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計畫名稱: 柑橘品質改進、新品種研究及採後處理與貯藏技術改良
計畫主持人: 劉富文
共同計畫主持人: 李堂察;李宏萍;王怡玎
計畫編號: 100農科-4.2.2-糧-Z1(2)
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 台灣大學園藝學系(所)
全程計畫年: 2011
關鍵字: 催色;椪柑;柳橙;益收;2、4地;貯藏;窯洞貯藏;果實品質;新引進品種;果實生長發育;degreening;’Ponkan’ mandarin;’Liucheng’ orange;Ethrel;2,4-D;storage;cave storage;fruit quality;newly introduced varieties;fruit growth and development
摘要: 本研究的目標在研究提高柑桔品質之果園管理技術、新引進品種柑桔之果實發育與果實特性,以及研發實用而低成本的處理與貯藏方法,以增進台灣柑桔之品質並延長其供銷期間。本年度進行六項試驗。1. 研究枝梢抑制劑對椪柑果實產量、品質及貯藏性之影響。2. 研究新引進椪柑品種果實發育、品質與貯藏。3. 追蹤使用不同濃度2,4-D保鮮後在貯藏期間之殘留量變化。4. 比較以「益收」(Ethrel) 催色與乙烯催色椪柑之效果及實用性評估。5. 測定椪柑與柳橙樹冠內外採收之果實耐貯藏性差異。6. 南部生產之柳橙運往比較冷涼之北部,貯藏在普通通風貯藏庫、窯洞貯藏庫及冷藏庫比較其效果。普通貯藏及窯洞貯藏成本低而有節能減碳之特性;研究其實用化是主要目標。 This research project involves pre-harvest methods to upgrade fruit quality, understanding the growth and quality features of new varieties, and post-harvest technologies for handling and storage of citrus fruits in order to improve the quality while extending the market period of the fruits. There are 6 experiments to be executed this year. 1. Trial of growth control treatments which may improve fruit quality and storability. 2. Studying fruit growth, quality, and storability of newly introduced citrus varieties. 3. Monitoring 2,4-D residues in 'Ponkan'mandarins and 'Liucheng' oranges after the chemical being applied at various concentrations and the fruits being stored for various periods. 4. Degreening 'Ponkan' with Ethrel in comparsion with ethylene. 5. Differences in the storability of 'Ponkan' and 'Liucheng' fruits harvested from inside vs. outside of tree canopies. 6. Storing southern grown 'Liucheng' in common ventilated storage, cave storage and cold storage located in the cooler northern area. The major goal is to test the practicality of low imput and low energy-demand common storage and cave storage for Taiwan citrus.
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