摘要: 柳橙果實之果汁率和可溶性固形物含量,隨果實大小遞增而遞減,種 子數目則隨果實大小遞增而遞增,果實較小,果皮亦較薄。橢圓形果實比扁圓形 果實,有較高之可溶性固形物含量和固酸比,及較低之可滴定酸含量。比重較高 之果實之可溶性固形物含量和固酸此,高於比重較柢之果實,且有略低之可滴定 酸含量。就整個果實而言,不同果實部位之品質差異甚大,近果蒂部分之可溶性 固形物含量與固酸比較近果頂部分低,近果心部分之可溶性固形物含量與固酸比 較近果皮部分低。In 'Liuchen' orange, with increasing fruit size, there was a decrease injuice content and TSS and an increase in seed number, while smaller fruits hadthinner peels. The elliptical-shaped fruits contained higher amount of TSS andTSS:TA ratio, and lower TA than oblate fruits. Fruits having higher specificgravity contained higher amount of TSS and TSS : TA ratio, and little lowerTA than fruits having lower specific gravity. In a whole fruit, the considerabledifferences in fruit quality were found among various parts of fruit. Partsnearby stem-end had lower TSS and TSS : TA ratio than parts nearby stylarend; parts nearby central stele of fruit had lower TSS and TSS : TA ratio thanparts nearby rind. |