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計畫名稱: 柑桔果實發育及改良採後處理與貯藏技術之研究
計畫主持人: 蔡智賢
共同計畫主持人: 劉富文;李堂察;王怡玎
計畫編號: 102農科-9.2.2-糧-Z1(8)
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 嘉義大學
全程計畫年: 2013
關鍵字: 果實品質;新引進品種;果實生長發育;貯藏;裂果;茂谷柑;椪柑;柳橙;檸檬;品質;fruit quality;newly introduced varietiy;fruit growth and development;storage;splitting;Murcott tangor;’Ponkan’ mandarin;’Liucheng’ orange;Lemon;quality
摘要: 本年度主要針對台灣新引進之柑橘品種探討果實發育、品質、產量和貯藏性,期能提高柑橘品質和延長市場供貨期,本年度主要工作項目有七:1. 研究新引進柑橘品種果實發育、品質和貯藏特性。2. 探討砧木對新引進柑橘品種果實發育和品質之影響。 3. 研究尿素和植物荷爾蒙處理減少茂谷柑果實裂果之效果。4. 以化學藥品控梢和除去秋梢對茂谷柑裂果之影響。 5. 以相當量而且多重複的精密試驗比較柳橙在普通貯藏、窯洞貯藏與冷藏之效果。 6. 試驗不同採收期與不同貯前處理之檸檬長期貯藏之潛力。 7. 研發提早測知該年度生產高品質果實的椪柑植株,可據以採得可靠的優質外銷椪柑的技術。The aim of this research project is to studies on fruit growth development, quality and handling of newly introduced citrus cultivars in Taiwan. The goal is to produce high quality fruit and to maintain thequality for extended periods for market adjustment and expansion. There are 2 major studies scheduled for this year.1. The fruit development, quality and torage ability of newly introduced cultivar in Taiwan were evaluated.2. Studies on the fruit quality, harvest maturity, and quality of newly introduced citrus cultivar grafted on two different stocks. Studies on fruit growth and development, quality and handling of newlyintroduced citrus cultivars in Taiwan. 3. Studies on reducing splitting of ‘Murcott’ tangor fruit by urea and plant hormone treatment.4. Effects of inhibition of shoot growth chemical treatments and by autumn shoots pruning on fruit splitting will be examined. 5. Properly replicated sizable samples of ‘Liucheng’ oranges will be stored in common storage, cave storage, and cold storage; and the results and potential uses of the three types of storage facilities in long-term storage will be compared. 6. Lemons harvested at different months and received various pre-storage treatments will be stored at optimum conditions; and their storage life potentialities evaluated. 7. A study will be conducted to develop a method for early detection of Ponkan trees which produce high sugar-content fruits in the current year. Such methodcan be used by growers to pick only the highest quality Ponkans for certain export markets.
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