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計畫名稱: 果樹品種改良、栽培技術改進及採後處理應用
計畫主持人: 林棟樑
計畫編號: 97農科-4.2.2-南-N3
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 農委會台南區農業改良場作物改良課
全程計畫年: 2008
關鍵字: 貯運能力; 芒果; 選種; 鳳梨; 生理劣變; 育種; 茂谷柑; 日燒 ;storage ability; mango; Selection; pineapple; physiological disorders; Breeding; Murcott Tangerine; sunburn 
摘要: (一)持續上一年芒果品種收集,並進行抗病性檢定,同時進行控制授粉,並針對前一計畫選育出的雜交後代進行篩選與品系觀察 (二)於具有高畦及排水設施之平地茂谷柑果園,評估不同遮光強度下茂谷柑果實日燒發生率、時期、方位及果實品質分析之調查,評估最佳日燒防治方法。 (三)完成生長調節劑噴施時期與濃度對夏季鮮食鳳梨品質影響與儲運性評估,採收前及採收後噴施鈣肥對果實生理劣變發生率之調查。分析氣候(溫度)、生長調節劑及施鈣對果實品質與貯運力的影響,並探討鈣與果實生理劣變發生的關連性。 (四)1.芒果果實氣調貯藏試驗。2.木瓜、印度棗外銷貯運條件之建立。3.冬季木瓜果實寒害防止試驗。(五)芒果栽培時,常有著色不良的情形,一般認為色素的形成是與光線的照有關,除了修剪不良,促使透光性不佳外,一般尚包含其它因素。在日本栽培蘋果、葡萄,常用鋁箔板和防潮蓆覆蓋在樹冠地面增加光線反射,以促進果實成長、增加果實成熟時的色澤、降低果肉含水率而增加糖度。因此本計畫擬進行以下試驗: 一.比較Tyvek(DuPong)覆蓋在芒果畦面與傳統栽培(未有任何覆蓋)在芒果果實品質的差異性二.比較不同套袋材質對著色與果實品質的影響增加芒果色澤、甜度、提早產期,提高生產效益。1.To collect the new varieties of mange, test the disease tolerant, cross polination. 2.The high intensity irradiation in summer is the main reason that cause the sunburn of the Murcott tangerine fruit. The sunburn damage most of fruits pericarp and other fruit tissues, make the fruits lose value and bother the farmers. This experiment will evaluate the efficiency of shading process on preventing the Murcott tangerine from the sunburn. 3.The main purpose of this study is to investigate of NAA、calcium fertilizer and Potassium Sulfate on pineapple fruit,including fruit quality and storage ability.We hope to establish a reasonable application time and concentration of NAA、calcium fertilizer and Potassium Sulfate on pineapple. 4.To establish the storage condition of papaya, jujube etc.5.The color in the fruit peel is always related to the pigment formation induced by the light interception of the canopy. The more light intercepted by the fruit peel, the more pigments be formed by the fruit peel. When the cultural programs are wrong, including pruning, high plant density and so on, which reduced the light interception by the canopy may reduce the pigment formation in the fruit peel color. Mulched with the alumina plate or mulching material that increased the light reflection improved the fruit grow and the quality, including peel pigmentation and total soluble solid(TSS). So, in this plan we would like to use the mulching and bagging in the mango field to improve the mango fruit quality.
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