本年度針對貯藏溫度及採後果梗切口噴施酒精之濃度進行交感試驗,期能建立一套鳳梨抑菌處理與溫度管理技術,減少貯後果梗端切口感染率至10%以下。本年度亦探討益收催花對鳳梨之影響,本試驗以台農17號為材料,以益收配合不同肥料配方,並利用灌心或葉面噴施的方式進行催花,探討不同催花方式之催花率及對鳳梨果實形質之影響,期能建立一套省工、高效率之鳳梨催花方式。This project is aim to improvement of postharvest and flower induction technology in pineapple, and expected to enhance the arrival quality of export pineapple and establish a low labor cost method for flower induction to increase farmer’s income. In the research of postharvest technology, the effect of storage temperature and concentration of alcohol spray for antimicrobial treatment on the infection of cut surface of fruit bottom end are investigated to establish a set of postharvest technology to reduce infection rate to less than 10%. The effect of using ethephon as flower induction agent on ‘Tainon 17’ is also investigated in our research. By the treatments of spraying ethephon with different kind of fertilizers on leaf surface or pouring into plants heart, some informations about the effect of ethephon on pineapple flower induction and fruit shape and quality are collected to establish a low labor cost flower induction method by ethephon.
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