摘要: 有機茶園環境親和耕作制度之研究
有機農業研究團隊- 精緻農業- 有機紅豆及蔬菜生產體系改進之研究
調查確認臺東地區 樹豆、洛神葵及臺灣藜病蟲害種類、發生生態、地理分布及週期等相關基本資料,供有機防治技術開發之依據 。針對小米、樹豆、洛神葵及臺灣藜重要病蟲害進行非農藥管理技術試驗。
有機紅豆與馬鈴薯輪作栽培下對有機農田田間雜草相、產量及病蟲害之影響 1.春作有機紅豆、夏作綠肥與水稻及秋裡作馬鈴薯輪作制度下栽培技術之改進。 2.此輪作制度下土壤肥力、田間雜草相、農藝性狀、產量及病蟲害之探討。 3.舉辦秋裡作馬鈴薯栽培技術管理講習與示範觀摩會。建構有機紅豆與馬鈴薯之輪作制度,並對春作有機紅豆栽培技術之改進,建立春作有機紅豆之生產模式,夏作則配合旱作綠肥種植與水田水稻種植,兩者收穫後,種植秋裡作有機馬鈴薯,進一步了解種植水稻與種植綠肥後對後作馬鈴薯田間雜草相、病蟲害與產量之影響。以建立有機紅豆與有機馬鈴暑之生產模式,提供有機農戶栽培兩種作物之參考。 玉米及豆科作物不同輪作系統對有機栽培農田土壤肥力及作物生產之影響(3/3) 本研究的目的在探討玉米及豆科作物不同輪作系統對有機栽培農田土壤肥力及作物生產之影響,試驗結果將提供農友實施有機栽培時之參考依據。 選育具遺傳多樣性適合有機蘿蔔栽培用品系和種子生產術技術有機農業已進展到不是只用有機農法栽培,尚推薦用遺傳多樣性的OP品種,因為遺傳多樣性的OP品種可以適應未來環境變遷的逆境,而且遺傳多樣性等同營養多樣性是有機食品比較營養主要原因,本試驗供試蘿蔔材料都是OP品系, 蘿蔔屬低溫敏感型作物,所以蘿蔔採種時植株或肉質根需要接受低溫完成春化作用才能開花,然後在12 小時以上長日照就可以開花結種子,因此適合於台灣低溫季節採種。本試驗擬從已蒐集的蘿蔔品系中選拔(A)有機根菜用蘿蔔品系和採種試驗。(B)有機芽菜用蘿蔔品系和種子生產試驗。本年度擬進行春化處理試驗1.成株採種法:選成熟品質好的肉質蘿蔔根進行低溫春化處理,2.半成株採種法:選用採收時蘿蔔的肉質根未充分膨大但已呈現品種特徵的蘿蔔進行低溫春化處理,3.小株採種法:種植蘿蔔經冬天自然低溫春化後開花結籽。 洋蔥有機栽培和採收後處理貯藏技術改進國人對有機洋蔥有需求強烈,但國內生產的洋蔥不足,所以市面販售的有機洋蔥大多進口品,而且多屬於辣洋蔥並不適合國人口味,所以本計畫目的為改進傳統洋蔥栽培成為有機洋蔥有機農法栽培,並且發展洋蔥鱗莖貯藏技術,以期能全年供應台灣有機洋蔥需求。 擬進行的試驗項目如下: 1、極早種植對產量和採收期的影響。 2、種植密度對洋蔥產量、品質的影響。 3、癒傷處理時間和貯藏溫度對貯藏能力的影響。 4、鮮煮小洋蔥(boiling onion)於夏季生產技術開發。 利用天然植物資材開發作物炭疽病非農藥防治技術有機栽培管理為目前作物生產的趨勢,本研究目的主要為開發臺東地區經濟栽培作物之炭疽病有機防治技術。本計畫將分二階段研究期程1.收集並篩選在地歸化或強勢生長植物-大花咸豐草等進行精油及純露萃取,以建立作物炭疽病防治技術1-2種,利用篩選植物材料所萃取出的精油露,對炭疽病菌抑菌效果進行分析。2.收集臺東地區重要經濟作物之炭疽病菌,並完成作物炭疽病之調查及炭疽病菌分離鑑定系統的建立。預期利用本研究之初步結果,發展出新穎且安全的栽培技術以應用於有機栽培管理。 紅龍果規模化生態營造有機生產技術之建立有機農業定義於「在土壤生態系統內,設計優良生產力和多樣化社群適應性,包括土壤生物、植物、家畜和人類的整體系統。有機生產主要目標是發展人類、植物、和動物永續和諧共存的產業」。推動有機栽培農法其目的以維護環境生態的穩定與和諧外,尚可確保糧食生產安全,推廣非單一作物之栽培方式,以多元化混植作物管理,實為有機栽培農法之精神。本計畫為達成此研發推廣目標,計畫在明道大學有機農場開闢0.4公頃做為試驗區,計畫種植200株紅肉種紅龍果與台農二號木瓜560株為主要栽種作物,整合此兩種經濟果樹,建立規模化有機果樹栽培體系,執行有機栽培綜合管理之適時、適地,合乎經濟與生態法則的採納作物輪作法,注重田間衛生管理,加強培育健康種苗,有機肥培與雜草管理等。經由此研究計畫與在地產銷班農民之合作關係,舉辦在地農民學堂,邀請專家學者演講、示範、觀摩與討論,以提升農民有機果樹栽培認知。 國產有機大豆機能化產品研發及其機能成分、品質提升技術評估近年國內食安事件頻傳,大都已原料、添加物為問題主軸,由於國內非原料生產國,許多生產原料大都以進口為主,如何確保其安全性、消費者安心,一直是重要挑戰及努力的方向。近年國產&有機農作物、農產品成為國人消費之重心及指標,尤以大豆飲品化製品:有機豆漿、豆腐製品成為市場新寵,但一般市場反應製品常有「臭菁味」,另品項少一直是待突破之問題及核心技術。本計畫之研究內容包含下列: 1.有機大豆-組成分及機能成分分析 2 有機大豆-機能全豆漿(全粒)試製及品質評估 3.有機大豆-機能發芽豆漿研發及機能成分分析 4.有機大豆-機能全豆發酵乳及懸浮技術研發 5.有機大豆-機能大豆奶酪試製及質地、口感修飾 6.有機大豆-機能大豆(奶)布丁研發
期能建立茄子有機栽培之管理模式,掌握使用有機栽培方式對茄子產量及品質之影響,穩定有機茄子之生產,提升產品價值以維持產業競爭力。The Study on Environment-Friendly Farming System in Organic Tea Garden
Be a reference for the process of tea production tea garden soil carbon footprint calculation of chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers, planting green manure crops and generated net virgin soil treated carbon dioxide monitoring.
Application of liquid fertilizer fermentation
