摘要: 檢疫蒸熱處理的目的為除去昆蟲並保持果實品質,本試驗以‘珍珠拔’、苦瓜、‘鶯歌桃’、‘金煌’芒果、東方甜瓜、柳橙、‘蜜棗’印度棗、‘台農2號’未熟番木瓜為試驗材料,探討蒸熱處理對除去東方果實蠅(Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel)或瓜實蠅(Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett)及果實品質之影響。 ‘珍珠拔’、‘鶯歌桃’、‘金煌’芒果、柳橙、‘蜜棗’印度棗分別行蒸熱處理在果心溫度達46.5℃持續57、23、10、10、10分鐘以上即可造成東方果實蠅蟲卵100%死亡率,苦瓜和東方甜瓜則在32和10分鐘以上能有效殺死瓜實蠅蟲卵。6種成熟度的‘台農2號’番木瓜接種蟲卵後,於25℃遮光下放置7天蟲卵孵化率,依果實大小由小到大分別為3.5、3、11.1、7.7、3.6、38.6%。 蒸熱處理後影響果實品質方面,‘珍珠拔’硬度會提高;苦瓜黃化和發黴情形增加;‘鶯歌桃’全可溶性固形物較低,乙烯釋放率和呼吸率較低;‘金煌’芒果葉綠素螢光參數Fv/Fm值下降;東方甜瓜乙烯釋放率和呼吸率較高,但處理10分鐘以上有熱傷害的發生,故檢疫上不適用蒸熱處理;柳橙可滴定酸會下降,糖酸比較高,並可降低灰黴病菌感染情形,但處理10分鐘以上有熱傷害的發生,故檢疫上不適用蒸熱處理;‘蜜棗’印度棗處理13分鐘以上有熱傷害的發生,故檢疫上不適用蒸熱處理。而不同大小採收的‘台農2號’番木瓜未熟果實蒸熱處理後品質和對照組無明顯差異。Before shipment to Japan and Korea markets, some Taiwan-grown fruits are subjected to quarantine treatment to disinfest the fruit of fruit fly. Vapor heat treatment, a majority of quarantine treatments, was developed for fruit fly. This study was initiated to evaluate the effect of vapor heat treatment on the quality of ‘Jen-Ju Bar’ guava, bitter gourd, peach, ‘Chiin Hwang’ mango, melon, orange, ‘Mi Zao’ Indian jujube, and immature ‘Tainung No. 2’ papaya fruits grown in Taiwan and the efficacy to destroy eggs and larvae of fruit flies in these fruits. The vapor heat treatment consisted of sequentially exposing the test fruits to forced air at 49-51℃ until fruit center temperature reached 46.5℃ and hold at this temperature for various time. Survival tests with the vapor heat treatment until fruit center temperature at 46.5℃ for 57, 23, 10, 10, 10, 32, and 10 minutes for ‘Jen-Ju Bar’, peach, ‘Chiin Hwang’ mango, orange, ‘Mi Zao’ Indian jujube, bitter gourd, and melon fruit, respectively, showed no survival for oriental fruit fly or melon fly. The quality of ‘Jen-Ju Bar’, peach, ‘Chiin Hwang’ mango, orange, fruits tracted with vapor heat and stored at suitable temperature for 7 days were not affected by thermal treatment, but abnormal peel color and scald were occurred in ‘Mi Zao’ and melon fruit. In addition, the ethylene production and respiration rate were inhibited by vapor heat treatment for peach fruit, but the rate of ethylene and respiration were elevated in melon fruit after vapor heat treatment. Vapor heat treatment (46.5℃ for 30 mins) of orange fruit significantly reduced incidences of postharvest diseases, especially Botrytis cinerea Pers. |