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計畫名稱: 果樹品種改良及栽培技術改進(II)
計畫主持人: 黃鵬林
共同計畫主持人: 林宗賢;呂明雄;柯立祥;陳右人;張祖亮;楊耀祥;吳文雄;溫銘;許仁宏;鄭正勇;林慧玲;顏昌瑞;倪正柱;葉大振;陳中;張龍生;陳右人;鄧澄欣
計畫編號: 89科技-1.1-糧-66(z)
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 台灣大學園藝學系
全程計畫年: 2000
摘要: 為降低生產成本,改善果實品質與提高果樹產業競爭力,本計畫擬由相關學者專家進行下列研究:種苗繁殖技術改進、柑桔品種多元化、龍眼週年生產、香蕉品種改良、肥培改進與品質指標建立、木瓜抗病毒病遺傳力與果實品質改進、新興熱帶果樹栽培技術改進、芒果矮化與腋花穗誘引、梨與桃整枝系統改善、梨、桃與蓮霧保護栽培、楊桃與荔枝果實發育、蓮霧落果防止與果實肥大促進、與桶柑及芒果無機養分與果實品質改進等.本計畫預期能改善上述果樹的栽培技術、降低生產成本、獲得較抗病或優良品種、提高果實品質,並促進果樹產業的多元化與永續發展。To reduce production cost, improve fruit quality and enhance the competitivity of fruit industry, the related scholars and specialists propose the listed research projects. The main items of these projects are improvement on the nursery propagation, whole-year-round production of longan, variety and cultivation improvement, and establishment of quality criteria of banana, the heritability of virus-resistance and fruit-quality improvement of papaya, cultivation improvement of potential new tropical fruit crops, dwarfing and axillary flower-bud induction of mango,pruning improvement of peach and pear, protected cultivation of waxapple, pear and peach, fruit development of carambola and litchi, fruit drop prevention and fruit-size enhancement of waxapple, and the relation of mineral nutrition and fruit quality of mango and tankan. The implementation of these projects would result in of improving cultivation of the above mentioned fruit crops, reducing production cost, acquiring disease-resistant variety, improving fruit quality and increasing the sustainability fruit industry.
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