一、The farmers often apply organic liquid fertilizer to nutrient supplement, it's usually using soybean meal for high nitrogen fermentation liquid fertilizer manufacturing for foliar spray or watered soil fertilization.Application of organic liquid fertilizer can increase and improve the tea yield, unit bud density ,hunder-bud weight and enhance its growth rate (2010, shang).Theanine is one of important amino acids of tea, accounting for total free amino acids of tea leaf 50%.The precursor of theanine is glutamate,so we want to select the strains with the high protease activity by the glutamate content of organic liquid fertilizer as the target for the increase mainly affect the taste of the tea - theanine.We hope to develop the applicable high nitrogen liquid fertilizer fermentation bacteria, to improve the quality of tea to increase the income of farmers
Study on the improvement of organic cultural technique of horticulture crops in Hualien area.
The organic top dressing technique of wentan pomelo, the organic inter cropping technique of water bamboo and the integrative organic fertilization test of kumquat will be carried out. It is expected to have 3 organic techniques for wentan pomelo, water bamboo and kumquat to be established.
Farmscaping and habitat manipulation for conserving natural enemies in organic farm
It is supposed to finish the construction model of habitat manipulation in pamelo orchard. Continuous research and development and active promotion of organic cultivation techniques are required. We work for researching and extending new botanical materials for pest management. We add in the study on agroecosystem and dedicate to research and construct many field trials.
Research Team of Organic Agriculture-Monitoring of Soil Property and Crops Production on the Longterm Organic Farming
This longterm project will focused on the effect of different farmings, rotatin systems and green manure crops on soil property and crop yield. In this experiment, three farmings (chemical, intermediate and organic) and two rotation systems (R1-lowland and upland crop rotation; R2-upland crop rotation) will be adopted and make up to six treatments. R1 system is a combination of paddy rice in spring and summer, and vegetables in autumn. However, R2 system is a combination of sweet corn in spring, sesbania in summer and vegetables in autumn adopted. In chemical farming, traditional amount of chemical fertilizers will be applied. In organic farming, no chemical fertilizers are applied but totally replaced with organic fertilizers. In intermediate farming, 50% chemical and 50% organic fertilizers are mixed and used. Pesticide-free field management will be used to control the pests, diseases and weeds. Development, quality and yielding of crops, main pests and diseases, and change of soil properties will be investigated.
