摘要: 1. 本試驗係明瞭外銷鮮鳳梨之成熟度與船運溫度間之關係,以爲決定船運溫度之依據而舉行,故模仿外銷鮮鳳梨船運及抵達日本銷售市場之全殷過程而設計者,三種果實之成熟度爲:綠熟、半熟與成熟。四種船運溫度爲:5℃、10℃、15℃及室溫(23-38℃),冷藏時間爲5天,而後全部搬回室溫貯藏,自此後每隔2天予以調查一次。 2. 綠熟及半熟果,在搬回室溫以後均能成熟,但其成熟速率,則受冷藏溫度高低之影響以15℃冷藏之果實,較之5℃與10℃冷藏之果實,其成熟期約早1~2天。 3 經5℃處理之三種成熟度,其果實於搬回室溫時之可供出售全部日數,較其他三種冷藏溫度爲多。但自果實成熟後之可供出售日數,則5℃、10℃及15℃三種冷藏溫度之間無甚差異。 4. 綠熟果之全部可供出售日數,在各種成熟度中可算爲最長者,但自果實成熟後可供出售日數,反較半熟與成熟果爲短。 5. 綠熟果不適於供作外銷,因其於室溫時之進行後熟作用並不正常,僅皮色與肉色變黃,只是形色上之成熟,而實際關係品質之糖度與酸分早在採果時便已確定,無法轉變,致使果肉品質無法變好。 6. 半熟果之品質,雖亦不及成熟果,但較綠熟果爲佳,且其保持可供出售之日數較成熟果爲多,故可謂最理想之外銷成熟度,其船運溫度則以5℃到10℃爲宜。 7. 成熟果之品質雖最佳,但其維持可供出售之日數較短,故除非於銷售地有把握到達8~10天內售完,否則不宜供作外銷,如須採用成熟果,則其船運冷藏溫度應降低爲5℃爲宜。o improve the shipping condition and fruit keeping qualities of pine-apples for the fresh fruit market in Japan, an experiment of different picking stages and temperatures during shipping on the shelf life of the fruits was carried out. There were three stages of maturity and four storage temperatures using for this experiment. After 5 days, all the storaged fruits were removed to room temperature as a simulated market in Japan. The fruits were examined immediately upon removal and s-day intervals thereafter. Results of this experiment may be summarized as follows: 1. All the mature green and 1/2 rips fruits ripened after being removed to room temperature, but the rate of ripening was depending on the storage temperature. Fruits stored at 15℃ ripened 1 to 2 days, earlier than those stored at 5℃ and 10℃. 2. In the storage of 5℃, the duration of fruit shelf life was more longer than those of other three temperatures but the number of days of fruit remained salable after they ripened, were almost same among the three storage temperatures. 3. The total shelf life of mature green fruit was the longest at all stage of ripeness of fruits, but the number of days fruit remained salable after they ripened, 1/2 ripe and ripe fruit was longer than that of the mature green fruit. 4 Mature green stage fruit should not be shipped, because they might not normally ripened even at room temperature. 5. Although the quality of 1/2 ripe fruit was not superior to the ripe fruits, the 1/2 ripeness of fruit was the most suitable maturity for export due to their longer salable days. The best temperature for this picking stage fruits should be kept at 5℃ to 10℃ during shipping. 6. Owing to the beat quality and shorter shelf life, the ripe fruits should be shipped and sold out within 8-10 days, under the most optimum temperature of 5℃ curing shipping. |