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作者: 林芳存;郭銀港;呂明雄;李堂察
刊名: 嘉義農專學報
出版年: 1995
關鍵字: 椪柑;柳橙;品質;腐爛率;綠蒂率;通風貯藏;Liu-cheng orange;Ponkan manderin;Quality.rot rate;Percentage of green stem bottom;Conventional storage
摘要: 椪柑果實用滾筒式分級機分大小後再貯藏顯著增加腐爛率。採收時大型 果(周徑27-30公分)和超大型果(周徑30公分以上)之可溶性固形物含量和可滴定酸 含量較低,糖酸比較高,果皮較厚,果汁率低和比重輕,經貯藏後腐爛率高,可 溶性固形物含量和果汁率低下,風味不佳,顯示大型果和超大型果採收後以立即 鮮食為宜。中型果(周徑25-27公分)和小型果(周徑23-25公分)可溶性固形物和可滴 定酸度含量較高,腐爛率較低,短期貯藏後風味佳,較適合貯藏。 柳橙之可溶性固形物含量和果汁率隨果實大小遞增而遞減。果實較小,果皮較 薄,糖酸比較高,貯藏後腐爛率較高,綠蒂率較低,顯示較宜鮮食。而大型果(周 徑23-25公分)之腐爛率低,且綠蒂率高,貯藏二個月後,風味仍佳,顯示大果宜 貯藏。添加2,4-D和TBZ能有效的增加綠蒂率減少果實腐損。 各農戶所栽培之椪柑和柳橙品質和貯藏成果之差異極大,顯示栽培管理和採收作 業亦為影響柑桔貯藏最重要因子。The rot rate of ' Ponkan ' mandarin , which were sized by rolling sizerand stored at the conventional storage room , increased significantly . Largefruit( fruit size , 27cm and 30cm) showed lower TSS and acidity , higher TSS/acidity, thicker peel, lower juice percentage and lighter fruit gravity. Therefore, large ' Ponkan ' fruits were not suitable for storage,but suitable forfresh market after harvest.The medium fruit (sized 25cm) and small fruit(sized 23cm) had higher TSS and acidity. They showed good flavor and lowerrot rate after storage. The smaller ' Liu-cheng ' oranges showed higher TSS and more fruitjuice. Small fruit had thinner peel, better flavor ,and lower rate of green stembottom. They also had more rot rate after storage. Therefore.smaller ' liucheng ' oranges were suitable for comsuption immediately after harvest, thelarge ' Liu-cheng ' oranges had good flavor, lower rot rate and higher greenstem bottom after two months of storage. The fruit quality and storage ability of Ponkan mandarine and ' Liu-cheng ' orange cultivated by farmers were quite different. It showed that culturalmethods and harvesting affected fruits storage.
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