Research Team of Organic Agriculture-Refined Agriculture-Improvement of Organic Red Bean and Vegetables Production System
According to the results of long-term organic farming and vegetables production experiments in greenhouse, this program aims to provide integrate information of pest management and crop production system. The major works are the establishment of organic bean production system for organic farmers to decrease the cost of pest control. In addition, the establishment of constitutive vegetables production and the fruit and vegetable prodution system in greenhouse will be improved by modifying the planting methods and establishing economic prodution modle.
Establishment of rotation management system for the diseases and pests on organic characteristic crops in Taitung
To investigate the pests of the pigeon pea, roselle, and Chenopodium formosana, including the species identification, population dynamics, geographic distribution, and life cycle, for control them by organic techniques. Test the techniques for major pests on pigeon pea, roselle, and Chenopodium formosana.
Study on integrated management techniques for organic farming in Mesona
In this study is breeding seedling for organic cultivation of Mesona, building the kind of Mesona organic cultivation of organic fertilizer formulations and the recommended application .
Study of pest control by natural enemies attraced plants in tankan tangor orchard
In conventional farming system of fruit, it is often dependent on chemicals when the pests were occurred. It will hurt other beneficial insects and orchard ecosystem at the same time. The objective of this work is to examine natural enemies attracted plants in tankan tangor orchard and assessing their effects on pests control, fruit quality and yield.
Studies on Organic Culture Techniques of Pitaya – Studies on the Honeydew of Flower Bud Formation and Management in Pitaya
Pitaya was a tropical fruit, which had specific flavor, color and strong vigor, so it could adopt organic farming. But, the honeydew of flower bud was problem in pitaya cultivation and management. It could cause the sooty mould in pitaya. Therefore, this project studied the effects of the honeydew formation of fruit buds and fruit on different nitrogen and water treatment.
Study of organic materials for disease control applied to seed coating
Several suitable materials that are allowed to use in organic farming will be selected for disease control and seed coating on maize seeds and an easy seed coating method will be developed in this project. This seed coating method could be operated by organic farmers to control downy mildew and sheath blight of maize.
Influence of Long Term Application of Organic Compost on Vegetable and Soil Quality
This experiment will be conducted to assess the effects of long-term application of six organic fertilizer treatments (Cattle dung compost, pig dung compost, chicken dung compost, pea residue compost, soybean cake and those organic fertilizers by turns) on vegetables quality, balance of soil nutrient and accumulation of soil heavy metal. It is expected that the result of this study can help management of soil and fertility on organic vegetable culture.
Developing an Organic Production System for Sweet Persimmon
This year research work with understand the effect of lime sulfur and narrow-range oil of sweet persimmon disease and pest control, different organic fertilizer and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria effect on the quality and yield of persimmon fruit.
Establishment of Organic Rice-Wheat Cropping System in Northern Taiwan
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of rice and upland crop rotation systems on the soil physical property, fertility, the density of weeds, disease and insect pest, and crop yield. To assess the benefit of rice-wheat cropping system for the best culture management method to farmers.
Study of rotation system on organic continuous harvest vegetable cultivation
This project aims to evaluate the impacts on continues harvesting vegetable which is grown under different organic rotation systems. Through the rotation management between different continuous harvest vegetable crops, the damage of pest would be alleviated. Moreover, the effects of different organic rotation system on yield, soil fertility and pest frequency well be evaluated as well.
Studies of different mixed cropping combinations in organic orchard
This experiment was aimed to increase the success rate of the conversion from conventional orchard to organic orchard by evaluating the effects of different mixed cropping combinations of fruit trees.
