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論文名稱: 應用擬康氏木黴菌與液化澱粉芽孢桿菌在不同設施環境下對草莓生長之影響
研究生姓名: 王珈真
指導教授姓名: 李滋泰
出版年: 2021
學校名稱: 國立中興大學
系所名稱: 農業企業經營管理碩士在職專班
關鍵字: 擬康氏木黴菌;液化澱粉芽孢桿菌;草莓;Trichoderma pseudokoningii;Bacillus amyloliquefaciens;strawberry
摘要: 民國105年霸王寒流引發降雪,又遇接連颱風來襲,使草莓農民苦不堪言,使用設施可以減緩異常氣候造成的風險,又因栽培過程中農藥的高度使用,令消費者感到憂心,近來興起使用具有高安全性的微生物製劑。本研究使用液化澱粉芽孢桿菌(以下簡稱芽孢桿菌)、擬康氏木黴菌(以下簡稱木黴菌)及兩者複合微生物菌液(以下簡稱複方菌),探討在不同設施環境下,利用微生物菌液對於草莓生長及品質之影響。試驗結果顯示,以草莓產果量而言,露天大於溫室;在平均果重方面,溫室草莓以複方菌液的果重大於其他處理者,而露天草莓裡,有施用菌液者均大於沒有施用菌液者,其中又以芽孢桿菌液為最佳;果實糖度在露天栽培中有施菌液處理顯著高於未處理者,而在溫室栽培裡差異並不顯著;在葉綠素計值,露天栽培中以複方菌液量高於對照組,在溫室栽培裡有施菌液處理與對照組無顯著差異。整體而言,不論是在溫室或是露天環境,在第4、8週之間以不同菌液施用於草莓對於生育性狀調查中包含葉長、葉幅、葉面積,有施菌液處理者均較對照組有更佳的生長趨勢亦達顯著差異,又以溫室環境優於露天栽培,在第12週時草莓的生育性狀有生長趨勢延緩之情形,所以在溫室環境並無顯著差異,在露天環境之第12週的葉面積有施菌處理組和對照組皆有顯著差異,葉柄長在溫室栽培第4、8、12週之間有施菌處理組大於對照組,且均有顯著差異,又以芽孢桿菌表現為佳,露天方面則是第12週時芽孢桿菌液與複方菌液兩者顯著高於對照組,冠部直徑在溫室第4、8、12周之間無顯著差異,而露天則是芽孢桿菌液與複方菌液兩者顯著高於對照組,草莓葉片數之影響,溫室環境顯示施用複方菌液處理組與對照組之間,有顯著差異,在露天環境則是施用木黴菌液與對照組有顯著差異。由試驗結果顯示,溫室環境以複方菌液具有較佳的草莓生育性,在露天方面以芽孢桿菌及複方菌液亦有較好的植物生育發展及較好的產量。In 2016, cold wave caused a snowfall, and strawberry farmers suffered from the followed typhoons. The use of facilities can reduce the risk of abnormal climate. And in recent years, the microbial agents with high safety rise gradually, because the consumers worry about the use of pesticide in strawberry’s cultivation. This research uses Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Trichodermam, and mixed formulation of microbial agents to evaluate the effects of microbial agent for strawberry’s growth and quality under different environment. Based on this research, the test result shows production of open field cultivation is higher than greenhouse cultivation. In average fruit weight, strawberries from the group which was applied mixed formulation of microbial agents are heavier than other conditions, and compare to the strawberries from open field, the effects of using microbial agent are better than the one without microbial agents, especially Bacillus amyloliquefaciens group. For fruit sweetness, strawberries grew with microbial agent in open field are sweeter than the one without microbial agent. However, the differences are not obvious in greenhouse cultivation. For chlorophyll value, mixed formulation of microbial agents is higher than untreated group in the open field. There is no obvious difference between the result of using and not using microbial agent in greenhouse. Overall, no matter in greenhouse or open field, in the period of the 4th week and the 8th week, the result of using different microbial agents on strawberry is better than not using, especially leave length、leave amplitude and area of leave. Besides, the result of greenhouse cultivation is better than the result in open field. In the 12th week, strawberry’s growth slowed down, so there is no obvious difference after 12th week in the green house. On the contrary, there is an obvious difference for area of leave between the result of using and not using microbial agent. And among the 4th、 8th 、12th week, the leave length of strawberries which were applied microbial agent is longer than the strawberries without microbial agent in the greenhouse, and effect of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens is the best. In open field, the result of applying Bacillus amyloliquefaciens or mixed formulation microbial agents is better than not applying in the 12th week. Cap diameter has no difference among the 4th、 8th 、12th week in the greenhouse. However, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and mixed formulation of microbial agents has better effect in the open field. In the 12th week, regarding the effect of microbial agent for fresh leave weight and dry leave weight, the effect of applying Bacillus amyloliquefaciens is better than not applying in the greenhouse. However, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and mixed formulation of microbial agents have better effects in the open field. The experiment shows, the strawberries which were applied mixed formulation microbial agents in the greenhouse have obvious effects for the number of leaves compare to others. And the strawberries with Trichodermam in the open field show big difference compared to others. As a conclusion, mixed formulation microbial agents can improve the growth of strawberries in the greenhouse. As for open field, bacillus and mixed formulation microbial agents help the growth of strawberries and increase the production as well.
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