摘要: 本年度擬評選出對番石榴及檸檬園土壤性質具良好維護及對果樹生產較有利之草種,評估其最適栽種模式供農民使用。另外,以綠肥掩施後對土壤改良效果為依據,評估對土壤性質改良效果較佳之綠肥管理模式以及對後期作的影響。預期效應如下:(1)草生栽培對番石榴及檸檬品質之影響:番石榴及檸檬栽植適當草種並經適當管理後,使土壤肥力提昇,養分吸收率提升,並減施化學肥料5-10%,番石榴果實糖度預期可提昇1-2oBrix,檸檬良率則提高3-5%。(2)種植不同種類綠肥對土壤性質改善效果研究不同綠肥掩施後對土壤性質改善效果不一,評選出較佳之綠肥種類及掩施方式。This studies in this year were conducted to eveluate the influence of weeds cultivation on the soil properties and fruits quality of guava and lemon. On the other hand, the effects of different green manure were evaluated by the improvement of soil properties and the yield and quality of post-crops. The predition of this research is as below. (1)The good weed cultivation will reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer for 5-10%, and improve the sugar degree 1-2oBrix. The good productive percentage will be improved for 3-5%. (2) By evaluating of different green manure on the post-crops, we will acquire the best model of the planting model of green manures. |