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作者: 林婉茹;劉黃碧圓;林芳存;李堂察;洪進雄;Lin, Wan-lu;Liu Huang, Pi-yuan;Lin, Fan-tswen;Lee, Tan-cha;Hung, Chin-hsiung
刊名: 中華真菌學會會刊
出版年: 2004
關鍵字: 巴西蘑菇;失重率;品質;異味;儲藏;櫥架壽命;Agaricus blazei;Off-odor;Quality;Shelf-life;Storage
摘要: 巴西蘑菇在三種貯藏溫度(0℃、5℃及25℃)下貯藏17天,由貯藏期間之菇體外表特徵,菇體是否其有持續生長能力、發生異味程度、失重率及菇體形狀,貯藏期間寒害發生程度及菇體上是否發生癭蠅等因子判斷菇體品質及櫥架壽命。在0℃、5℃及25℃之貯藏壽命分別為17天、17天及3天;失去商品價值之失重率為36%、56%與11%。蕈傘直徑與菇體長度在25℃環境隨貯藏天數增加而增加;在0℃及5℃環境隨貯藏天數增加而減少。在25℃第3天有強烈的異味,0℃及5℃第11天有輕微異味。25℃第1-3天呼吸率維持在高濃度(448.6-461.9 mL CO2/kg-hr),隨貯藏天數增加略為下降;0℃及5℃貯藏第1-3天呼吸率急速下降,後期則維持在一定濃度。在0℃及5℃貯藏5天及10天後移置25℃環境,櫥架壽命均為3-4天,失重率及異味隨櫥架天數增加而增加,蕈傘直徑隨櫥架天數遞減,菇體長度則增加後再減少,菌傘開張度變化不大。在0℃貯藏5天後移置25℃環境第1天呼吸率為貯藏10天的210%,第3天的呼吸率則很相近。在5℃貯藏5天後第1天呼吸率為貯藏10天的182%,隨後呼吸率隨著櫥架天數增加而降低;5℃貯藏10天呼吸率隨著櫥架天數增加而增加。癭蠅在高溫及低溫貯藏均可發現,表示在貯藏之前巴西蘑菇已受到癭蠅成蟲侵襲,低溫可以抑制癭蠅幼蟲及其他雜菌發展,但相對地產生寒害症狀。Agaricus blazei stored at 0℃, 5℃, and 25℃ for 17 days, the shelf life and quality were assessed by the characteristics of the surface of fruiting body (such as colors, browning and the growth of mycelia on the the surface of fruiting body), the continous growth of fruiting body (such as the opening of pileus, the diameter of pileus and height of fruiting body), off-odor, weight loss and shape, chilling injuries and fly damages etc. the shelf life of the treatments at 0℃, 5℃, and 25℃ were 17 days, 17 days, and 3 days. The weight loss for losing the commercial value were 36%, 56%, and 11%, and weight loss increased by the days of storage. The diameter of the pileus and the height of fruiting bodies increased at 25℃, it increased and decreased later at 0℃ and 5℃. Strong unpleasant off-odor appeared at 3rd days at 25℃, and treatments in 0℃ and 5℃ had acceptable off-odor at 11th days, off-odor also increased gradually by the days of storage. the respiration rate at 25℃were 448.6-481 mL CO2/kg-hr at 1st to 3rd days, but reduced later. The respiration of the treatments at 0℃ and 5℃ drop rapidly from 1st to 3rd days, and maintained the constant later. The shelf life of Agaricus blazel stored at 0℃ and 5℃ for 5 days and 10 days then transferred to 25℃ were 3-4 days. the weight loss and off-odor increased, the height of fruiting body increased and decreased later by the days of shelf life, the opening of pileus were almost the same. the respiration rate of treatment stored at 0℃ for 5 days were 210% as that of 10 days at 1st day, both were the same at 3rd days. the respiration rate of treatment stored at 5℃ for 5 days were 182% as that of 10 days at 1st day, reduced later by the days of shelf life. The respiration rate of treatment stored at 5℃ for 10 days increased by the days of shelf life. The cecid fly appeared at the stipe of Agaricus blazei of all the treatments. It showed that the fly penetrated into the fruiting body before the storage. Low temperature inhibited the development of the larva of the fly and other pathogens, and also had chilling injuries of Agaricus blazei.
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