R & D and Commecialization of Organic Farming , Processing , Materials , and Seed
Effect of rotation cultivation on weed species ,pests and diseases the agronomic Characters andyield of organic Vigna angularis and potato. 1. Spring for organic beans, green manure and rice improvement and autumn in the rotation system for the next potato cultivation techniques for the summer. 2. The rotation system of soil fertility, weed phase, investigate agronomic traits, yield and plant diseases and pests. 3. Autumn Lane held for potato cultivation technology management workshops and demonstration demonstrations. Construction of the rotation system of organic red beans and potato, and spring for the improvement of organic beans cultivation techniques, the establishment of the spring for organic beans production model for the summer with the rainfed paddy rice cultivation and planting green manure, the latter two harvest, planted in autumn for organic potatoes, to learn more about the cultivation of rice and potato planting green manure weed after aftercrop phase, the impact of pests and yield. Effects of different corn-bean rotation system on soil ferfility and crop production for organic farming(3/3) The purpose of this experiments is to evaluate the effects of different corn-bean rotation system on soil ferfility and crop production for organic farming. The results will be a guide for farmers to undertake organic cultivation. Developing genetic diversity cultivars and organic seed production of radish for organic farming Organic agriculture has been required to plant organic seed/seedling, and OP cultivars are also superior recommended for organic farming due to OP cultivars are much genetic diversity and may tolerance to stress environment, as well as The products of OP cultivars are much health for human due to much nutrient from diversity. In the research program, 41 OP cultivars of radish introduced around the world will be selected for root vegetable and baby radish use. For seed production, plants or roots of plant are required to low temperature application for meeting requirement of vernalization, then plant flowering in long day for seed production. these cultivars/lines of radish are selected for root vegetable and baby radish, the plants, unmature root, and mature roots will be harvest, then accept a period of low temperature for meeting vernalization requirement, finally these plants will be planted on field during low temperature season for seed production. Improving organic farming and postharvesting of onion production The market of organic foods is going up year by year in Taiwan, the organic onion is also demanded very strong now, bu the organic onion production is very small in Taiwan and most of orgnaic onion is imported from overseas, but its quality and taste of organic can not meet Taiwan's people. In the Research the orgainc farming of onion production will be developed and organic postharvest technology too. Final the organic onion products expected may supply the local market yeararound with combination of organic farming and postharvest technololgy in organic onion production. The research project will include the following topics 1. Influences of early raising organic onion sets and transplanting on onion yield and quality. 2. Influence of plant density on yield, quality and storage of onion. 3. The curing time and storage temperature influence on storage of onion. 4. Developing the cultivation technology of boiling onion production in summer. Development of non-pesticide cultivated techniques using plant materials to control Colletotrichum spp. associate with anthracnose on crops \\\\\\\\"Organic agriculture\\\\\\\\" is one of main agricultural trends in crop management and production. The objectives of this project are establishing disease management techniques of crops in Taitung county in Taiwan. Two progresses of this project focus on 1.selection of local and effective plant materials including Bidens pilosa plants etc. for essential oil extraction, and analysis of the inhibiting efficiency of anthracnose in vitro and in vivo with essential oil and organic extracts using prepared nonpesticide materials; 2.orchard survey, isolation and identification of anthracnose in Taitung. Subsequently, development of newly and safety cultivated techniques conform to \\\\\\\\"Organic agriculture\\\\\\\\". Scale-up environment-friendly organic production in dragon fruit Organic agriculture is “a production system that is managed in accordance with the Act and regulations in this part to respond to sitespecific conditions by integrating cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote Ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity”. Organic agricultural production benefits the environment by using earth-friendly agricultural methods and practices which can also assure the food security. For the furtherance of non-single crop cultivation, diversified crops were cultivated in organic farm. It is a good opinion that in this project can be done. The main research work we conducted during this project duration was emphasized on diversified cultivation and integrated production technologies for 0.4 hectare organic dragon fruits and papaya orchard of MingDao University Campus. This plan will plant 200 seedlings of dragon fruits and 560 plants of Tainone No 2 papaya to be as the main crop. A integrated techniques can provide acceptable control through the crop rotation, health and epidemic prevention, health seedling propagation, organic fertilizer and weed management of several methods that may be less or not effective when used alone, while also spreading the risk and energy inputs required to manage weeds across a greater number of weeding options. A further benefit may be a reduced exposure to mechanisms that promote pest resistance. Through this research and demonstration, diverse approach to organic farmer requires a considerable amount of skill for successful implementation. Development of functional products made by domestic organic soy bean and evaluation the technology of enhancing its functional component and quality In recent years, domestic food security event of success, have largely raw materials and additives for the problem spindle, the domestic non-raw material producing countries, many raw materials are mainly imported mostly, how to ensure their safety, consumers peace of mind, has been an important challenge and effort direction. In recent years, domestic & organic crops, agricultural products become the focus and indicators of domestic consumption, especially of soy beverage products: organic soy milk, tofu products, a market favorite, but the general market reaction products often \\\\"stinking smell Jing\\\\", other food items have been lessand core issues to be a breakthrough technology. The contents of this project include the following: 1. Organic soybeans - Composition grade performance component analysis 2 organic soybeans - functioning whole milk (whole grain) trial production and quality assessment 3. Organic soybean - performance development and function germination milk composition analysis 4. Organic soybean - functional fermented milk and whole bean suspension technology research and development 5. organic soybeans - soy cheese trial function and texture, taste modification 6. organic soybeans - functional soy (milk) pudding from the water development.
Study on organic culture of eggplant
To establish organic cultivation of eggplant management, grasp the effect on the yield and quality of organic cultivation of the eggplant. Stable production of organic eggplant, enhance product value in order to maintain the industrial competitiveness. |