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計畫名稱: 果樹育種、生產及採後處理之技術研發─因應氣候變遷果樹品種改良及栽培技術改進
計畫主持人: 謝慶昌
共同計畫主持人: 林慧玲
計畫編號: 101農科-9.2.2-糧-Z1(6)
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 中興大學園藝學系(所)
全程計畫年: 2012
關鍵字: 全球暖化;忍受性;逆境;螢光反應;離子滲漏;果樹;氣候變遷;芒果果園;網室栽培;番荔枝;鳳梨;套袋;裂果;日燒;低溫害;防護;global warming;tolerance;stress;chlorophyll fluorescence;ion leakaging;fruit tree;Climate change;Mango ochards;Nethouse culture;Sugar apple;Pineapple;Bagging;Fruit cleavag;Sun burn;Cold damage;Mitigation
摘要: 一般而言,人們欲改變氣候變遷對作物生長的影響,可以改變環境或改變植物對環境的反應,但前者所需成本極高。另外,園藝作物中蔬菜和花卉大都屬短期作物,針對氣候變遷,以改變栽植時期及栽培地區或利用簡易設施即可因應。但果樹為長期作物,自栽植至結果約需5-10年,經濟年限可達30年,所以氣候變遷對果樹產業的影響較嚴重,需提早研發因應對策。氣候變遷及暖化已有報告指出對果樹的影響有栽培地的轉移、果實品質不良(如著色不良、果實肥大、貯藏性下降、不正常後熟等)、休眠不足、開花異常、病蟲害情況改變等,其它如根群發育、果皮障礙等亦易發生。所以短期而言,會因栽培成本的增加及品質的下降,而影響農家收入及水果供應量,長期而言若無妥適的對策,將使整體果樹產業萎縮,進而使食物供應發生不足。而最有可能解決的對策即透過品種以忍受各種逆境。Recently, the impact and influence of global warming on crop production has been received a great deal of attention. In general, change of growth environmental factors and increase of plant tolerance to stress are two efficient methods for reducing the effect from global warming. It is expensive to change the environment for fruit tree production. The large size and long growing duration of fruit trees have making them difficult to change plant area or to produce under the shelter. Many reports showed that fruit quality, chilling requirement, flowering, disease and pest are affected by global warming. In the all, global warming maybe make the production decrease and the cost increase, and the fruit industry will disappear in the future. In this study, we evaluate and screen methods for stress tolerance in fruit tree in Taiwan.
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