摘要: 番石榴果實富含膳食纖維及維生素C及低熱量,番石榴栽植後至結果期所需時期短,且配合修剪,已可週年生產,故能穩定供應市場所需.番石榴經由品種改良,修剪套袋等栽培措施,品質大幅提升.且目前主要栽培種果實屬為非更年型如泰國拔世紀拔及珍珠拔等,具有耐貯運特性.綜合台灣地區番石榴之特性,應具有內外銷競爭潛力.但是番石榴產業仍存在不易克服之問題,其中以品質不穩定最為嚴重,本試驗擬從營養管理著手,以提升及穩定番石榴品質為目標.擬探討: 1. 葉片無機營養狀態和果實品質之關係 2. 砧木及扞插苗對番石榴葉片營養及果實品質之影響 3. 施肥種類及時期 4. 番石榴葉片光合作用效率和品質之關係,以供育種及栽培之參考,以建立高品質之生產模式。The guava fruit is an excellent source of fiber and vitamin C, but has low energy value. It is normally consumed fresh as a dessert fruit. Guava plantlet comes into flowering and fruiting at an early age, and that could be bearing all year around by pruning and other technique. The quality of guava fruits in Taiwan was increased and improved by bagging, pruning, cultivating method, and breeding. Guava is reportedly a climacteric fruit, but some cultivars cultivated in Taiwan as "Tai-Kuo Bar", "Shyh-Jii Bar", and "Jen-Ju Bar", are exhibiting a typical non-climacteric type. The important cultivars are non-climacteric type in Taiwan and suitable for transportation in a long distance. According to the characteristic of guava in Taiwan, it has a potentiality in local market and exporting. The unstable quality is major problem in Taiwan. The objective of this experiment is to improving and stabilizing quality in guava by nutrient management. This study investigated four areas to establish the cultivation and management mode for guava. The first is the relationship between quality and leaf nutrient. The second is the effect of rootstock and cuttings on fruit quality and leaf nutrient. The third is the kinds of fertilizers for guava tree, and the fourth is the relationship between photosynthetic characteristic and fruit quality in guava cultivars. |