11 月
計畫名稱: 果樹育種、生產及採後處理之技術研發─柿豐產優質及採收後處理技術之研究 |
計畫主持人: 謝慶昌 |
共同計畫主持人: |
計畫編號: 103農科-9.2.3-糧-Z1(4) |
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會 |
計畫執行機構: 嘉義大學 |
全程計畫年: 2014 |
關鍵字: 柿;低溫貯藏;品質;Persimmon;Low Temperature Storage;Quality |
摘要: 甜柿是台灣地區高經濟的果樹之一,單位面積收益頗高,但仍有樹勢因嫁接不親和而提早老化、肥培管理沒有依據準則、疏果標準未確立、生理障礙嚴重及不耐貯運、品種太少、甜柿生理落果日益嚴重等問題,本計劃擬由A.修正真空脫澀法之溫度及時間。B.高接市田柿及蜂屋品種。C.建立鑽石蜜柿脫澀技術。D.探討甜柿生理落果之時期及原因。等面向改善栽培及處理作業,冀以獲豐產、優質及貯運力佳等經營流程。Sweet persimmon is the most important commercial fruit crop of Taiwan according to high return. The development potential for sweet persimmon in Taiwan is limited due to their incompatibility with rootstock, lacking in leaf nutrient standard, no information about crop load, serious physiological disorder, and high perishability. Our objective is to make appropriate selection from different lines for rootstock, to establish optimum leaf nutrient status and levels of crop loading, to decrease hysiological disorder in fruit by cultivation practices, and to improve postharvest handling technology. Furthermore, the management program for stable yield, high quality and storability is obtained. Taiwan's dried persimmon processing which is mainly distributed in Miaoli, Hsinchu and Chiayi region, but Chiayi has the best source of dried persimmon processing compare to Miaoli and Hsinchu , Although there is slight different in processing technology in different county, there is no obvious difference in the quality of the dried persimmon. The collection of the dried persimmon is currently and in progress, and the grafts appraisal screening method, the seasonal survival rate, and the feasibility of the cultivars for development of dried persimmon, to enhance the quality of the persimmon orchardist dried persimmon is our ultimate objective.improvement of the persimmon orchardist dried persimmon quality as the ultimate objective. Additionally, we try to improve the processing thchniques for dry fruit. |
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